Danny Tastes Good

Danny Tastes Good's avatar

Birthday: 12/03


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Add me randomly; doesn't matter to me.
I'm a freshmen at the moment
I enjoy listening to music
If you want to share some bands with me, then go ahead
I love being at concerts
Iced tea is awesome!
If you ever need anyone to talk to i'll be there.
I don't give away any of my pages at the moment, sorry.


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lurmom103l Report | 09/03/2010 2:10 pm
well i guess i am i dont really talk to her and i didnt get the wrong impresion bout u
Iced Tina Report | 09/02/2010 6:02 pm
Iced Tina
haha Taylor!!<333
I love her too!
oh and if you need to me train ur account just tell me i don't mind im already lvl 10. :[
Not much to do, but make money.
Iced Tina Report | 09/02/2010 4:43 pm
Iced Tina
OMGG i love Daycen<33 OM NOM NOM i'd do him! if i could.
Iced Tina Report | 09/02/2010 4:37 pm
Iced Tina
Finally back! smile
And alright, but i might be doing PS and all. So once you reach lvl 5 we can Ps together! smile
Alright ttyl kiddoo<3 wink
Iced Tina Report | 09/02/2010 3:57 pm
Iced Tina
I'm kill you this weekend! haha, now get on ur knees and lick ur elbow while trying to bite your ear! LMAOOOO jkjk.
Now i forgot what i was going to say now because i was "having fun" jk not like that. You know what i mean. smile
Hey what are you gonna add to your profile when you have the chance to add stuff to it?
i bet your favorite band! score score out the door! smile
Am i right? Oh i forgot i had to play with my brother!! oh shiii- snap!
I'm gonna be the ravens! because ravens are cool animals!<3
alright TTYL for real this time!! :XXXXXXXXXOXOXXOXOXOXO NO HOMO Even though you're a guy and im a girl... YES STRAIGHT! haha.<3
Iced Tina Report | 09/02/2010 3:43 pm
Iced Tina
Probably because you're a noob. razz
Like literally a noob, cause u just started haha.
JK about the noob, but seriously, probably because you're new and you just need to get adjusted to Gaia? Wait till tomorrow or maybe give it a few days? Its like how you can't trade on your first 3 days or so. So yea.
I see you got nothing on ur wish list atm. haha.
Atleast you're saving me money! hurray!xD
i love commenting people, even though they don't comment me a lot. :[
I feel very lonely. </3
I gtg for a bit my brother wants me to play football with him. Total b***h. The game one not the real sports one, cause hes not much of an athlete, haha.
I have no idea how to even play the game too! So its gonna be a major fail.... Wish me luck!
wow this comment is getting hella long. okay ima stop very soon. like veryyyyyy soon! haha
TTYL sucka<3 Also if Dani coming with us on saturday? If she does tell her to bring Shane!<33(two hearts for both Dani and Shane)
Alright byee<333 razz
lurmom103l Report | 09/02/2010 3:37 pm
u taste good?....
Iced Tina Report | 09/02/2010 3:30 pm
Iced Tina
haha to hang to hang! haha good times!
And no i start school in 5 more days. STOKED!
hehe. dramallama
How about you??
Iced Tina Report | 09/02/2010 3:20 pm
Iced Tina
haha thanks!
and you're welcome! smile
If you need anything else just tell me!
And yeaah! can't wait! smile