
Hi my name is chelsea, but u can call me chels. here are somethings about me.

well first of all just to tell u i cant spell.some of my hobbies are danceing, singing(even though my vioce is horrible),drawing, and hanging with my friends. my favorite foods are choclate and chicken (mostly choclate). im not a girly girl but im not a tom boy, so im sorda in the middel. my favorite animals are bats, tarantulas, and snakes. i have 13 tarantulas, 2 snakes, and i dont have any bats....................YET. i have 1 older brother and 2 step brothers, and we dont always get along but we'er OK my favorite movie is prabably THE SHINNING. my favorite color is torquise but my favorite stone is blue tiger eye.

well any way if u want to be my friend just ask and i will probably say yes, or if ur new and u need some help on gaia write me and ill see wat i can do to help