
Love Me Before You Hate Me.
Know Me Before You Judge Me.
Things not too many people wonder or even consider. Can you really hate someone if you don't even know them? Not many people even know the meaning of the word. It's all a matter of opinion, just as this is. Don't look at me and automatically assume you know who I am. Just as you wouldn't want that to
happen to you. Be careful who you hurt, it'll always come back ten-fold.

Love Hurts Because:

14. You can argue and fight with them, but still can't get them out of your mind...

13. When your on the phone with them late at night and they hang up you miss them already when it was just five minutes ago...

12. You read their texts over and over again...

11. You walk really slow when you're with them...

10. You feel shy whenever you're with them...

9. When you think about them, your heart beats faster and faster...

8. You smile when you hear their voice...

7. When you look at them, you can't see the other people around
you... all you see is him/her...

6. You start listening to slow songs, while thinking of them...

5. They become all you think about...

4. You get high just from their scent and their kiss...

3. You realize that you're always smiling to yourself when you think
about them...

2. You would do anything for them...

1. While reading this, there was one person on your mind the whole


I LOVE these peoples for contributing to my sig!^^:
Opa heart
Umi heart
Vamp heart
Zander heart

You guys rock cuz you love my sig!^^:


You can have Washington I'll take New Jersey
You can have London but I want New York City

I should get Providence I've got a job now
Los Angeles - obvious - that's where you belong now

You can have Africa Asia Australia
As long as you keep your hands off Cafe Pamplona

We can split Germany right down the middle
You'd hate it there anyway
Take Berlin and we'll call it even

You can have all of the carry-on baggage
I'll trade the saskia jokes for the alphabet language

And special occasions we'll split between parents
Who forced us to hate them on alternating weekends

You call it over and I call you psycho
Significant other?
Just say we were lovers and we'll call it even
We'll call it even

I am the ground zero ex-friend you ordered
Disgused as a hero to get past your borders
I know when I'm wanted I'll leave if you ask me to
Mind my own business and speak when I'm spoken to

I am the tower around which you orbited
I am not proud I am just taking orders
I fall to the ground within hours of impact
I hit back when hit
And attack when attacked

You get route 2 between Concord and Lexington
I want Mass Ave from the square to my apartment

And if we should meet through some misunderstanding
I'll be very sweet very patient and forgiving
(now get off my side of the state)

And if we should meet one another in passing
Despite these techniques there is sometimes no avoiding
(there must be some kind of mistake)

We'll raise high our white flags and say hi and shake hands
Declaring the land we're on unamerican
We'll call it even

I am the tower around which you orbited
I am not proud I am just taking orders
I fall to the ground within hours of impact
I hit back when hit
And attack when attacked

I am an accident waiting to happen
I'm laughing like mad as you strangle the captain
My place may be taken, but make no mistake
From a little black box you can say without shame
That you've lost
Do you know what you've lost?

So take whatever you'd like
I'll strike like the States on fire
You won't sleep very tight
No hiding
No safe covers
Make your bed and now lie
Just like you always do
You can fake it for the papers but I'm on to you



The inner workings of the one you never knew


Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 07/04/2008 4:07 pm


try this out! send this to at least 10 people then press F5 you'll get 10,000

Report | 07/13/2007 2:20 am


how have you been?

Report | 07/10/2007 9:07 pm


hey long time no talk!!

Report | 04/30/2007 12:13 pm


comment bump ^^
Tyndo Tsagar

Report | 03/09/2007 4:30 pm

Tyndo Tsagar

It's only Ty. Just wondering if you'll say hi when and if you come back if not it's ok.

Report | 02/15/2007 9:11 pm


Hey I haven't talked to you in forever! I hope you remember me! If not that's cool. Gaia's a huge place. ^_^ Just wanted to say hi and see how you are!
<3 Bev
Mr. Green.

Report | 12/19/2006 9:32 pm

Mr. Green.

Hey.I dont know if ya remember me or not,but if ya do then drop me a PM sometime or something,it'd be nice to talk to some old friends again.
Hannah Kitty Dickerson

Report | 11/12/2006 8:05 pm

Hannah Kitty Dickerson

love your avi!
~Nukimia Angel of Blood~

Report | 09/21/2006 7:54 pm

~Nukimia Angel of Blood~

Its ok,
I've been pretty busy myself.
And I'm ok but what about you?

Report | 09/17/2006 3:45 pm


[ -Be yourself, don't take anyone's s**t, and never let them take you alive- ]

Oh. Em. Eff. Gee. 'Girl Anachronism' owns. You = heart

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I am the Girl Anachronism.