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Name: Cynric Rhodes (phonetic: SIN•rick roads)
Age: 164 but appears to be in his early/mid twenties (born 1845, died 1873)
Gender: male
Height: average - about 5'8"
Weight: slender
Body Type: slim & beautiful
Bloodline: Toreador (vampire)
Face: appears Caucasian (British), clean-shaven
Eyes: lavender, wears glasses for heavy-reading (but doesn't need to, it's just a habbit)
Skin: pale, semi-translucent (mortal-Cynric should look a little more rosy, but still quite fair)
Hair: dirty-red (violet-ruby), thick messy waves, almost shoulder-length
Sexual Orientation: unwilling to acknowledge his homosexuality ( "in the closet" )
Sexuality: submissive
Weapons: fangs, & stiletto knife
Personality: quiet, introverted, observant, insightful, & passionate
Occupation: (ex)Victorian-era Biologist
Interests: geology, psychology, anatomy, mythology, folklore and the occult. He also has an unusual fascination with anything "beautiful" (especially insects, snakes, birds, and other subjects of his study)
Likes: reading, learning, & silence
Dislikes: alcohol & women
Skills: Speaks English & French fluently (English father, French mother). He can play the piano & violin well, and can play the cello, and clarinet a little. Cynric also has some classical drawing skills that he uses to document his studies in ink, charcoal, and watercolor.
Special Abilities: As a vampire, Cynric has super-human strength, and speed. He can sense the auras of those around him, and has superior senses of sight, smell, hearing, touch, and taste. He can also "glamour" anyone into unconditionally loving him. He is invulnerable to everything but fire, and direct sunlight, and he is allergic to silver. A wound caused by any other means heals almost instantly. He heals faster when drinking blood.
Other Details: Cynric may be drawn in any Victorian-era costume, or any 20th/21st century High-end Fashion. Cynric usually wears warm, ocher-toned colors. Mortal-Cynric must appear in Victorian garb, but vampire-Cynric can wear either clothing style. He can easily pass as human, until he "vamps-out" by baring his fangs,and revealing his unnaturally bright eyes.
Cynric is not put off by garlic, running water, or crucifixes, and a stake in the heart will only paralyze him. He also cannot enter someone's home unless he is invited (but only because he's polite).


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Report | 11/22/2008 11:40 am


love your avi User Image


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