
ABC of Me

The Letter A

Are you available?: ya
What is your age?: 13
What annoys you?: arguing with family and friends over stupidity

The Letter B

Do you live in a big house?: no
When is your birthday?: August 9th
Who is your best friend?: The Pretty Committee

The Letter C

What's your favorite candy?: Skittles!
Who's your crush?: like I would announce it to the world!
When was the last time you cried?: probably when i did the stupidest thing of my life

The Letter D

Do you daydream?: all the time
What's your favorite kind of dog?:beagles, or huskies, or labs, or...

The Letter E

How do you like your eggs?: scrambled
Have you ever been in the emergency room?: no
What's the easiest thing ever to do?: love

The Letter F

Have you ever flown in a plane?: der
Do you use fly swatters?: not any more!lol...
Have you ever used a foghorn?: no

The Letter G

Do you chew gum?: duh
Are you a giver or a taker?: idk
Do you like gummy candies?: only if im in the mood

The Letter H

How are you?: nervous
What color is your hair?: strwaberry blonde.

The Letter I

What's your favorite ice cream?: chocolate chocolate chip!
Have you ever ice skated?: no but i want to...
Do you play an instrument?: no, i sing!

The Letter J

What's your favorite jelly bean brand?: uh, jelly belly?
Do you wear jewelry?: ya

The Letter K

Who do you want to kill?: a secret indian name i cant pronounce
Do you want kids?: ya but when they turn 5 they're gone...lol...j/k!ya i do
Where did you go for kindergarten?: First Presbyterrian Church School

The Letter L

Are you laid back?: sometimes
Do you lie?: when nessecary

The Letter M

Whats your favorite movie?: grease or dirty dancing...its a tie
Do you still watch Disney movies?: duh!
Do you like mangos?: idk

The Letter N

Do you have a nickname? biggrin eeDee
What is your real name?: Dana
Whats your favorite number?: 25
Do you prefer night over day?: sometimes

The Letter O

What's your one wish?: for one person to change another's world
Are you an only child?: no...sadly

The Letter P

What one fear are you most paranoid about?: losing...
What are your pet peeves?: close the door!
What's a personality trait you look for in people?: personality

The Letter Q

What's your favorite quote?: "Life's best moment sare the random ones."
Are you quick to judge people?: idk

The Letter R

Do you think you're always right?: no
Are you one to cry?: ya

The Letter S

Do you prefer sun or rain?: rain
Do you like snow?: ya when it never does
What's your favorite season?: idk

The Letter T

What time is it?: 4.40
What time did you wake up?: 6.30
When was the last time you slept in a tent?: idk

The Letter U

Are you wearing underwear?: der
Underwear or boxers?: underwear!

The Letter V

What's the worst veggie?: all
Where do you want to go on vacation?: Barccelona...someday...hopefully

The Letter W

What's your worst habit?: talking
Where do you live?: my house
What's your worst fear?: losing

The Letter X

Have you ever had an x-ray?: no
Have you seen the x-games?: no
Do you own a xylophone?: no

The Letter Y

Do you like the color yellow?: a little
What's one thing you yearn for?: xD

The Letter Z

Whats your zodiac sign?: Leo
Do you believe in the zodiac?: yes, but not horoscopes, they suck!
Favorite zoo animal?: ABOMINABLE SNOWMAN!{lol}, it used to be polar bears, but i thought i should be more realistic!!!!

im crazy, outgoing, love rock, funny, i love to laugh, i dance, i just recently became a cheerleader..idk how so dont ask, i love my friends...especially maddie!best wifey ever!!!!! ily!muah!i also love...oh wait..ya...no...hey im also random...and i like some...omg this person is annoying the crap out of me with thier annoying cryi--...oo look a new avie!
User ImageUser Image

User Image
Total Value: 28,399 Gold
[Item Information]

Item List:
Blue Heart Arm Tattoo
Gold BFF Heart Chain
Labu Necklace
Celebrity Date
Icemist Dragon Slippers
Decorative Daisy
Daisy's Breeze Dress

Song of the week

album:Something Like Human




Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 09/09/2008 12:30 pm



I loveth you my bestie!!!!!

Who runs around a football field looking for my hubby...

And who sticks up for me...

And who buys me pizza...

And who takes me home when Im being a puss about the weather!!!!!

User Image... Hey... Now I look like a bad friend!!!! :'(

Report | 08/03/2008 1:22 pm


copy/paste this to 10 ppl and then press F5 and F9 and you will get 100,000 gold it rocks trust me

Report | 06/09/2008 9:17 am


OMFG... I was looking thru ur old comments and look wat I found!!!!! From moi!!!!! BREAKING F-ING NEWS!!!!!


Hey, I got this from our conversation last nite, my new name is "crack_kills_maddie" oh yizah... and the trend still hasnt let up yet apparently... Breaking news: 14 year old boys have a new addiction to cope with, "sleep" is the vile killer of fun in all of the "moderate" to "super spicy hot" boys.

Report | 06/09/2008 9:14 am


Yola Girlie! Change ur pro... its gettin' old... lmao... so.... yea... GET ON MEEBO!

Report | 02/29/2008 3:39 pm


Hey, can I have my background back?

Report | 02/25/2008 2:15 pm


b***h! lol jk XD

Report | 02/11/2008 1:36 pm


hey b***h!

Report | 02/10/2008 10:20 am


i suck at guitar hero

Report | 02/10/2008 10:14 am


you said that!Anyway whats up? random comment 101

Report | 02/10/2008 10:05 am




wondertwins powers activate!
dana here...lets move out!