
Hmm, well there's really not much to say here, I'm about as average as they come. I initially made this account as a mule but then decided just to ditch my old account because I changed the gender to a boy for fun a while back then realized Gaia took away the free gender changes. Yeah, that was a bit aggravating. Let's see, I'm 19 and currently live at home with my parents due to financial difficulties. I'm not too much of a social butterfly but when someone starts talking to me I usually warm up to the conversation. Though I can be a b***h and stand up for myself when need be I tend to be submissive in just about all aspects of things. I love art and being artistic, even if my art skills aren't very good. I'm very open minded and choose to surround myself with only other open minded people, I've been in too many fights with ignorant people with closed minds and I don't want to stress myself out any more than I already am. Well since I can't think of anything else to write you're just going to have to PM or comment me to figure anything else out. c;


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[img:e17d930cda]http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c62/MiracleAlchemist/Cool Pictures/pic68.gif[/img:e17d930cda]

[b:e17d930cda]Looking to get everything on my wishlist. Any help makes me love you! <3[/b:e17d930cda][/size:e17d930cda][/color:e17d930cda]