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Gothic Origami Birdy's avatar

Report | 04/15/2011 8:45 am

Gothic Origami Birdy


Thank you Skies,for saying stuff like that.It really helps me alot to think that someone believes I deserve friends and health.

I believe that thinking that way is the best way to think,why should you feel as though you will never make it when tomarrow is just around the corner?It makes me sad when people have given up on being who they are because they find that who they are is not who they thought they'd be.

Well,I believe those people who are worse than me should be getting the treatment these doctors are giving me. If I could help at least one of them,I'd trade them places any day. So they could be healed and get better too.I think it's a far better use of my time to concider other people more than myself,the world would be a very dull place if everyone only thought of themselves.I've had alot of ideas while I've been in here over the years,unfortunatly I cant keep a job to earn money in my state,but I write. And I'm hoping to get a book published. I'd like to see what people think of my writtings.

I love the name Eve! Evelin Rain Requim! Or,Eve. It's a very nice name and goes with almost anything because it is started with a vowel.It's easier to find names that fit with other names if one of them(or more) has a vowel at the begining. Like Alayla-Lyn Requim,or Alice Ember Requim.It makes things roll off the tounge more as well. And I come to realize after I sent it that my vision of you was wrong,that it wasnt the hand that was wrong,it was the looks. I think I wanna hone my skill though,it could come in handy. be able to tell what someone would look like by hearing thier voice. Would you ever think I had white hair? That would be a hard color to guess wouldnt it? Since white is nothing,the absence of color,the absence of black.So you really wouldnt think that white would be the color of my hair. It is kinda strange to me how people can come to a conclusion that is correct without first looking at the facts properly.

And yes,I slept rather well last night,but unfortunatly I wont be opening my window until they remove the bee's nest outside my window. You'd think hospitals would do that every year ya know? But I guess they just dont have the sence they were born with.

~Chibi Birdy
Gothic Origami Birdy's avatar

Report | 04/15/2011 12:08 am

Gothic Origami Birdy


I'm glad you are never going to change,you're like a stone in the middle of quick sand. A life saver to all who fall victim to the quick sand to grab ahold of and keep thier head above the sufocating mass of loose stones.It's been such a great honor knowing someone who is so understanding and strong.You..kinda make me feel..stronger too.And I'm happy to have met you.

And I was very happy of my hair! I loved my white hair very much,and I cant wait until the die comes out of my hair this time so it will be white again. it looks a little un-natural,but I like it very much. it shows that I am truely a work of uniqueness and should never be put into a classification,the same with anyone. My hair made me who i am,I knew that I could be as special as I wanted to be.With a simple half an hour treatment I could be the normal,every day girl I saw in school,or with the rejection of that treatment I could be "....an amazing and charasmatic porcline doll.Never a toy,but most certainly a doll!" (heh,quoted from a friend who died two years ago..he was very good with words.) And I chose to be the never played with porcline doll with the white hair,strange eyes and always positively hopeful (again,descriptions by him) woman that I was born as.

And as I said,my family don't really like me all that much to be honest.. They never have,cept for my grandmother and my grandfather. My grandfather never really liked me all the much either,but more than most the rest of 'em.we used to play video games all the time when i was young and at home.I guess it is the reason I have so many learning gaps. Aside from being sick I found studies to be boring and tedious,so i never took to them well. Except science and english. I used to learn anything I could from any book other than my text books.So I never graduated,which put me even further on my family's "To low to be in our graces" list.And..I..I dont have any friends outside of the computer anymore... they've all graduated and moved away,or they are so busy with thier own lives they have long forgotten about me. Heh,my friend who dies,Donnie,used to tell me that if my life were to be a movie it would be the longest,most emotionally compelling and dastardly creativelly twisted that not a single person would ever say one bad thing about it. Well,about me. He said they'd pretty much hate my family,take a disliking to what my friends became later and have so much warmth towards me that i would be a star among triangles,but like I said,no friends,no family really.But it's not like I'm complaining,there are people worse off than me. Some people dont have homes,or children who are starving. Some people have horrable sicknesses killing them and absolutly no idea they have them while thier family suffers from watching them waste away due to thier stubborness of not wanting to look weak.So,my condition,both medically and socially,arent that bad in the least. And i wish i could make everyone else happier.One of the nurses,Melinda,she is elderly,likes to tell me about her grandkids.They sound like wonderful people! Her grandson Michael has his own carptenrty buisness,her granddaughter Elli(Eloise,named after her great grandmother) loves to dance.Pop music being her favoret thing to dance to. She mixes pop and ballet with tapdancing,and I beleive it much look amazing to someone who dont know how to do any of them!Probably to even her teachers and her family and her friends who have been watching her for years since she was in highschool. It's amazing how people can build themselves a passion that can overpower them,yet hold them together isnt it?

