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Straight | Single | Seventeen | Stoke-On-Trent

My life is like a rollercoaster, with its ups and downs, twists and turns and those unexpected loop the loops that scare the s**t out of you, but at the end of it all it will be a good ride...

I'm argumentative, aggressive and very opinionated, so you will probably either love me or hate me just like marmite (which I hate haha), but to be honest I don't care that much seeing as I'll probably never meet you...

If your willing to get to know me and talk to me rather than basing your opinions on what others say, you'll realise I'm a nice guy...

I have no idea what I want to do or achieve, but I know that I don't want to stay living where I am now, I want to move away, and make something of my life, but for now I'll live it one day at a time and enjoy the ******** out of it.

I don't bite so get to know me and you'll see I'm a really nice person. want to know anything else then ask