
Otaku to the core. I include most everything you could in that, but i have some specialities, namely: meta-taku, music-taku, and pirate-taku.

I prefer to read rather than watch T.V., so don't try to talk to me about any recent shows, because I won't know anything.

For reasons you need not worry about, I take much joy in the ruination of others, even if it has a directly negative effect on me. But even through this, I am not truly mean spirited. It's complicated.

I am also a gamer, although less now than ever before, mostly because I just can't bring myself to give up other activities to play the games.

That's about it. You can always ask me if you want to know anything more specific.



Viewing 2 of 2 comments.

R E A Zpsychotic

Report | 07/02/2009 9:31 am

R E A Zpsychotic

Opps i said that wrong didnt I
R E A Zpsychotic

Report | 07/01/2009 5:08 pm

R E A Zpsychotic

heya hunny! Haha loved your post about how 98% of anime is american crap. lol. If you know were to look, its pretty good. Although I still think Vampire Knight was pretty cool, the stuff you got me into is about 100% better!


My name is legion, for we are many.

Anonymous does not forgive.

Anonymous does not forget.

Because none of us are as bad as all of us.