
Im am Mercury...The one who makes you have those horri nightmears....

Heya!I'm Skull but thats what everyone calls me!I like wolves and other animals,my fave color is black and I'm kinda gothic but dont judge me by the way I look or talk that just makes me sad and mad!T.T

I like anime!!!

My letter to Haku

I am a broken tool.You told me this.You to were a broken tool....But what you must know...Is that every broken tool must learn to pick themselves up and fix themselves.Because you are only worthless if you think that way...Haku my friend....I miss you...You are dead....But I'll bring you back...Someday...Zabuza says hello.I brought him back.He says he misses you....We all do.Naruto does aswell.We hope I will be able to summon my chakra once more like I did with Zabuza.I promise you....I will bring you back...So you can be with us once more...So we can be as one...So we can be together....I'm here...I am listening...I am listening to your words in the snow...You tell me to never give up...Not like you did...You tell me to stay strong...You tell me to tell Zabuza to look out for all of us....And to stop crying at night....I cry to...We all do...But Sometimes its hard to stop crying....I don't want you to stay alone....I'm sorry...My chakra is almost back...I'll be able to bring you back....And we can be friends once more....Sakura is sad....She misses you and Sasuke is gone...I found him but he doesn't want to come back...Gaara saved me from going to the dark side of life...And from my power consuming me...I'm going to bring you back soon...Well...My time is almost up...I'll see you soon...In the nether world....


Amber:Hey Merc,you sure your not going to the dance?

Merc:Ya.Its a couples thing.And you have Sasuke.

Amber:But you-

Merc:No buts.Im not going.And besides.What guy would wana go with me?



Amber:*sigh*Well atleast I dont look fat in this dress.

Merc:Hey!Thats my dress.

Amber:Ya,but you look fat in it.

Merc:*reads a comic book*
Amber:*looks pretty and twirls around*How do I look?
Merc:*looks up from the comic book*Homosexual.
Amber:Aw,what do you know!?*stomps out the door*
(An hour later)
Amber:*is dancing with Sasuke since the dance just started*You think Merc is okay by herself?
Sasuke:I think she'll be fine.
Amber:*smiles*I love you.
Sasuke:I love you to.
(At Merc adn Amber's house)

Merc:*is eating ramen*

A knock on the door is heard.

Merc:*walks to the door and places her hand on the knob*Who is it?

A smexy voice answer biggrin ont play dumb..

Merc:*opens the door and gasps*Gaara!

Gaara:*is in his smexy regular outfit,with a boquet of roses in his hand*
Merc:Gaara..You look ablolutly charming!But,Amber already went to the dance with Sasuke.
Gaara:I wasnt looking for Amber...

at the dance..

Amber:So SAsuke..You wana do something after the dance?

Sasuke:Like what?


Gaara and Merc:*walk in hand in hand*





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