
yo,I don't realy like to give my full nam but call me Alex (or any name you can make out of it) well my fav shows are fullmetal alchemist,and any gundam show. I'am just starting a graphic novel called NEE so when it comes out I hope you enjoy


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Journal of Dark Blade

sword mastering


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Crimson Revolver

Report | 06/24/2007 2:37 pm

Crimson Revolver

Hey Alex, just dropped by to tell you that I'm with David; NOT WITH YOU GAY f** a**!! Sorry, but your FAT, FAT full of gayness.

David says hi.........because your GAY.

David has pity for yourgay a** and only makes public signs of affection because of Triad assasins constantly have sniper beads on him.

Emo kids aren't Fat!!! How can you find your wrist among all that fat.

My Chemical Romance is one of the s**t-spawed pieces of chicken s**t bands that sucks it's mom's balls.

Did you come up with the name of your book while you were thinking of your body parts that you can't see? Maybe you should've named it P.E.N.I.S for post-secondary education neanderthal in space. Your balls must hurt from not existing.
Crimson Revolver

Report | 06/23/2007 6:37 pm

Crimson Revolver

{Ian} Okay Alex, you have a better chance of getting a record deal with that piece of s**t band "genocide kitten", then you do have writing

a half decent script.

{Ian} Alex, it's me again to "rip on your s**t", "C.O.V." is a piece of "flaming flying screaming ******** up, mother raping, monkey s**t, being

gathered up by retarded dung beetles"! The fact that you think for a second that copying off of blade and underworld is good, "makes you

a piece of a** ******** s**t that was shitted out of Andrew Jolinoe"!
Crimson Revolver

Report | 06/23/2007 6:21 pm

Crimson Revolver

Ian says your gay
Crimson Revolver

Report | 06/23/2007 6:21 pm

Crimson Revolver

U're gay