******** all that girly s**t. i'm wearing this

DansGirl12's avatar

Birthday: 04/10/1992

this is how u find me...

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hey...look im wearing this now...


this is me...if u dont like it...get over it

i am a very violant person. i have many anger issues. i can very possibialy get angry at the drop of a hat. whisteling annoys the hell out of me. i hate people tapping their feet. i hate humming. i love Harry Potter books 1-7 and all the movies 1-6 and 7 part 1 and 2. i am the most random person in my friend circle. if you make me mad, make my friends and family cry, hurt me,my friends and my family, or threaten me or the ones i love... prepare to wish you were never born....... -evil smile -maniacle laugh
twisted twisted

soul reeper comes 4 u
Jeffry the killer
eesha 13

my cuzins

my new best guy friend

1) what gives you the right...what's the difference between you and me

2) im not wearing hockey pads

my bestiest friend

my mother warned me about getting into cars with strange men

this isnt a car

me: haha its an air flying thingy...i love batman

i finally am seeking help for my problem.