D u c k y_W a f f l e z

D u c k y_W a f f l e z's avatar

Last Login: 04/11/2009 4:51 pm

Registered: 08/19/2006

Gender: Female

Location: iHOW -House Of Waffles xD

Occupation: Mother Ducky xD

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E q u i p p e d_L i s t

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A b o u t_W a f f l e z

The Name is Ducky Wafflez. xD

No duckys were harmed in the making of my name. xD

I LOVE Waffles. xD
I LOVE Duckys. xD
I like to make new friends.
I love dogs, pandas, cows, and ducks.
I like to eat CANDY and Rasberry donuts.
Im very RANDOM.
I love to make people SMILE. xD
I like Random PMs && Comments. :3
Friend requests make me HAPPY!! xD

*Says Tifa. Haha xD

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Total Value: 15,019 Gold, 1,020 Tickets
[Item Information]

Item List:
Chucky The Rubber Ducky
Gold Rectangular Glasses
Gold Pocket Watch
Gold Hoop Earrings
Daisy's Sunny Gloves
Buck Teeth
Blue Cat Collar
Flashion Blue Shoes
Yellow Candy Striped Stockings
Blue Wulf Tail
Blue Checkered Apron
Daisy's Sunny Dress
Blue Silly Hat
Golden Yellow Ribbon
Fairy Wand

Have a nice Day!! xD

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Amazon_Chik Report | 05/19/2009 11:20 am
Nooo waaay!!
today's your B-Day??!!
Happy B-Day!!
I hope you have a great time and catch this comment!! >_<
CosmicMercenary Report | 04/12/2009 12:45 pm
mmm.... waffles....
Amazon_Chik Report | 04/12/2009 11:56 am
I know right??! well. it's not like it's that much fun.. but you get addicted to it somehow!! User Image you can't log off the minute you've log in! XDD

hahahaha rofl wooow. well I never make it obvious and people can't tell when I like a person.. XP just my sister.. >_> well.. I always try to act like cool.. calm.. and that nothing's happening! rofl and wel.. yeahh gossips and stuffs are always around! XP

well.. you can alway jsut tell him straight that you don't like him anymore! rofl hahaha XDD and he'll be like WT--?! XD

hmm.. mehh that's jsut not me! XDD they can start huggin me if they want! XD

I totally want one!! crying like one that's always with me and stuff.. the one I can tell secrets to! and he wont tell anyone.. >_> 'cuz my so call best friends .. we barely talk now.. XP maybe it's meh... or their fault. xD

WHOOT?!?! you've already had a bf before?! NICEEEEEEE!! tell me about it ! XDD I wanna know! XP

hahaah were you took that from?! Me?!! quititng gaia?! Ohh sure.. xD

Amazon_Chik Report | 04/11/2009 7:05 pm
HAHAHAH!! I knew it! XDD mehhh.. I will never be 'cuz my ssiter doesn't want his sister to be her sister-in-law! rofl yeahh but I really don't care much! =)
EXACTLY!! sooo no need to worry! XP unless he's a stalker?! O_o?!! hahah nahhh he told me he only gets on to take the daily chances and those firsts stuffs to get money.. and he ain't as addicted as me! XP he's like what do you in there?! O_o?! there's nothing to do!! >_>
that boy knos?! REALLY?!!? how do you know, he knows?
Mehhh I don't think you should, but if you want to keep on texting him, ok then! =)
I know right??!! yeahh she'll prolly will be quite shocked.. but I really dunno.. 'cuz she like still feels something for him.. but nahh.. it's a long story and like our comments are pretty long enough to make it longer! XDD Just find a cute guy you can lust for a while!! rofl hahaha
the first time they'll be like WT--?? is wrong with you?! XD hahaha
Yeahh I know what you mean.. that has ahppened to me a LOT!! User Image believe mehh! gonk
yeahh my parents don't want me to have one..'cuz it'll mess up with my studies and am "too young" .. XDD hahaha that means that it won't last.. and well.. I really don't mind.. I can't care less about it.. well I do care about it, deep deep deeep in my heart! rofl like my other bestie said and wanted.. a BEST GUY FRIEND! DDX
hahah well.. sort of.. like I had it curly.. but now the woman brushed my hair and like it got "straight" and well.. yeahh she wanted to just cut a lil bit 'cuz she knows gilrs like loooong hair, but nahh.. I told her like a lil bit more and she was like O_O?! ok.. you're lucky you have a lot of hair! rofl and well.. it got like shorter.. >_> you can tell! =)
SAME HERE!! gonk
I think I really never did I like him much.. I only have crushes I really dunno what actual LOVE is.. crying and that's sad!!!

