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A wild Cross has appeared!
...is it just me or do you have an announcer following you around too?

Susumu Hirasawa is a musical genius.♥

"If there is evil in this world, it lurks within the hearts of man."
-Edward D. Morrison

Name • Christopher E. Amaya

Nicknames • Cross, Cress, Tsu, Dae

Current Mood • Pure ecstasy! Life is going perfect as of now. The past means nothing, only the wonderful future. ♥

Age • Nineteen

Birthday • 2/15

Gender • What do you think?

Relationship Status • I'm in a gay relationship, so what? I love my Lucy more than all the potatoes in the world, wouldn't change a thing about 'em. Ti amo, la mio principessa.

Favourite colours Black, Crimson, and White

Favorite Pokemon • All my precious children in my party and PC.

Favorite FoodSouls...and pollo parmigiana.

Likes • Pretty much my hobbies. Drawing, gaming, conversations, and potatoes! As well as hot, kinky, lovemaking. But that's only reserved for one. Ho ho~

Dislikes • Liars, immaturity, humidity, heat, backstabbers, perfection, goodie-two-shoes, ignorance, arrogance, stupidity, camping wookies, eraser shavings, annoying super-social girly girls, and sour flavours.

Buongiorno, mi amici! Shall I introduce myself? Yes yes, I shall. My name is Christopher, but you may call me Cross. I am a potato, but not really. I just have an odd attraction to the word. I am quite the nerd, I must say. And I love every bit of it! Heh. But I'm currently nineteen, if you read that above. Attending college right now and trying to be a doctor, and if possible a naturopath at that. Everyone needs to grow up and fulfill stuff in life, don't they? Oh yes, life's a ball. Now, all formality aside, let me give you the "low down" on this home dog, ya hear?!....Or see? I think it's the second one, but either way.

I'm a fanatic for Pokemon! As well as the war game, Call of Duty: Black Ops. Not to mention Bayonetta and Assassins Creed! And I do enjoy myself a good novel once in awhile, as well as draw me a pretty picture.

Anywhom, I'm a psychopath. From what Wikipedia says, anyways. I'm cold, calculating, violent, bipolar at many a time, have quite the lack of empathy or remorse, very shallow emotions, and I love to lie and manipulate. Egotistical and prideful, I'll always put myself before others. I have such a low tolerance for boredom, and I usually stop four-fifths the way on any project once it becomes frustrating or boring. Knowing all such, do you really wish to further your pursuit to learn about me? Let's find out!

Memories and nightmares ravish the long forgotten sanctity of my slumber. Reaching out my hand in my darkest hour to only be shot down and forgotten. Oh curse ye' fowl past---or just ******** it all together. But fyi, I am asleep a lot. I'm a nightowl, I'm usually awake from evening to morning. Can't stand the sun. It's all bright and icky, and gives me sunburn. But yes, if you want to catch me it'll be at random times of the day. I do enjoy me a good wink or two, even if it's Hell now.

I'm an avid believer in our Lord almighty, if He can be called that. I love Him so, but definitely not an active follower of Him. Doesn't mean I'm a Godless heathen who worships the Devil, even though our dear Lucifer and/or Satan only loved God more than anything himself. But enough of this religious talk, I'm not too fond of it.

And a shout out to my home dawg Anthony Johnson! ********' ***** is the closest thing to a sista I'll ever have. But in all seriousness, he's the only person to stick by my side no matter what I've done to push them away. He's the coolest laid back guy I know. Only person I can truly trust, too! I owe the ***** my life, and know I have a life-long friend when it comes to him. I love you, bro. Thank you for everything!

If you want to chat or become Friends, hit me up in a PM or join me in towns or forums. Always looking for a good chat or two to make time go by. If I haven't scared you off already, that is. Heh heh. Take care! Until then, arrividerci mi amici!

My Pictures

The only picture you'll get of me.♥
I lied, you get one moar.
I keep on lying! You get two more.
Last but totally least.

Recent Drawings
My character reference sheet
[Note: I made the legs to short due to the lack of room on the paper. = A=]
One Piece Style Cross
Chibi Me v1.0
Chibi Me v2.0
Anthony and I v1.0
Anthony and I v2.0
Anthony and I v3.0
[******** you


Turning and turning in the widening gyre
The falcon cannot hear the falconer;
Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity.

Surely some revelation is at hand;
Surely the Second Coming is at hand.
The Second Coming! Hardly are those words out
When a vast image out of Spiritus Mundi
Troubles my sight: somewhere in sands of the desert
A shape with lion body and the head of a man,
A gaze blank and pitiless as the sun,
Is moving its slow thighs, while all about it
Reel shadows of the indignant desert birds.
The darkness drops again; but now I know
That twenty centuries of stony sleep
Were vexed to nightmare by a rocking cradle,
And what rough beast, its hour come round at last,
Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?

-The Second Coming by William Butler Yeats


Random Tidbits of a Young Man




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