
My Story
Hello my name is Chii. I am a Chobit/Robot designed to look like a Middle Schooler, 16 year old. My owner is Hideki, but i re-covered all my past memories, i will tell you them.. All. Share them with you, so you know all the pain i have been through since my father Chitose died.
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What Happened
"Elda.. Freya.." I heard right before my birth as of a Chobit, With living organs. And a beating Heart. "Elda, Wake up." i heard again right before opening my hazel eyes. I saw my mother, and my Father Mr. and Mrs. Chitose, Standing there bewildered that i worked. That i was alive. That i could learn and breathe this wonderful air. "Where am..I?" i say as my sister Freya gets up. "You will learn soon now go back to bed."
A few years passed..
"CHITOSE!" I hear a scream as a wake up, lying next to me is Freya staring at me. "Do you know what that is Elda? hats going on with mother and father...?" she asked as she got up and kissed my forehead, I simply got up and through on my dress "FATHER? MOTHER!?" i scream as Freya walks behind me. "WHATS GOING.." I stop in confusion. "Chitose.. Had a heart attack.. He is.. dead..." said our mother as Freya walked in the room. Freya looked stumped to learn then she ran out of the room as I stand there staring at the tears that ran down her face. All of a sudden i feel a cold feel on my cheek, and in my heart.
A few months pass by...
"Freya...?" I say as a try to wake her up. Her Amber eyes open and i sigh in relive "I thought you're system wire snapped or shut down. Mom cannot fix us, remember.. Chitose.. I mean Father died.. Please get up today Freya.." I wisper to Freya as she lays there staring into my eyes with a sad look on her face filled with hell and unhappiness. "Elda... I cannot go on please.. just tell mom i cannot move.. I cannot get up, my whole body feels stiff.. Butt.. Elda.. I love you, and mother.. please... take care of her.. by......e........Elda! I will be with you!" she spats while holding my cheek. Once again that feel of ice cold came to my heart. But i continue holding back the tears intill her hand slips off my cheek i scream while grabbing her hand while tears fall down my cheeks sprinkling onto Freya's beautiful life-less body, "FREYYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!! MOTHER HELP FREYA!!! FREEYAAA! SHES NOT MOVING!!! MOTHERR!" i pause.. "Mother.. help her... PLEASE?!" i scream again while holding her life-less body in my arms while i continue maintaining the lake i have coming out of my tear filled eyes.....


Viewing 12 of 24 friends



Viewing 9 of 9 comments.

x0xDark Meisterx0x

Report | 10/02/2007 5:06 am

x0xDark Meisterx0x

hey guys... i won't be using this account anymore

Report | 07/05/2007 3:07 pm


hey whats up girl
x0xDark Meisterx0x

Report | 04/19/2007 5:44 pm

x0xDark Meisterx0x

Nice page!

Report | 04/17/2007 11:57 am


i want chili lol jk

Report | 04/06/2007 12:01 am


hey i love your profile esp. the music
Your Dark Highness

Report | 04/05/2007 11:41 pm

Your Dark Highness

Hi. I like your profile. Especially the Chii story. It's sad... xD
Bright Angel Chii

Report | 07/05/2006 7:11 am

Bright Angel Chii


Report | 05/10/2006 8:28 am


Happy Questing! ninja
Cavix Darkstone

Report | 04/30/2006 8:48 pm

Cavix Darkstone

hello there!


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