
06/20/2008 - I don't get on that much. Actually, the only reason I'm even on at the moment is the lovely email concerning a retard of a a person trying to hack into my account. With. Many. FAILED. Attempts.

Really now, if you can't even get in the first three tries, you're really lacking in skills, therefore, give up. I'd like this account to gather dust in peace.


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Report | 10/28/2009 2:26 pm


True, hackers are always after you! To be honest, there isn't much left to keep us on this site, which is sad. It's true, these convos are the greatest! I don't crochet much anymore, plus my yarn is at my parents' house, which I should probably get at some time XP I'm glad you don't beleive in conforming to the gender norms, kind of annoying for those who do. Yes, body armor and showing off to the ladies XD

You can't be that much of a chicken if you're able to run around the dorms at 3am. I want to see that movie too! We are having a scary movie night on Friday and watching Saw 6 on Halloween. Do you have a roommate or are you in a single, cuz they might not like you sleeping with the lights on, that can make it hard to sleep in the first place XD What are you up to for Halloween?

I'll be gone from March to March, I think, don't know much. No, not Afghanistan, which is really good, that's the worst place right now.

I'm glad you are seeing (well saw) your advisor, I hope s/he can help. I have found that some advisors are totally worthless and it only makes things worse when going to see one which kind of defeats the purpose. I hope your TA can help, sometimes they are worthless too, but I hope not! No beer pong for me, actually never played that. You? Deep fried oreos? Never tried that either, are they good? I actually didn't do too much this weekend, which was really nice. I like not having to do stuff all the time. I went to our college football game, and wow oh wow are they bad. They are 1 and 7 now I think. And the Vikings lost their first game, not that I am really a sports fan anyways. How about this weekend? What are you up too? (even though I kinda already asked that above)

Report | 10/23/2009 3:29 pm


I was wondering why you didn't respond. I thought I scared you away XD It is almost Halloween afterall. 60*? It was 29 this morning crying That is a great excuse for mittens, and cool ones at that haha. Tell your sister to make it for you for Christmas, that is just around the corner too. I made a scarf once, even two colors, quite proud of that one. Oh great, another one of my weird tendencies arises! To be completely honest, the girls here are wearing flip flops and shorts sometimes too. I swear, sometimes I just don't know about people. Body armor? That sounds a bit clumsy to run in XD.

I might be a creeper, I guess I just like to hang out and not really make my presence known. Wondering around the dorms? That sounds like fun. Although at 3am you better be careful! Might have to give someone a DW kick to the face!

I'm supposed to be deployed "officially" in March till March, which falls on our birthday, TWICE! crying

Moved away from History? Geography? I always liked that class, just never got too into it. I think it would be fun to teach, maybe to younger kids. I'm glad you got a B on your paper. I love getting good grades on stuff I really didn't do well on, kinda funny that way. Sorry about econ, I hope you do get help in it, and glad you are not too proud to admit you need help. My tests and paper went ok. My test on Saturday killed me though. My roommate and one of my best friends since 10th grade had a party, and didn't ask me about it. I had to study for that crappy test and get up early. Oh well, it went ok. Hope your weekend is amazing DW!

Report | 10/08/2009 3:46 pm


I noticed they were getting long too XD It is currently 43* out and that is in the afternoon! Sheesh! But 60 there is fricken cold too! Can you believe we still have girls and guys in shorts and t-shirts sometimes, crazy I tell you! Tan? Probably fake and bake maybe? Haha. Yea, possibly snow tomorrow, but most likely this weekend. Which is gross. Are you accident prone? Like Bella in Twilight? Sorry, I’m a nerd that read teenage romance novels again XP Don’t die on those hills and brick paths!

No, most people think I’m weird, but I am so razz to them. I do have a girlfriend and since I am supposed to be deploying in March, I am kinda ring shopping now. You know a Wolfie? I don’t think I am awkward, but I can be o.o’

Don’t want to be a teacher? I think history would be cool, but I’d be more into medieval stuff rather than like civil war stuff. What do you like? Hope you did well on your test and paper! Mine was ok, still got a bunch of tests coming up next week XP A quiz on monopoly, like the game? And of course I have to talk to you, I don’t talk to you that often so when I do, it’s gotta count! Yea, I still haven’t really done much with my paper, yuck. An all-nighter? That would have been dreadful!

