cooleo travis

cooleo travis's avatar

Birthday: 04/08


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ii B u bb l e s Report | 06/07/2009 8:20 am
wow have fun wit tht :] so...whats up? anything new? btw how old r u nao?
ii B u bb l e s Report | 06/06/2009 12:51 pm
lol sooo anything new? find a new gf?
ii B u bb l e s Report | 06/06/2009 12:28 pm
lol i just got bback from da pool it was awesome :]
ii B u bb l e s Report | 06/06/2009 9:57 am
lol heyy :] long time no see
ii B u bb l e s Report | 04/08/2009 6:07 am
ay srry for the breakup...but HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!
ii B u bb l e s Report | 09/21/2008 12:12 pm
Aaaaa Dx Report | 09/20/2008 6:38 am
great how about yuoish? oh yea comment me on my other account. User Image
ii B u bb l e s Report | 09/20/2008 6:10 am
User Image have a great day
Aaaaa Dx Report | 08/06/2008 4:06 pm
Oh hey I luffes you. Miss you.
Aaaaa Dx Report | 02/22/2008 1:28 pm
what happen to you?


hey this cooleo travis and im just wanted to say that if you like my profile or avi comment me. If you like my media, I went on youtube and typed in naruto last resort becaus the song is called last resort
Artist razz apa Roach and sorry the r is away from the word it's a typo.



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