
Darkly_Dreaming_Deborah's avatar

Birthday: 05/07


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Im 25 and live in Brisbane with my sister. I like to read, listen to music, watch tv/movies and go to the pub on Friday afternoons. There isnt much more to tell. Im pretty boring.


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The Splendorman Report | 07/22/2009 4:45 pm
The Splendorman
They did? Ooh, okay.
I wish had enough money to even get the soft cover when it comes out. Hehehe, I'm broke. razz

Yeah. I'm starting to like, since I kinda understand him more. Michael stays alive? But . . . he doesn't own Amorrachious any more. D=
It does, doesn't it? It is cool, because you get to see different reactions from them and stuff.
The Splendorman Report | 07/22/2009 1:59 pm
The Splendorman
Wow, finally we're going to be on the last book? It felt like the Potter series would never end. Even the person who plays Harry Potter can't believe it's gone this far. =3 How would they split a book into two? That seems . . . strange.
Haha, yeah, I liked Small Favor. But, Michael doesn't die, does he? That would break my wittle heart. gonk Hey, in Turn Coat, my friend said Morgan ends up on Harry's steps pleading for help because he's about to die. Haha, the guy finally got what was coming to him for being suspicious of Harry all the time. I dunno. Ordering off the net might make you pay more then you might have to if you bought it at a bookstore.
I would read any book that had to do with one of the characters from the Dresden Files. Speaking of that, Jim Butcher, Kat Richardson, Simon R. Green, and Thomas E. Sniegoski are all going to write a series together: Mean Streets. Jim includes Harry Dresden, Kat includes Harper Blaine, Simon includs John Taylor, and Thomas includes remy Chandeler in the series. I don't know any of the authors besides Jim Butcher, but the series sounds like it'll be interesting!
The Splendorman Report | 07/21/2009 4:34 pm
The Splendorman
What is the next Harry Potter movie going to be? Oh, and, I can't remember if I told you, but I'm done reading Small Favor.
Hey, have you heard about the book Jim's going to write for Thomas? My friend was telling me about, I can't remember what she said the title'd be, but the book would be about Thomas's life.
o.o I've never heard of those bands(or)artists.
The Splendorman Report | 07/19/2009 5:18 pm
The Splendorman
Lol, I didn't you were a teen.
It was funny? I thought it was 'possed to be a action-packed drama-filled special-effects-inducing-possible-seizure-reactions film. Guess not. ;D

Never heard of it?! It's awesome. What songs have you heard of, then?
The Splendorman Report | 07/17/2009 10:02 pm
The Splendorman
Ooooo. It sounds interesting. You're telling me you aren't a teen? Haha, whatever. Age doesn't matter to me. =3 Speaking of Harry Potter, are you going to go see the new movie of it? It looks like it might be a good one.
Do you like the song "If Today Was Your Last Day" by Nickleback? I do. =]
The Splendorman Report | 07/17/2009 4:56 am
The Splendorman
House of Night series? I have never heard of that. What's it about? It sounds interesting.
Just a random thought, but have you ever listened to any songs by Nickleback?

Now reading Small Favor.
The Splendorman Report | 07/17/2009 4:53 am
The Splendorman
House of Night series? I have never heard of that. What's it about? It sounds interesting.
Just a random thought, but have you ever listened to any songs by Nickleback?
The Splendorman Report | 07/11/2009 7:12 pm
The Splendorman
Woaah. I just forgot everything I was gonna type. Whoops. D=

Umm . . . yeah. It was sad when Bob was gonna die in the show it was verry sad.
In the book, I remember when Bob asked Harry if he could go into him.

I can't remember what I was gonna type else . . . Oh~
I'm reading Small Favor right now.
The Splendorman Report | 07/06/2009 8:09 pm
The Splendorman
I knew he was a temple dog, just wondering if he was something else. idk.

Yes he is. I did wonder though, why they never showed Bob inside his skull, talking. He talked in the book, but it never happened in the show. He was just a spirit of knowledge, and one who helped Harry out a couple times. This may be funny, but I cried a little when they showed Bob dieing on the show in that one episode when Justin came back. Wasn't it Justin Morningway in the tv show, and in the book, Justin DuMorne, right? I noticed that after a little while.

Haha, yeah. It's cool how he can do that with Mister, I think it'd be even cooler if he could do it with people! =D

When is the book coming out in soft cover, by the way? Oh, and I'm in the middle of White Night right now.
The Splendorman Report | 07/03/2009 2:12 pm
The Splendorman
Haha, true, true. Hey, is Mouse a dog? Or something else? Just finished Proven Guilty, gonna read White Night next. But in Proven Guilty, a couple characters, Thomas, Madrigal, were saying Mouse was something else then a dog.

Yeah, Murphy was annoying in the beginning, too. I thought Bob was a little too, but they're both awesome now. Yeah, it's stupid when people are always thinking Harry's up to no good, even though he's trying to save lives.

Hey, do you remember when Harry was out front Micheal's house, when little Harry was on the ground playing? Then one of those coins that contain a demon was thrown in the way, and little Harry tried to pick it up? But Harry got to the coin before little Harry could. I was wondering why Harry didn't just pick up little Harry, instead of taking the coin. It's funny, later in the series, Harry was thinking the same thing.


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