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For those of you who don't know in real life, I am a fourteen year old who lives in the U.S. I'm a freshman in high school. Personality wise, I've actually become rather shy. I find it hard talking to people(especially people I don't know), mostly because I'm afraid I'll say something stupid. But, be warned: if you actually manage to get me talking, I probably won't shut up.

I love music. I'll listen to nearly anything as long as I think it sounds good. I'm in band, and I freakin' love it. Everybody in band is insanely awesome(especially the flutes!). I don't like being in A-block(and I almost thought of quitting when I was put there), but I deal with it.
Also, I love to draw, but I'm not nearly as good as my friends are.....

I guess I'll put my likes and dislikes here.....

Things I like:

-Video games:
---Poke'mon, DDR, Legend of Zelda, Kirby, Super Smash Bros. Melee, Okami, Nintendogs, Animal Crossing, Final Fantasy...the list goes on.
-Anime/Manga/TV Shows/Movies:
---(Blargh...still working on this. D:<)
---Eragon, Inkheart, Harry Potter, Narnia, Alice in Wonderland
Drawing, music, band, flutes(<3), writing, pop rocks, silly string, homestarrunner.com, animals, poke'mon, mudkips, Japanese folklore, dragons, sticky notes, marshmellows, other random stuff, and last but not least...my friends!

Things I dislike:

Spiders, mosquitos, gnats(and pretty much any other kind of bug), dumb people, Dora the Explorer, the Disney Channel, Girl Scouts, people who won't shut up during a movie, nearly all the people at school, math, history, cafeteria food, the Chatterbox, my crappy computer, cleaning, being alone, disease, death...


Viewing 12 of 19 friends


Cloudy's Notebook

Just random stuff I feel like writing about....



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

Sir Blanchette

Report | 11/21/2007 7:56 am

Sir Blanchette

-bludgeons with cabbage-
Gemini alchemist

Report | 10/07/2007 5:23 pm

Gemini alchemist



So, I chose my costume! But it costs $50 ;-;

I'm working for it.
Cloudy Kitsune

Report | 09/30/2007 7:53 pm

Cloudy Kitsune


Why what?

Gemini alchemist

Report | 09/23/2007 2:20 pm

Gemini alchemist



Report | 08/22/2007 10:00 am


thanks for the purchase!
Blood Ashes

Report | 08/12/2007 10:52 am

Blood Ashes

User Image Which one?
Cloudy Kitsune

Report | 08/09/2007 4:56 pm

Cloudy Kitsune

No, be a "meanie" all you want (not to me though!).

Gemini alchemist

Report | 08/08/2007 8:02 pm

Gemini alchemist



Pants are for squares!

*leaps at Sir Bla*

Dun be a meanie!
Sir Blanchette

Report | 08/08/2007 7:59 pm

Sir Blanchette

Oh nooooez!

He e-kicked me in the crotch!

What ever shall I do?

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Cloudy Kitsune

Report | 08/07/2007 3:39 pm

Cloudy Kitsune

@Atrum: Thanks!

@Sir Bla: Ummm...right...

I swear, I'm surrounded by crazy people

@Dud:Is such immature behaviour really needed? Geez, you're gonna be in freakin' 8th grade and you're reacting to a joke like that...



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I'm planning to open a shop this summer; please visit the interest thread!