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Yo ho yo ho a pirates life for meee!
Uhm, I'm a fourteen year old girl.
I'm pretty smart for my age.
I'm litterate.
I hate non-literate people.
So, like..
I'm in Web Page Design class
as I write this...
So, rawr..
I'm pretty friendly..
And, such.
I'm working on a web site..
Crimson Angels
So, that's where I got my screen name.
But, Crimson_Angels was already taken..
And, whith the space, it's to similar..
So, I added teh little ` in.
But, anyways..
Where I was heading..
The banners in here..
I'm using for my website.
So, no stealing them, damnit!
I love Yuri.
I love Yaoi.
I love Hentai.
I hate the meaning that the english gave hentai.
Because, it really means pervert.
Might as well go with the flow, right?
I don't like to really be flirted with.
I'm a natural flirt.
I'm a meanie-head.
But, I love you friends.
Soooo, yeah.

Manga Currently Being Read: Loveless, Gravitation, Love Mode
Anime Currently Being Watched: Loveless

Oh, here's Me!
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Q: Why are some of your first posts... From a guy?!
A: Because, this used to be my friend's gaia account..
It was Alex something..
But, he didn't go on anymore, so, I got it from him.
Q: What’s your name?
A: Briana
Q: How old are you?
A: 14
Q: Do you have myspace?
A: Yes.
I'm a myspace whore..
I must have one.
Q: What kind of music do you like?
A: Don’t know, like them all..
Q: What’s your favorite band?
A: Can’t pick…
Q: What’s your favorite anime/manga?
A: Could never pick!
Q: What’s your number?
A: …… Numbers!!!
I only give it out in PMs.
Don't ask me in threads.
Q: Do you have texting?
A: Yes.
Q: Do you need to worry about your mineuts?
A: Nope.
And, long distant calling.
Q: What plan do you have? o.o;
A: Metro PCS.
Not a lot of people have heard it.
Q: Do you like meeting people in real life from the internet?
A: Of course.
I've met pleanty of people from the internet.
Q: What kind of piercing do you want to get?
Q: Do you bite?
A: Yes...
And no.
Just depends.
Q: Why do you think your hair is long?
A: ‘cause, it is!
Q: Are you always weird and random?
Q: Why do you say 'rawr' so much?
A: Because, I'm weird..
And, I like saying it.
So, there!
And and..
It's not the only random nois that I make.
There's also 'moo' 'quack' 'meow', ect.
Q: Why do you have a guy avi?
A: Because I want to..
Q: You talk about making a web site..
Are you good with HTML or CSS coding?
A: I'm better with HTML.
And, I know a little of CSS.
But, we're using Macromedia Dreamweaver..
So, I don't HAVE to use any codes.
Q: Do you have MSN, AIM, YIM?
A: Yes, yes I do.
Q: Are the pictures of you real?
A: Yes.
They are.
As real as...
Q: Do you make signs?
A: Depends.
For gold.
For a nother sign.
For your quest.
Q: Why are you so pertective over your friends?
A: ....
Q: What ticks you off?
A: A lot of things.
But, rarely do I say/do something about it.
'cept at school.
But, that's a nother story in itself.
Q: Where do you live?
A: Sacramento,
Q: Why do you wear black every day?
A: Because...
It makes me look thin.
And, I like it.
Q: You like girls.. Are you a lesbian?
A: No, I'm not.
A2: I'm BiSexual.


Viewing 2 of 2 friends




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I'm a girl!
Oh, and comment my profile, please.
I make signs, PM me for details.