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coco puffz lady

coco puffz lady's avatar

Last Login: 08/23/2024 8:11 pm

Registered: 08/10/2006

Gender: Female

Location: WA [state]

Birthday: 10/12

Occupation: Warehouse Worker~

About Me

Hurro! My name is Judith but you can call me Jude o3o

I am an easy-going girl that likes to be weird and have fun.



*My bf, Josh


*Waffles with peanut butter & syrup


*Dr. Pepper


*The color purple

*Playing games

*Getting free art


Here are the arts that I've bought or gotten for free:

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~Art by: ai loveletter
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~Art by fifi
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~Art by: Zilla-TheGreat
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~Art by: o_OLalabyLillyO_o
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~Art by: iWeirdOso
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~Art by: Iserane
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~Art by: GimmeHug



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my AWESOMENESS journal!!!

plz, STALK away :B


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Unfkwitable Report | 08/18/2019 12:50 pm
Beanie Baebie Report | 10/12/2018 8:54 am
Happy Birthday girly!!!! Hope your doing alright and enjoy your bday!!! heart
I sorry I quit here Report | 04/28/2016 6:55 pm
IKR!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Im addict to movies but my wallet says no more rofl
It looks cute tho!!!!!!! sorry it keeps fading on you emo
lol well at least it works right!? my old one literally started to crap out on me and it started to reset itself i think it was possessed rofl
you are so welcome!!!!
sorry i havnt been on much!!!! I get on sometimes on the phone app but it doesnt let me do comments cuz it sooooo limited rolleyes
Beanie Baebie Report | 04/13/2016 6:39 pm
otays lol
yupyup! everything is going good :3 we are going to an anime/gaming convention this weekend!!!!! I am super excited even tho idk what to wear XD
aaaahhhh otays :3 jw sorry if im being nosey cat_lol oh funfun! yes yes buses are wayyyyy cheaper! I had to take a bus from Chicago IL to Minneapolis MN and it was only about 25-30$ and a friend picked me up and gas was cheaper too! versus a plane from Chicago to Sioux Falls SD at approx. 120+$ cat_sweatdrop
Beanie Baebie Report | 03/28/2016 6:33 pm
I try XD I am so clumsy sometimes with out even knowing it cat_sweatdrop
yea lol 6 months now cat_3nodding all is going good with it too tho! this is the first BF that i've lived with lol so far so good tho cat_3nodding so no worries over here I promise
lol thats alright tho!!!! my BF and I have been watching alot of randoms XD
awwww so you live on your own ? I hardly have the time to see my rents either lol so i feel ya i am the same cat_ninja I am either at work or at home watching something and sleeping XD
I sorry I quit here Report | 03/24/2016 10:11 am
this is true! rofl One of the theaters here for 3D is $14.50 burning_eyes and i think the Real D XD 3D is like $17 something talk2hand but I have gone.... hehe some movies I will go for that price like once a year rofl as a treat kinda wink
okay! I can't wait to see!!!! emotion_kirakira
IKR it's (almost not really) like having a professional camera rofl but not really XD just almost XDDD I just like to think so wink
That would be so awesome!!!!! I have like 2 or 3 that I can think of right off the top of my head XD your one of them emotion_hug
Beanie Baebie Report | 03/24/2016 8:08 am
lol yays!!!! heart heart
oh I have been better lol I ended up getting hurt at work cuz im so short so i ended up puling a muscle AND pinching a nerve in my shoulder lifting and reaching way above my height cat_sweatdrop
but other than that! i have been pretty good! my BF moved in with me cat_blaugh its been nice! we have a few bickers here and there but thats normal lol
I am almost caught up on The Walking Dead and Supernatural! lol random cat_whee
How about chu!?
I sorry I quit here Report | 03/23/2016 9:24 am
oh im super jelly!!!!! i wish we had a 2$ theater whee
it would be nice if hair color at least lasted alittle longer tho dramallama
i like it! the camera is really nice and crisp clear!!!!! heart heart
thank yous!!!1 emotion_hug
yay! i am so heppeh! emotion_kirakira its nice to have friends even on the internets emotion_dowant i still think it would be awesome to meet! emotion_awesome
Beanie Baebie Report | 03/21/2016 6:15 pm
Well it really does look better!!!! cat_3nodding
cat_blaugh cat_whee cat_4laugh you are sososososososooooooo welcome!!!!!!!! I'm am so happy to help a fellow purple lover out and an awesome friend out!!!!!!! emotion_bigheart emotion_kirakira emotion_yatta emotion_brofist emotion_dowant emotion_hug emotion_bigheart
Beanie Baebie Report | 03/19/2016 2:08 am
Okie dokie!!! I will edit them when I get on my laptop ^^ thanks for the tip!!!!! heart


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Become a bestie,
Besties forever [♥]"