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im swear to protect everyone precious to me
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me and my homies screen shots x]no zazzy isnt one of me homies
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Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 02/19/2008 5:34 am


*giggles* for ur infromtion, i knew chaos a WAY longer time then u and miroku =3 thats why i accpeded him that fast besides i wasnt even cheating on u and to tell u the truth i dont care if u call me a slut or a hoe it doesnt matter to me b/c im happier with chaos now other then u and miroku. some thing about u guys i didnt like =/ it was etheir u both got way to jelouse way to fast when i was just trying to hang around my friend or u guys just pissed me off. and miroku was better then u i really liked how he treated me. at lest he didnt get in big fights like u did =/ and he doesnt make up hes going to bootcampe or something or going to war. isnt that like dieing mister *leans forward and looks at u with a grin* and if u were one of my friends in rl u would know the truth im very sick and i am dieing idiot i will let u met one of my friends soon and this time i will prove to u that this stuff really is happening. oh and *plays with the kids bodys and giggles* i was planing on doing the same thing but i gave u the kids. and really it wasnt a big shock to me that u left me. u know why? i could tell once u hid ur friends list from me and then started to come to town to talk to me. ur not the only one who did that before so dont worry about that part its old to me. 4 years on gaia and u learn alot. *yawns and throws everything u made for me at u* oh and i still remember what u did to me before *shows u my neck and giggles* that day u left me and cut my neck open along with stabing my foot lol well its not even real so yeah *stands up b/c i was siting and walks over to u* and to tell u the truth i already knew about phyco not going out with u. b/c shes etheir married or has a bf i seen him on her profile before *grins and walks past u* and ya know u could coment my other account XxVampier_AyuxX unlike u. u can look at my profile lol and i dont care if u do ^^ see ya mister oh and tell miroku i still have his phone number along with urs mister u might wanna be watching ur phone *grins* see ya for now

Report | 02/15/2008 5:17 am


This is the last time............I take you back............No more sadness or sorrow from you...........I'm sick of you......You always hurt my heart just to come crawling back later......Well guess what this time im not saving you........I'm not taking you in.....I Forbid it myself......I hope you find the right girl who will take your bullshit........Because i'm not anymore........Go to the army i don't care...Oh and i hope you know i'm a writer and i know alot of things i sure in hell don't like how you do this to me. So go be with phyco kitty and leave me alone! Oh and everyone this man did not run away in rl. He ran away with me on gaia! *Sighs* You made me tell everyone i was dead....That is something i will never forgive you for...........Hope you see this.......I'm married now and i'm glad it's not to you anymore! My life has been going up hill now that i have been forgeting about you. I'm so glad i can really die in peace without thinking about you. Chaos and me are going forever and i'm planing on really giving him my phone number and my adderas if he wants it, Unlike you. You made a promise you wouldn't leave me again and yet again you did. You'r nothing but a person who wants attation and who only wants to have a fun time around other girls. Sure i have fun around other boy's, but when they ask to go out i say no. Oh well, i only have to worry about chaos now. You can't do anything more to my heart. So i guess this is good bye forever, Mister.

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The Soulful Ninja

Report | 01/27/2008 11:24 am

The Soulful Ninja

good luck dad...
Spiked Pocky

Report | 01/21/2008 3:03 pm

Spiked Pocky


Report | 01/21/2008 8:04 am


ill forget you..............................._. srry couldnt help it

Report | 01/20/2008 8:04 pm


O: awesome video x]
Spiked Pocky

Report | 01/20/2008 6:35 pm

Spiked Pocky

-huggles yew-


Report | 01/20/2008 5:57 pm




Report | 01/20/2008 7:38 am


xLady Artzyx

Report | 01/19/2008 8:24 pm

xLady Artzyx
