

Name: Mandy
Date of Birth: 25 March 1991
Birthplace: Hospital
Current Location: Here!
Eye Color: Green
Hair Color: Brown/Blonde
Height: 1 meter 72.
Piercings: Ears
Tattoos: None
User Image


Band: All dutch bands heart
Song: Every day I got another song.. heart
Movie: Just like horrors and comedys
Disney Movie: Lion King.
TV show: That 70s show, House m.d
Color: Dark purple
Food: Pizza, Mie and roerbak
Pizza topping: A lot of cheeze!
Ice-Cream Flavor: Chocolate!
Drink: I don't drink.
Soda: Coca cola, 7up
Store: Claire's
Clothing Brand: Fallen
Shoe Brand: New Rock
Season: Spring
Month: March
Holiday/Festival: EASTER!
Flower: Bleeding heart, Yarrow, and Rose.
Make-Up Item: Eyeliner....and Mascarra.
Board game: Levensweg.

This or That~

Sunny or rainy: Cloudy. Or just storm
Chocolate or vanilla: Chocalate..
Fruit or veggie: Fruit.
Night or day: Night.
Sour or sweet: Sweet
Love or money: Love. I'm defenillity not a money person.
Phone or in person: In person
Looks or personality: You need both. but I got the personality
Coffee or tea: Tea
Hot or cold: Cold.

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Goal for this year: Get a job!
Most missed memory: None, I'm makin' memories
Best physical feature: My eyes
First thought waking up: Damn.. I'ts 8 O'clock allready
Preferred type of plastic surgery: Private!
Fairytale alter ego: Bambi (Just because he's real cute)
Most stupid remark: "I like cookies!"
Worst crime: ..Stealing 3 books from school. (Wasn't ment that way!!)
Greatest ambition: Becoming a nurse (Won't happen anyway)
Greatest fear: Losing someone special to me.
Darkest secret: Like I'm telling you that one..
Favorite subject: Something gross.
Strangest received gift: Soap..
Worst habit: Eating my own fingers.

Do You~

Smoke: No.
Drink: NO.
Curse: Don't get me started... (Yes! I do)
Shower daily: Yes. (Sometimes 2times a day!) I'm shineyyy.
Like thunderstorms: yes.
Dance in the rain: Only if i'm alone..
Sing: Yep. Though I suck
Play an instrument: No.. But I still try.
Get along with your parents: Sometimes..
Wish on stars: Sure.
Believe in fate: No.
Believe in love at first sight: No.

Can You~

Drive: Yeah, Learning though!
Cook: Not really.. I suck!
Speak another language: Sure.
Dance: Yea.. Like a cat without balls.
Sing: No. but yes.. I still sing
Touch your nose with your tongue: ..No, But I keep trying
Whistle: Yes.
Curl your tongue: Yes.

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Have You Ever~

Been Drunk: No
Been Stoned/High: No. Nah I'm not boring I'm just consequent.
Eaten Sushi: Yes. DISLIKE!!
Been in Love: Yes many times xD
Skipped school: Yeah.
Made prank calls: Yes I did.. Alot..
Sent someone a love letter: Yeah xD It was funnier than it was ment to be..
Stolen something: Yea (The books, Rememer?)
Cried yourself to sleep: None of your bisnius.

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Other Questions~

What annoys you most in a person?
Stupid questions, Alot of talking..

Are you right or left handed?

What is your bedtime?
I stay up until whenever.

Name three things you can't live without:
My pets, My computer, My friends heart

What is the color of your room?
Purple with green.

Do you have any siblings?
A little.. very anoying brother

Do you have any pets?
4 cats, 2 doggs, 4 rats, 1 Ferret and 3 goldfish :Heart:

Would you kill someone you hate for a million dollars?
Suuuure. I won't miss that person, So what?

What is you middle name?
Only got one name..

What are you nicknames?
Men, Ojiny

Are you for or against gay marriage?
People should do what they like.
It's none of my business

What are your thoughts on abortion?
Its your own choice.

Do you have a crush on anyone?
Yes... I do....

Are you afraid of the dark?
Never. I am the dark.

How do you want to die?
Happy, Old (If I make that)
Or for some good reason

What is the largest amount of popsicles that you have eaten on one day?
*Finally found out a popsicle is a lollie*
14! ^^

Would you take a bullet for the ones you love?
Yes. But it's only one someone. (Like you survive more xD)

What is the last law you’ve broken?
I don't know the law. So I should have broken many.

Some more questions..

Staying up all night or falling into sleep

Light or darkness?

Speak or silence?

Big or little women/man?
I like midgets.

Hugg or a kiss?
I'm not dealing less then both.

Happy or sad?
What do you think..

Live or death?
I don't care

Brown or blond?
Black or blond =D

If you could ask one question to "god", What would it be?
Im asking his real name.

Do you believe in magic?
Depends on what kind of magic

Do you believe in aliens?
Yeah i do!

How many kids do you want?
I think none, I hate those little midgets

Best feeling in the world?
Smile of someone I love.

The worst feeling in the world?
Guiltyness, Sadness

Where are you affraid for?
Wasps, Airplanes

Do you cry for movies?
NEVER! only for the lion king (Damned)

What do you dream about when you're older?
A own house, familly, Pets. (a cow!)

First thought in the morning?
Damn :l

In what kind of animol would you like to return in?
A cat or a ferret

What do you like best about a man/womans body?

The best place to ask someone to marry you?
Try underwater.

Do you miss a question?
Absolutally not.

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Viewing 12 of 30 friends


The little things in life

Stay in mind

This is about different things, Completely normal but freaky, funny or just.. mean



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 07/08/2009 7:33 am


i will give u 1300 gold for ur fishing rod ur selling
The Brownie Wanter

Report | 03/23/2008 8:50 am

The Brownie Wanter

in the video is that the lady from desperate housewives?
Ocean Aviator Ciel

Report | 02/21/2008 11:44 pm

Ocean Aviator Ciel


Report | 01/13/2008 9:41 am


ghehehe nederlanders

Report | 01/01/2008 8:32 am


'k heb geen goeie voornemens, die verpesten je hele jaar namelijk xD


Report | 12/10/2007 7:19 am


enjoy your shzzl-time babe

sweet love to you

Report | 12/09/2007 11:55 am


I love psycho girls

ill pm you sweety User Image
Ice Demon Meru

Report | 10/30/2007 3:20 pm

Ice Demon Meru

Cool avi and profile!

Report | 10/30/2007 1:46 pm


^-^ Thank you for shopping at meh store

Report | 09/27/2007 10:53 am


thank you for buying from my store. Enjoy the Item... Oh, and cool cats.


Hold on little kid..
This won't take long..
Be easy and sing me a song..
While mommy cuts of your little tonque..