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MabTheQueenMTG on 06/22/2021




Hello ^^ welcome to my profile!
As you can see, I'm a Studio Ghibli fan <3

Some short quick facts about me, if you want to know:
I'm a girl who is currently majoring in Nursing.
I am 21 but I shall be older in June ( wooo Gemini/ Cancers!)
I like cute things
I LOVE BROWN classified_fu
I like American Horror Story, Game of Thrones and Walking Dead
Borderlands 2 and Skyrim and then some Soul Caliber once in a while.
Errrr deerrr
Yeah I love to meet new people and make friends too 4laugh


Is not here

(This is sooooooo old but here for nostalgic purposes. Don't necro bitches)
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Crunchy Munchies!