I think this will be my last comment to you from the day! XD

Amazon_Chik Report | 04/11/2009 5:24 pm
Hahahahaha!! WOOOW! you came just for me!! cool I feel soo loved! wink
GUEEZ!! that comment just made me!! @_@ hahahaha It scares the crap out of meh! XP

hahah nahh am not worried about them anymore!! 'cuz since the day I commented you, soo many things has happened in here! rofl like.. guess what?!!!! Am his GF now! cool hahaha nahh jk!! that's BS!! XDDD I wish! XP hahaha he and the girl had to break up 'cuz the girl's mom didn't want her to have a bf? something like that.. rofl XDD and guess who told me?! my best friend that used to like him!! XP

hahaha I don't think they really kssed.. 'cuz since the day they were like "together" when we came back from our 2 weeks vacations they were like lezz together and stuffs?! O_o?! and well.. am not like worried.. XP 'cuz you know they broke up! cool hahaha nahh I don't think it's meant to be, he'll be REALLY shocked if he knew I like him! rofl like he has a gaia account too!!! User Image but we aren't freinds in here, so I don't think he'll read your comment! XP and it's hellaaaaa long sooo nahh! XDD

guess what??? I don't have him in msn and I barely use fb now!! and I have no cellphone! gonk Am such a poor girl! crying hahah if he likes you to text him, I don't think he'll be annoyed! =)

hahahahah!! XDD yeahh those that act gay are the REALLY straight ones! rofl I wish we could have more times like that! XP

OHHHHH HOLLY MOLLY!! rofl I wonder what my best friend that used to like him would say if she knew I like the same guy she used to liek.. XDD hahaha pretty confusing huh?! XP GUEEZ! am glad you and your friend are ok! =) And well if he' a player, 'cuz I could tell since he liked this Lindsay and your friend? O_o?!! well.. he's not worth it! =) like if you know that, you can easily move on and like find someone else that will treat you right! =)

hahah well yes for me.. 'cuz I barely do it! =( but for girls like you and my friend that are already used to it and guys are already used to have you girls hug them, it's ok!!

Yeahh but I really think the guy should be the one that tells a girl they like you.. not the other way around.. but if I wait for that to happen am totally gonna die alone! gonk and well.. I don't feel that desperate to have a bf 'cuz I can't even have one at my age.. and guess what?!! I got a haircut today! rofl hahahaa XDD (nothing to do with the subject) XD

WOOOW!! GIRL!! you make me laugh!! XDD and like.. I thought I'll never finish commenting to you back!! like this friggin' event thingy of the eggs.. It's taking me FOREVER!! gonk like this comment! XP

You know what??! like we had free days from wednesday till monday 'cuz we're in holy week and well.. on thurday some ofmy sis' friends came over to swim and like.. the boy I like sister's came and he did too!! eek and well.. I didn't go to swim, 'cuz I don't know how to, but they came to the apartment and awww!!! I was with the boy I like! XP He sat beside me.. I was in gaia and he was staring at what I was doing.. as well as the other peeps.. xDD 'cuz mys siter was taking a shower.. and well.. we talked.. "quite a bit" =) it wasn't that awkward and I wasn't like really thrilled nor anything.. does that means am not having a crush on him anymore?! XP

Amazon_Chik Report | 01/06/2009 6:11 pm
Helloo Girl!!! Sorry for the late reply.. I knew it would take a while for me to answer your comment and I haven't had much time to be on in gaia.. but now.. right now.. my parents think am doing homeworks.., which I was, but I finished! [IMG]http://s2.cdn.gaiaonline.com/images/common/smilies/icon_biggrin.gif[/IMG] sort of.. soo.. am taking time to asnwer you!!! =) Don't think I've forgotten about you!! hahaha with this long comment I don't think I could! XD

