
Name: Dante Marie-Freyja Edwards
Meaning of Name: Enduring lady of the guard.
Age: Twenty four.
DOB: 12-25-82
Sex: Female.
Religion: None.
History: Dante's entire family was killed by a kiss of vampires when she was fifteen. She survived the attack, but with strange side-affects. She now works as a police officer for preternatural crime and hunts down creatures that break the laws put down to protect the humans who rarely know of their existence.
Friends: Alexis Avery, Bart Michel, Michael, and her co-workers.
Family: She has no family left, other than her nine year old son.
Race: A mix and hybrid of sorts. She was born half human, quarter fey, quarter elf. She is from a lineage of death gods of the Celtic Fey world. When she was attacked, the vampire virus attached itself to her system, but was unable to fully convert her.
Face: She has a heart shaped face.
Hair: She has long, auburn hair that is naturally curly, but is straightened for the most part.
Eyes and eyebrows: She has large green-gray eyes with long eyelashes. Her eyebrows are naturally curvy and follow the line of her eyes perfectly.
Nose: She has a medium sized nose that looks button like.
Lips: She has large red lips.
Ears: She has small, slightly pointed ears.
Body structure: She’s skinny but has curves, with large thighs.
Height: Five foot.
Weight: Ninety five pounds.
Size: She’s small.
Tattoos: A few.
Piercing’s: Her ears.
Ethnicity: Caucasian.
Complexion: Pale, very pale.
Clothing style: She dresses in a manner that she can move in, but is professional.
Noticeable features: The weapons she carries and her stormy green gray eyes.
Personality: She is distant, sarcastic, and likes to kill things.

About me:
Talk to me and find out.


Viewing 10 of 10 friends


O', That Way Madness Lies.

My life, my books, my story.

What can I say about a journal written by someone as mad as I?


Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 07/02/2010 4:31 pm


Same here my old account got crapped on so this is a new one and I'm thinking at first I wasn't going to spend much time on here but I was way wrong..... There goes my self control haha. Interesting gaia name you have its diverse , I dig it.

Report | 07/02/2010 4:28 pm


Ahoy! Didn't think I'd see you on here since you said you were too busy for it

Report | 12/23/2007 7:13 pm


do you still play this?

Report | 05/09/2007 7:39 pm


HI KIT KIT KITTY! Hows it goin?

Report | 05/06/2007 6:01 pm


This be the duck who speaks.... Yeah Hows it going? Hows being Dead?
Alura Corvin

Report | 04/01/2007 1:35 pm

Alura Corvin

So, the blonde guy is flirting with you too? Whitney and I have been asked too.

Report | 03/24/2007 8:27 pm


If your paddling upsteam and a wheel falls off, how many pancakes will fit into a dog house? The answer, most odviously, is green. This can be proven by the fact that ice cream has no bones.
*This Random Comment Has Been Blessed Upon You By Atreea, Now Feel Blessed!*

Report | 03/24/2007 2:17 pm


YES But men who are named Dante shall forever have to bare the burden of the assumption that either they are the son of Sparta, or that they are an amazing scholar. THey will never be able to live a normal life. And it is most given to men with those high expectation.... O Right... SRY HERROOO
Arin Ryoku

Report | 03/23/2007 8:46 pm

Arin Ryoku

Hello. I know you don't know me, but I have to ask...will you marry me?Text at the end of each message
Dante Edwards

Report | 03/02/2007 12:54 pm

Dante Edwards

Her name is Dante because it is a male name, and I'm pissed off about people saying there are only things one sex can be called.


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