
DarkenedHaven's avatar

Last Login: 07/30/2008 11:09 pm

Registered: 09/03/2006

Gender: Male


Something about Me

I enjoy writing. I'm good at it and it's fun. It's my creative outlet and has been my life line for years. I've written several short stories, most theming homosexuality as a key ingredient, and most in the fantasy genre.

I also like to draw. I'm not the best at it, but it has been improving by the leaps and bounds. Currently, I'm working on a couple drawing. So there we go.

I'm open to random chatting, from the serious to the funny to the downright morbid. Trust me, sometimes a stranger can help and I promise you, that I won't judge.


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Banner shop of Nyx_Altair, go buy one of his banners!
Souless Children

I'm not here at the moment, so leave a note


Just breathe...

... you'll be alright.