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"You need questions, forget about the answers" - Over the Rhine

I believe it's largely impossible to truly and wholly know anyone. We live the vast majority of our lives in our heads and however hard we may try to express that part of ourselves to others, it is only ever truly known by ourselves. Nevertheless, I still like to analyse everyone and everything in my life. Rationalised comforts are still comforts and virtues are still subordinate to personal pride.

I also dislike corny institutionalised thoughts and perspectives such as "materialism = shallow", "cynical = miserable" or "spirituality = deep and meaningful". If you don't get how the aforementioned stereotypes are bull, please don't bother speaking to me until you do. Save yourself the time of rationalising that I'm just another shallow and arrogant a*****e who hasn't yet "found the light" - because the last thing I need is another pseudo-open-minded politically correct new age hipster giving me an ironic speech about how I'm a brain washed zombie to capitalism/consumerism.

"In love with love and lousy poetry" - The Weakerthans

In real life, I don't act out on the philosophies I hold and for the most part am content to just enjoy life without interfering with whatever others want to with themselves. I'm currently studying for my Bachelor of Laws at uni. I took law simply because I enjoy reading literature and social philosophies, and because I can actually see it leading to a well-paying career. I have no heart-melting or inspirational proclamations about how I want to save the world, join the UN Human Rights Committee and do volunteer work in all the third world countries out there. I know it would be 'kewl' for me to give you the impression that I'm a self-sacrificing altruist - but my lust for joy and romance in the world is really just self-centered; but if you're anything like me, you'll know that everything in life is arbitrary and being self-centered is an inescapable reality of consciousness. If you're offended by this or any of my philosophies, please learn to be a little less ******** insecure. Philosophies are simply reflections of life; they change nothing, only tell you how things already are and how they always were before you even came across the thought. Besides, the only people who attempt to take the altruistic path are those who want to distract themselves from their own problems.


Viewing 12 of 61 friends


Contagious Thoughts

It's a journal. Go figure. It simply contains thoughts and musings about things that fascinate me and/or things which have fascinated me in the past.



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 05/29/2011 12:35 am


I didn't get whatever your reply was to my post about friends with benefits.
It won't let me access the thread now for some reason.
Fighting Physics

Report | 09/10/2010 10:00 am

Fighting Physics

Whoa, there is sort of a resemblence! Her hair is wicked cute. And thanks. I love me some hair accessories.
Fighting Physics

Report | 09/09/2010 11:29 am

Fighting Physics

Dude, have you seen my nose? xD Look at that! That's enough reason right there!
Fighting Physics

Report | 09/09/2010 11:21 am

Fighting Physics

No one would believe that, my self-esteem is far too low. And chicks totally have nasty personalities, plus they lack body hair. D: That all sounds pretty useful! Lessee... Well at some point i'll have to take calculus, which sucks cuz I'm only in Algebra right now. Beyond that there's gonna be some software design, working with different programs, stuff like that.
Fighting Physics

Report | 09/09/2010 11:08 am

Fighting Physics

Oh ew, chicks are icky! D: I only LOOK like a dyke, I'm not really one! It must be handy to have them recorded like that, makes it easier to take notes and stuff. What kind of classes do you take?
Fighting Physics

Report | 09/09/2010 11:00 am

Fighting Physics

I'm not that smart or stupid! All of my classes have been online so far, so I know not of this being hit on. I sorta resemble a dyke anyways, it probably wouldn't happen. xD
Fighting Physics

Report | 09/09/2010 10:56 am

Fighting Physics

He's too macho for that. ;P
Fighting Physics

Report | 09/09/2010 10:53 am

Fighting Physics

That actually sounds pretty intriguing. I'm studying computer science. This term I get to take a class on programming! OH MAN EXCITEMENT! n____n Does this mean we're about the same age?
Fighting Physics

Report | 09/09/2010 10:45 am

Fighting Physics

Oh shoot, I'd give you an A for awesomeness. xD So you're in law school or something? This counts as small talk.
Fighting Physics

Report | 09/09/2010 10:38 am

Fighting Physics

I don't have any proof to the contrary. Your logic sounds better for sure. How d'you feel about small talk? xD You seem like a pretty serious dude.


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Cupcakes are for dessert, not deserters.