Report | 10/06/2009 11:46 am


It is so cold up here. Today was 42*F, gahh crying 100’s are so gross. When I was in California this summer for Army it got up to 122*F *dies* Aside from the heat it is a lot like MN. We have lots of trees and wildlife and lakes. Not much for mountains but it’s still fun. We do have super humidity, which is so gross. I like not having to live right on top of the neighbors.
People keep telling me that I will want to be back in college, but I don’t think so. I can’t wait to start life and get a house and raise a family and stuff. That is what I’m looking forward too. I want to do yard work and do fun chores like sawing and hammering stuff! It is going by fast, I agree. Haha! You never know, 36 to 48 hours might have helped you. That’s cool, at least your open to more things that way. Kinda would stink to pick a major, go through all the classes and realize you don’t like it or have no interest in it at all. I was wondering why you were avoiding that questions XD haha

Good luck on that exam (although you are probably done with it by now.) Econ gets boring, real boring. I have an exam in my Money and Banking class this Thursday, it shouldn’t be so hard but blah! The only reason I say that is because every time I talked to you, you’re like I am so busy studying and doing this and this, haha. The fall is definitely hitting me hard too. It is getting all rainy and we might have snow tomorrow, GAHHHH! I mostly procrastinate too, kinda what I am doing now. I have a paper due on Monday and I’m typing this instead of doing it, epic fail me. (In fact, I am typing in Word, in the document that is supposed to be my paper, XD )Every one thinks I’m a hard worker, I really just pull it all together in the end and make it look like I’ve been doing stuff all along, sneaky, I know. Besides sleep what do you do to avoid hw?

Report | 10/04/2009 8:48 pm


Yea, I am in the army reserves, still have three years left as of this past September. I was at Fort Jackson, SC. Kinda hot there. North Dakota is alright, it is pretty flat and not really many lakes or trees, oh how I miss MN. The wind is atrocious here X_X

It is indeed fun ranting. I can't wait to get a job after college, although that sounds weird. I am so ready to be done with college and doing homework. College is too broad, even with a major. I want to focus on what I am doing and not worry about things I will never use. The job market will be ok when we get out of college, plus you'll find a job easy :3 We are indeed as young as we think!

Eww econ. I am so glad I took AP econ in high school, I never have to do it again. But I am taking mostly business classes so that doesn't help much. I hope your econ class gets better. Tell you something though, after all these years in college, I am still talking about supply and demand, gah! BTW, don't you just hate pre-reqs, especially if they have NOTHING to do with your major. blah to school. I definately can't wait to be done with college and then go work. Did you tell me your major yet? I think you just said econ as a class XD. DW I really think you should take it easy though, when ever I talk to you, you are always studying so hard and working to the bone!

Report | 10/01/2009 10:12 am


Yea, to be honest, I want to be done with school, soooo boring and troublesome. I am at NDSU, go Bison! Kind of boring here to tell you the truth. UNC? I went to NC for basic training for the army >.<

Ranting is fun, sometimes. I guess I like to hear other people rant too, haha! I just like listening to people.

I think I've had senioritis since before I started college. Yea, accounting, but all my classes are more on the business side of my major so I don't get to work with numbers like I want to. Taking a year off isn't a bad idea. I probably would have done the same if I didn't join the army which pays for some of my school.
What are you going to school for again? Sometimes my memory is an epic fail?
And your only a year older than me, I think, so don't feel old or I'll feel old and I feel old enough as it is crying

Report | 09/30/2009 9:18 am


*HUG* I'm good. Busy busy as usual. Yea, school is still kicking my butt as well. This is my last semester of undergrad classes, then I have to do an internship with an accounting firm, then I get to go do a year of Masters and then finally take the CPA exam! Blah. Sorry about that little rant. How far along with school are you?

Yea I don't go on Gaia much, just a few minutes here and there, just not really that exciting with all my friends kind of on sporatically. What else are you up to besides school?

Report | 09/29/2009 6:22 am


DW! It's good to here from you birthday buddy! That happened to me awhile ago too, several times a week they'd try to get into mine. How are you doing? What's new?

Report | 09/15/2008 12:19 pm


Hey DW! someone keeps trying to get into your account too, I used to get 10 emails a day *shakes head*

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Report | 03/03/2008 3:18 pm


Hey I like your avvie!