
Random Facts About Me:

My name is Sarah, Sarie, Sorry W.
I love motorcycles!!
I'm a Christian
I love Jesus
I'm 17
I'm from a BIG family.
I like banana flavored popsicles
I live for music!
I'm a bit crazy
I'm not emo, prep, goth or anything else...I am myself.
I'm complicated
I hate hypocrites
I'm free spirited
Imma purple skittle...XD
I prefer spelling things the right way. No cewl or awsomee for me.
Just because I spell correctly doesn't mean I don't like the way you spell things
I'm open minded about a lot of things
I love chocolate! I'm addicted.
I have confidence issues
I like weird, troubled, awkward people
I'm a good secret keeper
I get frustrated sometimes, don't we all.
I love playing sports but suck at it
I hate watching sports!
Random Dancing rocks my socks!~


Full moons and rainy night are beautiful
I love reading fantasy and adventure books
Trees were made to climb on
Skittles are yummy.
I've been home-schooled 15 years of my life
I go to Mona Shores High School...MSHS
I live life to the fullest or at least try.
You should too, its fun

Now that I've explained everything that has passed though my head as I keep my fingers typing I shall say good-bye to you. Because I doubt you'll ever want to communicate with such an annoyingly insane and boring person. xD