Few months?? hahaha maybe few years! XD Ohhh well.. maybe I should just skip your questions about ehr and him.. 'cuz well.. now I think they're already together as in boyfriend and girlfriend.. >.> 'cuz yeasterday in recess time, that boy was in the benches and we always hang out there and those 2 girls ( my best friend that liked him and his best friend ... the hugger) were there too and myself and obviously other people too.. The thing is that his girl best friend was like shouting and like really traumatized of something and she was like give me a hug!!! when my best friend and I went to the locker 'cuz I needed a book... My best frined was like "hey tell me, tell me!!" and well I was like really normal.. acting cool.. and then my best friend was like wispering only to me like.. yeahhh am sure they got together and now they're boyfriend and girlfriend... (I was like NOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! well... nahhh that was just on my head 'cuz nobody knows I like him besides my other best friend and 1 sister! XD) Well.. soo.. yeahh.. my other friend was really shocked and my best friend really happy for them.. 'cuz she wanted them to get together because that girl have like stalked him for a long time! And well.. I was like acting cool.. not caring.. but actually I do care, but no.. like I don't really feel that crushed <///3 nor anything.. 'cuz it's obviously that, that would happen.. sort of.. >.> well.. after a while.. that friend of mine calmed down and she was like.. telling him things like nooo!! Am gonna tell your wife.. and to give him the divorce.. xDD another friend.. you remember the game we "play".. we been a family .. XD

Well.. at the end of the day.. when I get to the bus, my best friend that goes with me.. tells me that obviously the boy I like and the lil sister of my pretend lil bro are together.. because she asked this girlfriend of hers if they were together.. and she said like yeahh... because I saw the big teddy bear he gave her and saw a pic that they were kissing in FB!!!! And I was really shocked!!!!!!!!!! [IMG]http://s2.cdn.gaiaonline.com/images/common/smilies/icon_eek.gif[/IMG] KISSING???????? REALLY????????? [IMG]http://s2.cdn.gaiaonline.com/images/common/smilies/icon_crying.gif[/IMG] and then she saw that she was wearing a watch.. and then my friend said like.. aww.. it is his! XDD hahaha (yeahh.. she took it to make her jealous, but it was acutally because he did not want to tell her about that.. when sh was asking.. xD) and well.. that girl was like nooo!! She will be sooo jealous and you know how she is. and BLAHH BLAHH BLAHH Well.. when I got back home... and finished eating lunch.. I used my laptop.. and I was looking for that pic!! I thought she was talking about the profile pic, but it was not!!! and like.. there was not any kissing pic.. if I actually searched right.. xD just the hugging ones.. [IMG]http://s2.cdn.gaiaonline.com/images/common/smilies/emo.gif[/IMG] but well.. I can not do anything about it.. obviously am not the one of his heart soo.. I can not do anything.. [IMG]http://s2.cdn.gaiaonline.com/images/common/smilies/icon_crying.gif[/IMG] just cry! XD

Well.. tell me if you're getting confuse.. xDD

okk... now continuing the things you were asking.. XDD well.. get to know him better?? yeahh I proly should.. but how?? if I can't even talk to him.. V.V am too shy.. hahahaha

hahah about the the guys trying to be cool.. well.. he doesn't really act like he's hot or anything.. 'cuz he's actually the only one
Amazon_Chik Report | 01/02/2009 6:49 pm
yeahh!! XDD it's jsut interesting to read them.. but reply.. wow!! it takes a while! XDD hahah

