14 year old girl named Ruth was sitting at home eating tacos while babysitting her brother while he parents were out getting drunk. its 9:00 so she puts her brother to bed he falls asleep immediately. she watches tv and at 1:27 the phone rings she picks it up and an eerie voice says something in a foreign language that she can not under stand and so she just hangs up.later about 3:13 the phone rings again. the same eerie voice from before say check ur brothers room who are u and what do u want.she gets scare and checks her brothers room just in case. she opens the door and sees her brother hanging from the closet she immediately called the police they come right over they do a full investigation. they take her to court and finds her guilty of first degree murder she was sentenced to life in prison.this is no joke it is a true story of her dear family in fork city, Utah. she haunts those that do not re tell her story as she thinks that it is them who murdered her dear brother. if u do not send this to 15 people in the next 331 minutes she will appear by your bed and torcher and hang u as it was done to her brother. start sending now before it is two late