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      I'm cool like Ricky Bobby because I have two first name. My name be Kane Adam Cole Bishop. Call me whatever you so desire. Some people call me Adam, some Kane. A few friends even dare call me Bishop. I'm nineteen years old, and I have dyslexia, so excuse the ******** up backwards words. I'm smart, which usually makes it hard for me to talk to people online these days. Chatspeak makes me nuts, unless I'm using it to make fun of those who chatspeak. I have a high IQ so I find it tough to hold a real deep intellectual conversation with someone. Oh, and I'm basically a complete jackass. I'm horridly sarcastic and I have a very dark sense of humor. Attitude is another big one, I've got a huge anger problem. Anger management even kicked me out, I guess that says something, no? Though, if you get to know me I can be a nice person.

      I have a tough time talking to people thanks to Agoraphobia and Sociophobia. If you REALLY want to talk to me or get to know me, you have to be pretty damn patient, and really persistent. Or you probably won't get much out of me. Once I get to know a person, I'm generally okay, but until then I'm distant and cold. I can't help it. It's just how things are. If you don't like it, well, you obviously shouldn't be a friend of mine.

      I'm a professional photographer, and I'm damn good at it. (Did I mention I'm cocky...) I get paid well, because I take time. I haven't been getting a lot of work lately, since I just moved here. Yes, I took the pictures on this page. Don't steal them. Or my lawyers will hurt you. Well, financially at least.

      I'm originally from Australia. Alice Springs, to be exact. About eight months ago my parents got a divorce and my mum moved here, so I tagged along. I'm living with a friend and helping her with the baby she just had. I swear, this kid is the cutest thing I've ever seen. I plan bringing them to Australia someday, I miss home. I intend to go back... If not to live, at least to visit (constantly).

      Music is a big part of my life. I write songs and sing them. Not well, but I do it anyway. I write about things that are important to me. Things that hit home, you know? Anyway, that's always a good conversation starter. Since no one ever seems to know what to say to me, talk about music.

      What else can you talk to me about? A lot of things.

      Seems a lot of people want to get to know me, so that's pretty much why I just typed all that crap up. So now it's your turn. If you want to get to know me better, become friends. Well, strike up a conversation with me. I'll talk about music, movies and current events. I'm a big dork so I know a lot about a lot.

      I play WoW to zone out. It's quite mind numbing... I'm overly consumed in WoW right now, actually. Like I said... Big dork. I also roleplay constantly. Literate roleplays only, none of those "omg a vampire what I do now?" things.

      And, that's about it... I hope. If there's anything else you want to know. Feel free to ask.

      And, since everyone asks.
      AIM - Conscience Grows.
      MSN - Macktheknife@live.ca

      I use MSN a lot more then AIM. Fair warning. Feel free to add either, though.

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