
Hi!!! um well their isn't much to say my bff's are linsey,amelia,billy,jon,casey I hate Sha'Miya! i love poetry,art,music,sports,I LOVE READING! i will post my poems if u guys would like me to!!! i am also writing a book called Dragon Lake so if u would like to read the beggining of it i would be more than willing to post it on my profile for you all to look at!!! And for those of u who do not know me i am punk . do not laugh lindsey.

i h8 posers and preppy people! so if you are any of these things WATCH YOUR BACK!!!! i also am disgusted with girls that wear extensive makeup!!! but hey not all girls can look good without it!

I want to go to harvard or a good collage that can get me a job!
I want to work at the Australia Zoo (where steve Erwin worked)

At this time i want to thank Steve Erwin for he is my idol !! he always cared about the well being of animals and i am a real animal person!

I am alergic to horses which sucks!!!! i have 3 dogs Shoki which means Demon Slayer in japaneese, mitzi, and brandy, i also hve 3 cats Crystal, Lucky< and Sampson (AKA. The General)
I also have alot of fish , and a bird named Soren!!!

ok here is the begginig of my book!!! it is finally here!

He couldnt belive it. he was on the back of a saphire colored dragon. the wind whipping around his face as the dragon flew faster then it started to soar higher and higher into the clouds and as the dragon turned around it looked at him with beautiful misty blue green eyes and smiled and he returned her smile with a gentle pat. Without another word the dragon plummeted down to earth the boy wooped with joy and the dragon gave a loud roar of overflowing happiness at being in the sky with her chosen partner, but as they dived toward earth another dragon and rider came from nowhere and attacked the boy and dragon but not going to let her rider be seriously injured she opened her talons and together the dragons ripped into each others flesh, and as blood spattered the earth the sky turned dark and the could hear thunder in the distance. The boys buckel came loose he screamed his dragons name as she turned toward his pleading cry the evil dragon siezed his chance and with open claws grabbed at her chest and ripped her heart out the boy jumped on
the other riders saddle and watched in horror as his beautiful and beloved friend fell into the lake. When he finally reached her she locked her eyes with his and said " i'll always love you little one do not ever forget me!!" And with that she died, never to fly on the wind with her lifelong friend again.
well i hope you injoy it!!! i know i am looking forward to your replys!

READ ME RIGHT NOW OR ELSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ok i started my guild and it is called : Rise of the Dark Wolf

now i have at least 5 members already and we need more!!! i have some rules and if u will be so kind as to READ THEM!!!

1. no cybering
2. no stealing

4. HAVE FUN!!!

i may add more as time goes by so keep a lookout and also if u have any questions or wanna talk or have ideas on how to make da guild bettr just pm me!!!


Tinybrat's journal


i love to write poetry and i just love writing as long as its not an essay!



