Confident Conformist

Confident Conformist's avatar

Last Login: 09/16/2021 5:38 pm

Registered: 07/28/2007

Gender: Male

Location: Where the lulz are.

Birthday: 07/14/1985

Occupation: Lulzing.


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Lol. Only stupid people don't adhere to labels. Labels make worlds go 'round.

Currently conforming to... Everything.

Who am I? Awesome. Better than most of you, anyway. Etc etc, ego rubbing, etc...

Age? 17, and even with all your experience you can't be better than me. And since I'm constantly becoming more cool, you'll never even see a chance even if you reincarnate, like, fifty kajillion times.

Hobbies? Mirror-watching, teh weightliftz, mirror-watching (And by mirror-watching, I mean looking at myself in the mirror).

I could also be a mule. Of who? Read the clues. ninja


Fo' realz, nowz:

I'm pretty big on family, and I'm proud to say that I'd make an awesome daddy (For certain people in a certain community, that counts for you, too. ninja ).

You may think I'm mean, or that my opinions are pretty unorthodox and partially insulting to other views on life, both in the online (nerd) and the media world, but you have to realize that I'm smart enough to understand that. Which means that everything I believe in, not only do I believe in it strongly, but I've realized that it'll offend a lot of people, both "conformists" as well as "against the crowd" people. Hell, there's a reason why my name's conformist: I believe in the 'idea' of conformity (to an extent).

I'm rude, mean, and obnoxious; that only means that when you become friends with me, you realize that you've gone a long way and that you're cooler and more powerful than most people. So be proud if you're on my good list. ninja

Ciao, luvzorz, hugz and spanksies, etc.

PS: If you're moderately literate, feel free to message me on Gaia or AIM about an RP. 3nodding I tend to be busy, and sometimes my RP list fills up and I'm not available for many, but I'll try to respond if I can. SPOILER ALERT: This boss is 100% heterosexual, so, you know, don't try to get me into a gayzorfest.

PPS: If you're a guy, and you're ******** awesome and do not suffer from mental disabilities and/or a demented disposition, feel free to chatz wit' me. 3nodding

AIM: TitanAvalon


Teh Yahoo!: Lulzerbeast


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MikaSlut Report | 09/18/2013 8:49 pm
Hey just letting you know Emily is the only name he should know Siri's name was never said Emily's was though. Also I have a profile for Siri to if your interested. At some point one of the two can be killed if you would like to care on with your other plans unless maybe mister Lincoln would like to negotiate a feel other things along with his acceptance to work with them. ^.^ ie the diapers and etc.
Boffii Report | 07/13/2010 9:56 am
HAPPY EARLY BIIRRRTHDAAYYYYY!!!!!! Whachya wishin' for?!
Boffii Report | 09/13/2009 7:13 pm
y'never know. I could go craven a few months down the road and switch back. I'm strange like that-- but It's my full intent now to make the name-change a permanant thing. wink
Boffii Report | 09/13/2009 12:58 pm
-snickers- It was my intent to pick an ugly name. People heard "Juliette" and just thought: "Wow! Pretty name!" You hear Regan and can't help but realize the cruelty. X3 I swear, I still type Juri every other line-- if not more than that. It's real hard for me to keep it straight right now too. She's been Juri for like... 4 years? 5?... crap maybe even more than that.
Boffii Report | 09/09/2009 10:57 am
Yeah- I liked it too, but I despised how everyone drew the line from Juri to Julia (my real name). = Even if it'd been Jill or Jamaca or Jar Jar, they still would have drawn it to my name bein' a J-name.
Either way, I can work withthe name Rei and Regan.
cute_baby_nikki Report | 04/04/2009 8:54 pm
You okay, I haven't talked to you...I was getting worried
BabySawah Report | 03/29/2009 3:29 pm
Hehe. Yeah. I always feel good with you. *hugs*
BabySawah Report | 03/12/2009 7:19 pm
Pretty messy. Its been so long. hehe.
cute_baby_nikki Report | 02/05/2009 3:24 pm
Monster horsey!!! *claps hands and giggles un-controlable*
cute_baby_nikki Report | 02/03/2009 2:56 pm
YESH!!! *jumps on your back* >3


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