
Heyoo guys [:
Maybe you just came across my page, maybe you are a friend checking in on me, maybe you're a stalker creeping my every move...whatever way i welcome you 4laugh . My name is Dano...also known as Nami. Only the special ones know my real name >:]...that makes about everybody i know. I'm only 12, goin on 13 so jobs are kinda out there for me... whatever though! blaugh I'm currently addicted to an app called Graal...its an online mmo thats pointless and AMAZING (kinda like gaia) T3T...That makes me a nerd emo ...Talk to meee cuz i love to talk to people :3 my about me seems rly cheesy right now and i dont feel like typing it anymore so imma go edit some...stuff..or make banners or sumffin xD goodbai.
Questing art (preferably free ^3^)
Also~I'll make tektek avis (dream avitars) for free cuz i love to make them heart idunno why...just message me or leave a comment ^^

Thank you anonymous rt giver for this beautiful dream avi drawing :'3
User Image
User Image
Total Value: 5,619,646 Gold
[Item Information]

Item List:
Loving Heart Mood Bubble
Clean White Tavern Wench's Blouse
Radiant Prism
Green Heart Hairpin(got it ;D)
House Bunny Ears(got it ;D)
Cherry Ring Pop(got it ;D)
Gogh Reed 2nd Gen.
Nartian Rock 2nd Gen.
Gogh Reed 6th Gen.
Masquerade 7th Gen.
Rainbow Jubilee (got it ;D)