Daniel Leland

Daniel Leland's avatar

Gender: Male

Location: Oxford, England

Occupation: Tutor, bookshop owner


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Alright. I know the routine. There's always the same set of questions, so I'll go through those and then you can ask anything else you need to know.
My name is Daniel Robert Carfax Leland. I was born in 1828 (good year).
I was born in Scotland, but until recently, had not the opportunity to settle in any one place for more than a few years. I've lived all over the British Isles, in various places through Continental Europe and parts of Southeast Asia and in North America.
I was forty-eight at the time of this... unfortunate accident.

No one, under any circumstances, calls me 'Danny'.

Since the war, I have been making myself scarce, for numerous reasons. I have had to abandon my bookshop, though I do hope that I will be able to return to it at some point in the future.
Let my whereabouts be a mystery then, for now at least. There is no place in the world for such as me.

Follow me on Twitter or like me on Facebook.
If you absolutely need to know more, you are welcome to explore my biographer's website here or purchase the first volumes of my memoirs here.

((This is a cosplay account based on the character from MR Graham's Lost Knowledge series. All posts are in character unless designated by double parentheses.))


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Last Knight Standing Report | 12/10/2015 6:13 am
Last Knight Standing
Last Knight Standing Report | 12/10/2015 6:12 am
Last Knight Standing
Last Knight Standing Report | 11/17/2015 5:58 pm
Last Knight Standing
*There's a garbled phone message for Doctor Leland. A familiar voice on the other line; clear enough to be recognizable, but not clear enough to make out a proper sentence. The only clear words are...* Daniel. Miss.
Last Knight Standing Report | 05/06/2014 3:08 pm
Last Knight Standing
*Leaves a reading list in return, of which it's likely he's already read, given the amount of time he's had to read, but still. It's the thought that counts. Will enjoy both the tea and the...other thing he left. Because let's be honest, no one's innocent of bad influence in this relationship.*

biggrin Miss you too.
Last Knight Standing Report | 04/09/2014 2:12 pm
Last Knight Standing
*Missing you.*
The Heir of Harker Report | 07/16/2013 7:02 pm
The Heir of Harker
*Peers at.*
The Heir of Harker Report | 06/12/2013 8:36 pm
The Heir of Harker
*You are good company, Mister Daniel. And I hope you find the irony of my captcha being "cold comfort".*
Last Knight Standing Report | 04/05/2013 9:21 am
Last Knight Standing
*...the way you clean up is unfair.*
Last Knight Standing Report | 10/14/2011 8:27 pm
Last Knight Standing
*Does miss you, you crotchety old fart.*
Last Knight Standing Report | 02/27/2011 12:02 pm
Last Knight Standing
*Appreciates what you did to Duran. Not to mention, is going to be very happy to hear he's going to be out of commission for a while.*


Surely kindness and mercy will plague me all the days of my life.
Painting by Dorota Pijewska[/size:d3b8519e31]
RP Account. Find out more about Daniel's world.


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