And my doll's name is Evelin.Eve is going to have black hair,with sideswept bangs. Much to the dismay of my grandmother I chopped off my hair to give it to Evelin.I make little holes in the head with a clay tool,the one that kinda reminds me of a screwdriver,jsut randome holes and you bind little patches of the hair together with a little of the wood glue.Afte
Gothic Origami Birdy's avatar

Report | 04/12/2011 6:33 pm

Gothic Origami Birdy


Thank you,to be honest,even though it is a habit,I find appoligizing about everything potentially upsetting to be rather tedius and useless since it dont stop the person from being upset anyway. I've just gotten used to appoligizing about everything.

Thank you very much for being so understanding,I'll be sure to thank the others as well! You're all great friends! And are deeply appreciated. You're a fine young man and I hope that nothing persuades you to change for the worse.

Really? White hair is cute? My mother didn't much like it,she kept telling my to keep my hat on when we were at the store or the park. Even swimming since I wasnt aloud to go into the deep end. She always got mad at me if it did come off while my brothers and i were horsing around.She was really strict about that. Tough it didnt matter if we were home or I was in school or something like that. I guess it was just around strangers she could hide it from. school you cant wear a hat,so there was no use in her trying to hide it. She waited for me to get a little older and my hair to get a ltitle thicker and stronger before she died it red. Then she died it black because it keeps going back to white. Man,one time she shaved me bald! Bald! Who shaves a seven year old's head bald?Specially over summer break when thier head can be burned and new people will tease them.

And thank you very much for listening to my rambles,I'm glad you're my friend Skies.You've helped alot. As for why they stopped visiting,I cant really say.I guess other things are just more important. My gramma visited me today though. A little earlier actually,just before I got on here.She only stayed for half an hour though,and my grampa stayed home instead of coming to see me too.My mother pretty much dont like me,so I understand why she dont come,and my little sister is pregnate with her first baby and had to go to school today since it is only tuesday.My brothers dont talk to me anymore and my aunts an uncles just dont have the time.Like I said,there are more important things.My grandmother did bring me some wood though! Now i can make a doll. Everything is already done because i started it before I ended up in here again. All the holes are drilled-for the eyes,the neck and then limbs to be attatched to it.It dont have legs,I cant make them yet.Hands are still hard for me,but the head it just a ball of wood,the body a pyrimidic cylinder and the arms to dowling rods with a ball on the end and four smaller sticks that have been sanded. ya know,the kind off a tree when the branch is rotting. I have my glue so I can put it together. I use wood glue since hot glue is too messy and regular glue isnt strong enough.

I'm rambling again.

~Chibi Birdy
Gothic Origami Birdy's avatar

Report | 04/12/2011 10:23 am

Gothic Origami Birdy

Dear Skies,

Thank you very much,but I do feel the need to appoligize,and when I do,I can't stop myself from doing so. I guess you could say it's a bad habit. I'm glad you're happy with your work,and I hope you get at least a decent grade,though I'm sure you'll be getting a good one. And really,I'm not that wonderful of a person. I envey those with healthy bodies and scorn those who waste them with drugs and booze,and cheap pleasures.They don't know what they have until they start to lose it,and by then it's far to late for them to stop what they put in motion.

I'm the glad the roleplay hasn't gone too far ahead without me than,and I'm glad he is waiting. I got alot of rest,I jsut woke up actually. I have been keeping tabs on when I feel the lowest and the highest.I found that right when I wake up,if I'm not in pain,I have enough energy and I'm awake enough to reply. This should last for a few hours unless the pain starts to set in sometime soon.They are running out of tests to do on me,yesterday they took a piece of my tissue to check the cell or something.I'm usually stuck inmy dimmed room so I'm suffering from a vitimin D defeciency so I have to take tablets for it,but overall I'm sure I'll begin to get better again.I can't wait until I can go outside. I'll have to wear a mask,but I really dont mind. It's spring. My favoret season.Well,one of them. I like Spring and Fall.

