Well howdy

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N a m e: Dave Rivers
N i c k n a m e: David, Davy, a**, Jack off
N a t i o n a l i t y: American
A g e: 25
D .O .B.: January 1, 1985
S e x: Male
O r i e n t a t i o n: Straight
L o c a t i o n: Savannah, Georgia
W e i g h t: 156
R a c e: Human
H a i r Color: Black
E y e C o l o r: Ivory Green
D r i n k e r: Occasionally nawt on tah job tho.
S m o k e r: No
S t a t u s: Taken
O c c u p a t i o n: Mechanic, Zombie killer
L i k e s: Cars, Tools, Music, and friends
D i s l i k e s: Zombies, Friends being attacked by infected, and witches
P e r s o n a l i t y: Sweet, nice, caring, doesn't talk much, gets upset really easily, likes to mess with his friends and cheer them up.
Q u o t e: "Well goddamn"

Well howdy the names Dave, Dave Rivers and gosh..Where to begin.
Well I was born and raised in Laramie, Wyoming with my mom and dad. My dad was studying to be a mechanic he taught me alot of cool things like how to fix cars and build and make your own. As soon as he finished with his studies he got a job all the way in Savannah, Georgia. It was abit tough at first since I hardly knew anyone or anything there but, I got to meet a nice kid named Ellis who eventually introduced me to Keith and ever since than we've been best of friends. Growing up I got to learn more and more about mechanic and engenering was the top in my class thanks to the help of my dad and my friends. Everything was going all swell and dandy until..they came..They said they were just sick but sick people usually stay in bed and eat noodle soup b-but what they were doing was different...it was horrible..

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Total Value: 2,275,973 Gold
[Item Information]

Item List:
SDPlus #26 Sam Doll
Buttoned Down Fauna Boots
Forest Puft Jacket
Black Wool Top
Wensleydale Prep Uniform Trousers

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Total Value: 3,077,535 Gold
[Item Information]

Item List:
Brass Raving Goggles
SDPlus #26 Sam Doll
Brown Work Gloves
Blue Workjeans
Castaway Rust Boots
White Heavenly Unmentionables