well yeahhh he kinda recently got hot!! XDD 'cuz I think is because he got taller like a couples of years ago.. and last year girls tarted liking him!! including my 2 best friends .. but one was just like a lil bit of attraction and that's it.. [IMG]http://s2.cdn.gaiaonline.com/images/common/smilies/icon_xd.gif[/IMG] and I started liking him this yea! [IMG]http://s2.cdn.gaiaonline.com/images/common/smilies/icon_biggrin.gif[/IMG] I was into another guy before.. but not anymore xD Am not sure.. but yeahh it seems like he does like her and obviously she likes him too.. for like 2 years now.. and I can notice it because they are really together most of the time, but I think she's always the one that comes to him, I don't know . And the day my sister threw a party for her 18th b-day... that boy was invited 'cuz he's a friend and she wasn't 'cuz we don't even talk to her just with her older brother that's in my class, but she still like came to our house (the party was in the house - sort of a pool party but almost no one went to the pool.. XD) and my sister had to give the police man downstairs that takes care of our bulding, a list of the guests and obviously she wasn't invited, but they like call to tell us a girl was there and like if we should let her in or not and since my best friend (the one that like him like him last year) wants them to get together 'cuz she's been like stalking him for a while now and she doesn't know I like him.. she wanted us to let her in so he could be with and I think he like noticed she was out there and well he wanted us to let her in too.. and I think like my sister wasn't in th mood to fight or something and she like told him yes.. and well.. they spent a lot of time together alone.. >.> and according to her brother, my friend in the class, she was there 'cuz their parents left her there because he was there and they went to the mall that's in front of our building.. X_x

And well.. i don't think I can call him a friend.. but more like a classmate!?? XDD 'Cuz I barely speak to him.. and like I don't really know him that well.. and last year he used to go in our bus 'cuz my sister was a really great friend of his sister and since they live near and there was space in our bus.. she told our bus driver to save a seat for them.. which is the reason how my best friend fell for him yeah.. we go on the same bus too.. XDD since 2° grade when I came to the school ... well.. this year they (the boy I like and his sister) changed buses 'cuz the gasoline was getting higher and our bus driver was charging them more money and they didn't want to pay that amount sooo.. they went to another bus and it's the bus in which my cousins go to and they live in our same building! XDD hahaha am sure this is all really confusing to you!! XDD maybe is because I can't explain it that good as it'll be in spanish and it's a really long story..XDD hahah 'cuz everything links everything! XD

I know how it can be!! Is like sooo much easier to text someone you like!! You do have time to think of any topics and stuffs.. but I actually don't have him in my msn!! [IMG]http://s2.cdn.gaiaonline.com/images/common/smilies/icon_crying.gif[/IMG] and he gets on in fb like really late and just sometimes I see him on.. but I never talk to him.. XDD I've never talked to him .. like texting.. just once whe I relly needed to ask something about a project.. and that's it! XDD And well.. we almost have the same friends.. soo... it's like ok if I talk to him around them.. and I think it makes it easier 'cuz I won't be like the only one speaking and there can't really be any awkward silences that way! [IMG]http://s2.cdn.gaiaonline.com/images/common/smilies/icon_cool.gif[/IMG] soo I don't really mind much! [IMG]http://s2.cdn.gaiaonline.com/images/common/smilies/icon_biggrin.gif[/IMG] and girl!! Last year I talk to him all naturally!! No need to impress h
Amazon_Chik Report | 12/31/2008 7:45 pm
hahahah sorry.. I just didn't notic.. well I kinda did.. but I kept writing!! XDD hahah I always thought long comments were soo much fun.. but writing back them kinda takes a while.. XDD hahaha

awww.. that's ooo nice.. but.. nahh am sure he's into that other girl.. 'cuz she's been like stalking him for a year!! and last year one of my best friends liked him too... actually both of my bests friends.. XDD but on of them was just a lil bit attracted and the other was into him.. and even told him! XDD but well... they don't like him anymore.. and like that girl that likes him is the lil sister of a really good friend that is a boy.. who I call lil bro.. XDD hahaha and this girl.. well she's looks like she likes this other guy too.. 'cuz she's been spending a lot of time with him.. and that guy is my best friend's ex... (the one that told him she liked him) ohh well.. that must have confused you a lot!! XDD

yeahh right?? well.. am not really sure.. 'cuz like when I feel it.. I kinda look at him to make sure.. and nop.. he wasn't!! User Image

I KNOW!!! and sometimes I planned like to talk to him.. but actually never do.. >>

