
I like raves and music festivals

I watch UFC and Football

Always Sunny & Trailer Park boys



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i mainly just started this journal for the gold, but lets see if i can get more into it



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 07/01/2012 7:16 am


Well, I was told how it works a while back, but unfortunately, I forgot; though! It takes three filters to make the water as pure as rain water used to be.

Report | 06/29/2012 9:58 pm


D'oh! My apologies.
I've have a lot of other things going on and completely forgot.

We were talking about reverse osmosis water.

Report | 06/24/2012 1:15 am


Sorry for not explaining about the demon. I'll have to tell you later today if you'd like.
I hope you sleep well, as well, hun'.

Report | 06/24/2012 1:02 am


I apologize for the delayed response.
I was catching up on a few other things that were mandatory.
I might turn in soon. It's pretty late...

Report | 06/24/2012 12:17 am


That's rather welcoming and informing all at once, though, I couldn't level with kids younger than myself;
especially in the paranormal world, since that's all I've had to live by as a kid, myself.

Report | 06/24/2012 12:10 am


I've actually had to live with a demon before...
Absolutely atrocious times...
And, honestly, I've never been on 4chan, once.
Though, I always hear about it, left and right.

Report | 06/24/2012 12:05 am


North Carolina.
Not the best place in the world, but unfortunately, it's where I so happen to be.

Though, in my area, all I'd ever suspect from the dead, if they were to speak, would be that of slaves and possibly soldiers.
Despite the fact it's terrible just to state that, it's true.

There's really no activity out here, so I wouldn't assume there would be any portals to hell or anything.

Report | 06/23/2012 11:55 pm


I've also recently discovered that the supposed alien bodies taken from crash landings had eyes like ours. They're not really pitch black!
Some sort of lens or extra lid.. I can't recall what it was, specifically.

Just come and live with me, babe.~
As soon as I collect enough and I'm able to hold off bills and such,
I'll be taking my childhood home back.
It resides just down the road from an ex-insane asylum and childrens school/hospital.
It's now turned into a health department.

There's been, always has and always will be, ghosts in that entire neighbor hood.
They jumped from house to house.

Ironically enough,
I had just received a ghost hunting kit not too long ago from some family members of mine.
I haven't put it to work as of yet, though,
and I'm afraid of using it at home because it might attract unwanted energies.

Report | 06/23/2012 11:37 pm


I would have to say; the only existence of hell would be here on earth.
Have you ever noticed how UFOs tend to come around when natural disaster is about to strike?
You name it, from earthquakes, tsunamis, hurricanes; they're there. But for what reason?
Would you know why they show up just before all hell breaks loose?

And, I believe I've heard of the show.

I have a history of the paranormal in my life, as well as the abnormal sightings from space, through out my entire childhood.
I can actually recall a space ship, though large, very silently hovering over of my neighbor hood.
I know for a fact it wasn't any form of plane; I highly doubt if it were even a top secret plane or jet of some sort.
The lights were all too vivid, and in very peculiar shapes.

So many other sightings!
It'd be arduous to attempt explaining every single one of them I've ever caught with my own two eyes.

Report | 06/23/2012 11:16 pm


I believe in a superior being; and I'll only believe those who have actually died and came back to share what they've experienced.
I dislike people assuming they know what it's like, for example; "It's all just clouds and pearly golden gates!"

No, it's not gates, in fact, the afterlife looks much like the life we have now; but with a lack of pollution, war/violence,
a lack of machines as well. No sign of spite; and there's nothing but pure warmth surrounding you.

The sky is clear, there's no such land as the land I've seen, here on earth.
..Pure comfort.

There's no need to fear death, because there is only a better life after this one.
I've been trying to explain that to people; but they're stuck in their ways.

I was told that many, if not everyone forgets what it was like before they come into this life,
for the sole fact of preventing mass suicide. That, and; I believe we're here for a purpose.

Though, I personally keep that to myself to conjure my own purpose;
and that would be bringing as much comfort and aide to those who need it most.
