
Condright Vaughn's avatar

Gender: Female

Birthday: 07/27

AlL I hAvE


Hii, I'm JacKii aNd 14 y3arS olD. I <3 SoCc3r aNd gOiinG ouT wiiTh fRii3nDz.My hObBii3s ar3 'GoiiNg tO ciiN3mA' XD, ShoPpiinG,SocC3r,Frii3nDz aNd sOm3... moR3... I'v3 blOnd hAiir, blu3 3y3s aNd biig 1.66 Am! X) My b3sT fRii3nDs naM3 iis 'T3hru', sh3s H3r3 On GaiiA tOo, aDd sh3!! X] Sh3's a R3alLy niiC3 frii3Nd!!!^^ My FavoRiiT3 BanDs ar3: Liinkiin ParK, 3OH!3,SiimpL3 PLan,MsI anD so On... -->I liiv3 iin Virgiinia<-- I r3aLly Liik3 CanDy, My fRii3nDz ar3 MY BubBl3 GumS anD aL3x iis My LoLly X3 Ev3ry Day wh3n I'm aT my Pc I h3ar my MusiiC:HouS3 X) For Th3 FiirsT tiim3 ThaT was AlL I can T3lL ;D

WhAt...AsK XDD

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destiny hope harmony Report | 03/13/2009 9:48 pm
destiny hope harmony
Try this out this is really works! send this to 

5 people - 50g

10 people - 1k

15 people - 10k

27 people -29k

then press ctrl + w

when the window closed, login again your account and check your gold amount!!

destiny hope harmony Report | 03/09/2009 12:46 am
destiny hope harmony
hey i saw u in my friends and i dont remember adding u and im wondering this cuz i have too many friends that i dont even know or remember that i added
destiny hope harmony Report | 03/09/2009 12:45 am
destiny hope harmony
post this message on 3 profiles then press ALT+F4 u will get 1 million gold + and angelic halo
snowgirl30 Report | 12/18/2008 8:48 am
hey du sprichst ja deutsch!! das ist gut!! wie geht's dir?
jakkie 123 Report | 08/28/2008 11:24 am
jakkie 123
Hi what r u up to
cookies87817 Report | 08/26/2008 9:51 am
ok kool..... smile
cookies87817 Report | 08/26/2008 7:20 am
hi thanx 4 tha add.... how uv bin? smile




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SoOo...I wAnT tO GrEeT mY FrIenZz :-*

I <3 YoU mEy BaBesS X3X3X3