Oh,sorry,I'm rambling again arent I? I didn't mean to.I get rpetty lonely here because the nurses and doctors have other things to do,my family have all but stopped visiting me,though they did send flowers.Roses.Yuck. I'm more of a tiger,spider and calla lily girl. Lilies are one of my most beautiful flowers in my oppinion.My great gramma wanted to name me Lily,because my hair,when I was born and for years after that,until my mother died it,was as white as a lily.

Oh.. I'm remabling again. Once mroe I appoligize,I guess I really should just bid you farewell and make my way to the forums.Thanks Skies for reading my ramblings.

~Chibi Birdy
Gothic Origami Birdy's avatar

Report | 04/11/2011 9:42 pm

Gothic Origami Birdy

Dear Skies,

It's been a while since I posted a comment in letter form on your profile hasn't it? I'm very sorry I have not replied to any of the two roleplays. I've become worse I'm sorry to say. I'm very sick right now and for the past few days I have either been in too much pain,or I've been far to drained to make a post. I am on right now because i was afraid you would worry about me,so i swallowed my exaustion and mustered up this here comment letter. I hope you can forgive me for not being on so much right now,I know you are probably finished with your school work right now. I hope you did well,or that at least you are saticfied with your work.

I'll be on as soon as I can be Skies,and again I am so very sorry that I have taken away from the roleplay. Could you please let Aoi know that it might be a couple days? That is,if he hasn't moved without me by now.Though I'm sure he has.Thank you for being such a great friend to me Skies. It means alot to me,I don't have very many friends,and I could use all the ones I have.

~Formerly Chibi,Now Birdy
Freely_Changing_Spirit's avatar

Report | 04/01/2011 9:31 pm


G'night Danny.... I've gotta get some sleep before my soccer game tomorrow morning. Sleep well~ heart
Freely_Changing_Spirit's avatar

Report | 03/29/2011 10:09 pm


How so? Yeah, so Sungmin took over for a little bit, but it's changed back to Onew at #1 already XD
Freely_Changing_Spirit's avatar

Report | 03/29/2011 7:56 am


*pokes* Bias change warning~
Freely_Changing_Spirit's avatar

Report | 03/19/2011 8:13 am


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Glad you like it~ But don't rush yourself. Imma try and get the other post up this morning, so you might be pretty behind by the time you get back. XD

Saranghaeyo <3

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A String <3
Freely_Changing_Spirit's avatar

Report | 03/01/2011 2:18 pm


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Feelin' A Bit...

You really are too sweet. <3 I feel so special now.

But yeah, good thinking. That's my dad's facebook. Rule of thumb: If someone with the same last name as me has commented on or liked something, don't touch it.

... Like An ELF

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Freely_Changing_Spirit's avatar

Report | 03/01/2011 2:09 pm


^/////^ You're so sweet Danny. But thanks for saying so here where my parents can't see it. wink
EireneDeAquarius's avatar

Report | 02/27/2011 11:28 am


thank you biggrin
Gothic Origami Birdy's avatar

Report | 02/25/2011 4:45 pm

Gothic Origami Birdy

your welcome
Freely_Changing_Spirit's avatar

Report | 02/24/2011 7:31 pm


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Feelin' A Bit...

Okies. Gosh, I only ran off to get some ice cream. <> I know I wasn't gone that long. But anyway, I'm still gonna try and get something for you to read posted. <3

... Like An ELF

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Gothic Origami Birdy's avatar

Report | 02/24/2011 7:22 pm

Gothic Origami Birdy

I'll try.
EireneDeAquarius's avatar

Report | 02/24/2011 10:09 am


What do you think of my new look XD
Freely_Changing_Spirit's avatar

Report | 02/23/2011 6:09 pm


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I'm Just A Simple...

Mine was doing it yesterday and seems to want to continue today... But I did pretty well. I didn't ask for a rating or anything, but I played through fairly well and my intonation was amazing!

Cassie Wannabe...User Image
Freely_Changing_Spirit's avatar

Report | 02/23/2011 6:00 pm


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Feelin' A Bit...

I might, but my pm thingy is being stupid and doesn't let me send them as quickly as normal. Wootness! Yeah, I did. You're right about that. That's why I was so swamped today. XD

... Like An ELF

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Freely_Changing_Spirit's avatar

Report | 02/23/2011 5:41 pm


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Feelin' A Bit...

Yeah, I had my eye on it. XD But gosh, I've been so swamped today! I didn't manage to get on until now. :/ Good thing it's Wednesday night!! XD

... Like An ELF

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Gothic Origami Birdy's avatar

Report | 02/22/2011 8:27 pm

Gothic Origami Birdy

okay! See you tomarrow I hope!
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