
dahara's avatar

Last Login: 01/12/2011 9:00 am

Gender: Male

Birthday: 03/30


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hello my name is Dustin T. Soucy

im always bored

i like to read

i hate fan-wagen people (a.k.a. twilight fanatics) *shiver*

my gamertag on xbox live is "Churchtheawsom" (it wasent me who
named it)

my fav. game is halo


i like to swim, and ski


i hate being hot

i like Kiwi's

my fav. food is pudding

my fav. theme for mangas and anime is ecchi

i dont leave my house that much (its not like im afraid to go out side)


well thats all u need to know about me


my e-mail is gundamquanta@gmail.com just if u want to contact me if im not on gaia


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SupaWeena Report | 01/13/2011 9:53 am
Pimp :3
Koori No Kitsune 2009 Report | 02/03/2010 11:41 am
Koori No Kitsune 2009
Not much. How about you?
Asylum Teaparty Report | 01/20/2010 5:44 pm
Asylum Teaparty
No it wasn't ******** funny you ******** a*****e. Jesus, I don't say s**t about you.
Asylum Teaparty Report | 01/20/2010 5:35 pm
Asylum Teaparty
Well, you're a ******** a*****e and hope you die in a fire. It was completely uncalled for what you posted. Go ******** yourself.
Asylum Teaparty Report | 01/02/2010 4:37 pm
Asylum Teaparty
I only like video chatting with a group. Get a few more people, and I'm in. With mah new webcam ^_^
Asylum Teaparty Report | 01/02/2010 3:52 pm
Asylum Teaparty
With who?
Bootybootybuttcheeks Report | 11/26/2009 6:28 am
Hey Soucy! At least be thankful for so much food on the holidays...we know your black hole of a heart loves to stuff it's chest...I mean belly...so Happy thankgiving to ya! XD
Koramei Report | 11/04/2009 7:35 pm
VirusDragon828 Report | 11/02/2009 1:51 pm
It's elimination time! Every week, I'll be picking somebody at random, and kick them off of my friend's list. Why? Because you touch yourself at night! Ok, really because you guys are weird, and I just want to. HAVE FUN WATCHING!!!!!!
VirusDragon828 Report | 11/02/2009 1:32 pm
My version of Goldylocks and the Three Bears

Once upon a time, in a magical city called Compton, there were 3 bears. There was a papa bear, a mama bear, and a baby bear. The mama bear was in the kitchen, making porridge for the whole family. The papa bear said "WHERE THE ******** IS MY ********' PORRIDGE!?" and the mama bear said "SHUT THE ******** UP! I HATE YOU!" Then the mama bear came out with the pot of porridge, and poured them into 3 bowls, then left to go call her mother. The papa bear took a spoonful of the porridge, flipped it across the dining table, and yelled "********!!! WHAT THE ******** IS WRONG WITH YOU, YOU ******** WHORE!". He ran into the living room, grabbed the cell phone from her, and smacked her with it repeatedly. When the mama bear fell on the floor, he kicked her in the ribs. She darted out the door, followed by papa bear, and after him, the baby bear.
A few minutes later, little Gloria, a.ka. "Golden Valley", wandered in to the Bears' house. "Anybody in here?" called Golden Valley. "I'll go half and half if I can stay here the night." Seeing nobody was inside, she walked in. As she meandered into the dining room, she cried out "HOLY ********!!! PORRIDGE!!!" She sat in the papa bear's chair, saw some of the porridge on the table, and tried some. She spat it out, and yelled "AGH!! THIS ONE'S TOO HOT!!!" Then she tried the mama bear's porridge. "WHAT THE ********!" NOW IT'S TOO ******** COLD!" Then she tried some of the baby bear's porridge. "There! That's the way you ******** do it." And then she ate the rest.
After she ate all the porridge, she got tired and went upstairs. She got in the papa bear's bed, and said "Agh! It's too hard." Then she flipped over the covers and said "Well, gee, no ********' wonder. It's hardened with c**!" Then she got in the mama bear's bed. "This one's too soft!" Then she saw some of the blood stains by the bed and said "Well, I'll be damned, this b***h is probably beaten into the bed so much, the springs are giving the ******** out." Then she went into the baby bear's room and then his bed. "It's about ********' time, she said, and fell asleep.
Soon after, the Bears came back home. The baby bear first, followed by the papa bear, who was dragging the mama bear by her hair. "HEY!" Yelled the papa bear. "WHAT IN THE ********!?!?" He slapped the baby bear across the face. "You little ********! You ate my porridge!" Then the mama bear yelled "Don't hit him, you ********! You threw it across the room!". "oh yeah" said the papa bear "... well who the ******** had some of your porridge?". "HOW THE ******** SHOULD I KNOW! I WASN'T IN HERE BECAUSE YOU WERE BUSY SMASHING MY FACE INTO THE FIRE HYDRANT TO EMBARASS THE ******** OUT OF ME OUTSIDE!" said the mama bear. Then the papa bear screamed "YOU LITTLE ********!!!!!". Then the baby bear said "HEY! Some ******** ate some a mah ********' porridge too!!" "Ok, everybody chill the ******** out!" Shouted the papa bear. "Alright, ******** the porridge, let's just go ********' sleep." The papa and mama bear went into their bedroom, and the baby bear went into his. "ALRIGHT, WHAT THE ******** IS HAPPENING HERE!?" Yelled the papa bear. "what the ******** is your problem now?" said the mama bear. "Some little s**t was sleeping in my bed!" said the papa bear. "How can you tell?" Asked the mama bear. "Because! Look at the c**! See! The hardened piece has some ********' cracks in it!" exclaimed the papa bear. "You know, it looks like there was some slut in my bed too!" said the mama bear. Then they went into the baby bear's room, finding him having sex with Golden Valley. "HEY, YOU ********! WHAT THE ********!!" called the papa bear, and he grabbed her by the hair and slammed it in the door, and then dragged her outside, and threw her in the gutter. THE END.