YEAHH!!! User Image that's sooo sad.. 'cuz he likes to talk.. but for some reason when he starts talking to me.. I like don't know how to asnwer him.. to make the convo interesting and long.. X_x

but at least I was the one that made him start reading mangas!! User Image well.. I made a lot of people to start reading it.. including him!! User Image

like he didn't want to at first.. and he was scared when he looked the bag of mangas that a friend brought to lend me.. XDD he was like "scary"!! and I lend him one.. and he got into it.. XDD and because I had almost all of the mangas.. and I read really slow because of my sisters .. that were reading them too.. and well.. my friends were starting to be addicted and were like hey!! when are you going to finish??!! and he was like hey, am going to your house to pick some.. but he never did.. TT__TT and well-- now.. he doesn't read them anymore.... and I still got some.. that I haven't finish reading because of lazyness and 'cuz they're pretty boring.. XD

hmmm yeah!!! but I don't think we would have spoken a lot.. >> and nothing interesting 'cuz my brother was there.. and I think he did it because he didn't want me to sit beside a guy... X_x ohh well.. and you know!!! before my brother came we were walking to the place where my brother was waiting for us and well.. since we were haging out with these couple.. that their parents don't know they are.. I was like.. ohhh when is she going to tell her mom she's with him.. and like he asked me if my mom and dad would lt me have a boyfriend.. and Iwas like. nop.. they woul dnot until am like 18.. and I asked him back and he was like.. ohh I don't think they are much if I have.. and then I noticed we were in the wrong direction.. and I was like.. hmm where this place was?? and he was like hmmm is no this way is that way.. XDD ohh well..

hahaha at least it does help!! =) pretty cool!!

I know!! I have that feeling too!! X_x do know why.. maybe of the way he acts.. but no.. 'cuz maybe he acts that way with all.. sort of..

and hey!! you are talking to one of my friends! XDD didn't know you knew him!!

and ohh.. yeahh this one will take you longer to read.. I suppose!! teheee!!!

Happy New Year!! User Image
Amazon_Chik Report | 12/31/2008 6:52 pm

Haha. Nope. I sent you a friends reqest before i read your post!! haha. xD

Nd really??? Your sis said that?? awww man. Dx well i think you still have a chance with him!!!

You shud just talk to him more.

Thats what im trying to do with the guy i like. haha.

hahahaha. YEA ITZ VERY EXACT!! O.o haha. i even remember how i met him, where, nd who was around when i met him. I pretty much remember that day EXACTLY. people say i have photographic memory. O.o I think they are RIGHT!!! haha.

Nd thanks!! I really hope so!!!! xD

She iss?? ohh no!!! O.o Well we kan talk laterz!!!!!!!

Nice meeting you btw!!!! xD

To you:

ohh yeahhh.. 'cuz you could't have read it that fast!! XDD hahah you'll be fast and the furious! XDD and that's my name!! hahah jk

really??? O.o?? how could you possibly know?? User Image I kinda thought it too.. >>

but nahhh... not really.. 'cuz I feel like he's staring at me all the time.. not all the time but yeahh... but at the same time no.. User Image

so.. maybe it's just me and my BIG imagination! XD

I know I should!! but I can't.. I just can't..

like I get stucked.. I can't possibly make an conversation with him..

that's not about school and homework.. >>

and if we talk.. almost all the time he's the one who starts!! XPP

I don't really know what to tell him and how to start.. >>

Like the time when my brother drove him to his house 'cuz I asked him to..

because he didn't have another way to go home and since his sister is a great friend of my sister and he's a friend of my sister too

and we live close he did.. and well I was thinking in all the way home how to tell him goodbye..

and if I should or not.. and well I never did.. XDDD and he was talking to my brother more than me... >>

I didn't speak at all in the way.. X_x 'cuz I was sitting in front with my brother and he was sitting behind..

I was going to sit beside him and then talk to him, but my brother didn't want me to sit beside him.. but beside HIM (my brother) ¬¬ I don't know why.. O.ô

WOW!! A photographic memory huh?? that's pretty cool!!!!!! For the tests and stuffs!! XDD hahaha you don't have to study much!! XDD

maybe that means you're really into him!! XDD hahaha
Dark_Master_Zero Report | 12/30/2008 7:02 pm
Same here sometimes with butter and a little bit of cinnamon

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