
Knowing Our Beloved Cj..
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What makes Cj tick..
Things Cj likes:

User Image Green. Just in case you haven't noticed.
User Image Mohawks.. They're so hawt.

User ImageShmexy literates. Because we're cool like that. cool -pops collar- (Literate with a mohawk? You're a god. xD )

User ImageMusic: Emo, goth rock, heavy metal, classic rock, eighties, new wave, techno and -le gasp- Alternative.

User ImageNicknames! >:00 I must nickname you all.. and oh I will!

User ImageCherries. Along with any other tiny adorable fruit.

User Image The beatles. They get their own private spot. You don't. Haha. D:

User ImageRandomness.

User ImageYou! ;DD

User ImageCj also likes talking from a third person perspective. xDD

User ImageArt. Poetry, it's just my thing.
User Image

Things Cj Absolutely Despises!

User Image Rap.. DD:

User Image Elevators. It's a phobia. >.>;;

User Image Perverted guys. But if you're literate and somewhat polite, I might just mind. It's not your fault, your a guy anyways. ._.;

User Image People who try to make me join their religon. Dx

User Image Illiterates. Ew.

User Image Attention-seekers/ Brown nosers/ n00bs.

User Image Pretty much everything, including the government.

User Image My best friends Justine and Rae. I love you guys!

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Viewing 7 of 7 friends


Moon's Journal of Madness.. or Madness's journal of Moon? o.O

It's a journal.. what more do you need to know.. -.-"


Viewing 8 of 8 comments.


Report | 01/27/2006 8:54 pm


Yay for random comments! Oh, and it's me and my friend who moved away sad
Props on the moocows XD

Report | 01/19/2006 8:26 pm


    Love for you!

    And The Beatles! heart

Report | 01/19/2006 6:27 pm


WOMG, DEARIE! I LOVE THAT DRAWING. :luff luff luff: <333 Whee. <3 You get ten-million Rae-Points for that. With 10 Rae Points, you can get a nifty doodle. With 1000 Rae Points, you can get candeh. :B For 210986926592756 Rae Points, you can get a waffle. x] Teh shiznit, no?

Report | 01/05/2006 8:57 pm


You're profile is so cute! I luff it! Makes me all fwuffy inside...

Report | 12/16/2005 7:15 pm


Leggo Meh Egg Nog!

Report | 12/07/2005 6:12 pm


surprised Waffles. Oh, but not just ANY waffles. CHOCOLATE CHIP, BEBBEH. >.>

Report | 11/21/2005 8:52 am



Report | 11/19/2005 4:27 am




User Image
I'm loved by.. well, me. xDD

.Silence of Spirit.