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You think you know me?
The Shiva you knew is gone.
Welcome to thy Doom!


Born 463 years before the end of the Age of Titans, Shiva and her Guardian were both born to a small town near Tibet. Like most Senshi of the day, her nature was made apparent at puberty.

Most Senshi of the time grew heads above normal humans, and Shiva was no exception. Between her freakish height and Blue tinged hair and skin, her nature was obvious to those around her. At 13 she was taken to the other Senshi for training. It was in a temple in the Mountains of Tibet that she was trained by the other ice senshi, Vishnu and Brahma.

It was also here that she met her Knight, a young man 2 years her elder, born far away to the northwest, in the lands of Hermes. As was custom, he was brought to protect the land of his previous incarnation and to protect the Senshi of that land. That Land was Tibet, and that Senshi was Shiva.

By the time the 12 year war began, she was 451, Vishnu, Brahma and their Knights had all passed away of old age and she was training their latest incarnations. The arrive of the Wizard cut short Vishnu and Brahmas traditional training and they were forced to fight. They faught valiently, but fell early in the war. Shiva wept for days, then led an assault on the Wizards lair. They defeated many high ranking officers, but they suffered heavy casualtys and failed to capture or kill the wizard himself.

Shiva herself latter fell in teh 11th year of the war after getting separated from her companions.

To read more, visit Newhaven
RS Sailor Black Moon
Sailor Vishnu
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