Dearest Persephone

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Birthday: 08/21


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YARU NA NINGEN Report | 11/09/2018 5:44 pm
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User Image【re. cryѕтallιne ѕongѕтreѕѕ】
The sound, laced into brisk autumn winds, grazed softly along his perception - more acute than a human's range of hearing, and yet he could not find familiarity in the voice. It beckoned him from his work, and the Beastman obliged curiosity. He might have dismissed the faint intrusion, save that it so conveyed a plea. He was not about to turn his back on the suffering of another, if his involvement could alleviate even the slightest distress. The blond tapped a few glowing keys on a translucent touchpad, where an image of a topography map neared completion, and slipped the slender device into a pocket. With focus, he pursued the source of the gentle prayer. He had not anticipated what, or who he might find.

✰—And initially, he was stalled by her beauty. Unbound tresses, cascaded well past the girl's hips - soft in shade, and the hue of moonlight. Her sleek frame shouldered a journey of unknown distance, but she appeared to be Human, to him. The stranger possessed a steady gaze of brilliant gold, a color not too unlike his own eyes. Her features were delicate, but Viral could discern trouble in them through intuition, if not observation. With an air of concern, finally wrested from surprise, he approached her with an offer of assistance,

❝Was that... your voice I heard?
What are you doing out here, wandering so far? Alone? Oi, are you lost?
Keh, I'm just pestering you with questions. Here. Rest.❞

✰—The Beastman extended a broader hand, claws enclosed around a silver canteen comprised of a material that held a steady chill. The water within was crisp, and the offer of refreshment was sincere.

❝I was about finished here. Even a moment later... and I would have missed you.❞
It went unsaid, that Viral was grateful to have delayed his departure those crucial moments. In fact, he was already inwardly citing it as a fateful sort of encounter, the kind where impossibilities become reality.
🚀•·.·´¯`·.·•🐾 ☾✶•·.·´¯`·.·•´‍☠️

【∞☾: out of catnip】
You know me, I'm ALWAYS up for Rp! Especially with you! <3
I did a little research on Azura so I'm not completely in the dark, lol.
Feel free to spoonfeed me any details about her along the way that you think might be crucial!

YARU NA NINGEN Report | 10/12/2018 2:40 pm
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User Image【∞☾: out of catnip?】
Hey, Persei. Just thought I'd throw a few well-wishes your way.
I hope your procedure goes by painlessly, and that you make a swift recovery.
Here's sending you good luck and warmest regards - physically, emotionally, and deservedly!
And hey, if you ever need to talk anything out, don't hesitate to mention it. 🐱

🚀•·.·´¯`·.·•🐾 ☾✶•·.·´¯`·.·•´‍☠️
Mugiwara no Luffy-x Report | 08/04/2013 10:53 pm
Mugiwara no Luffy-x
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Ͼαþŧạɪȵ ϻѳиӄәɣ Ð. Ƚʋʄʄϓ
ғʋȶʋʁȜ ϸῒЯȺʇξ ҞɨȠɞ!

With his head tilted to one side, he pondered; sure, Law was now his Nakama, and he would protect him from the entire world if necessary, but he wasn't sure 'nice' was a word one would use to describe the cool, complicated and stoic surgeon.
"He's sorta nice, and he said he's never betray us, so I trust him. He's saved a bunch of kids before, an' saved us plenty a' times, so I guess in a way, he really is a nice guy! Ahahaha!"
Nodding up toward the beautiful giant of a princess, his grin softened for a moment, shifting into a smaller smile as he placed his hand flattened onto the skin he was sitting on, in a reassuring gesture. "M'glad you've made some friends, though, I can't do anything without my Nakama... ya' can always stay near us while we're sailing, though, as long as ya' promise not to cry." His tone was deeper, softer and much less teasing than before, once again glancing up toward the teenage princess, she was one of his Nakama, after all, and he couldn't just let her adventure all by herself.
"Nyehehe, it was real exciting! One side of the entire island was covered in fire, and lava, and was really, really hot! But when ya' crossed the lake in the middle, everything was freezing cold, and covered in snow, with ice everywhere!"
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YARU NA NINGEN Report | 08/03/2013 10:56 am
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〖☠〗 Ħιкǝη иʘ ᴀɕз 〖☠〗
『2nd Division Commander of the Shirohige Kaizokudan』

As the girl spoke, the lilting sound softened the Whitebeard pirate's sharp gaze. This stranger was all sweetness. She was certainly the only mermaid of her stature he'd ever seen, according to what his memories could supply at the moment. He wondered distantly about her home, recalling certain details the Fishman, Jinbe may have offered, and certain events that his captain, Shirohige, had brought about concerning their underwater realm. As he attempted to mentally line up the pieces, the mermaid moved nearer, and all his efforts were summarily forgotten in favor of noticing the mermaid's beauty. Her gaze, glistening from the tears she'd discarded, was a bold, clear, cerulean pallet that seemed to mirror the unending sea she belonged in. The girl's delicate little features, softness and spirit contained in each detail, they all mapped out flawlessly to his eyes. It took him a moment to realize she'd spoken, and he stumbled over his words a bit in his hurry to re-collect his thoughts.
E-eh? A bad man?
He laughed a little, quietly and almost apologetic. Depending on her stance on the subject, he may be delivering bad news in being honest.
That one's a bit tricky. I'm a pirate, but I'm not out to do ya harm, if that helps.
Spreading a palm across the crown of his hat, he lifted it off his head before offering a cordial, introductory bow.
Portgas D. Ace. It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Miss...?
The young commander gently prompted for her name, replacing his hat as he spoke.
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YARU NA NINGEN Report | 07/31/2013 12:26 am
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〖☠〗 Ħιкǝη иʘ ᴀɕз 〖☠〗
『2nd Division Commander of the Shirohige Kaizokudan』

On the same unnamed little island, The Whitebeard commander was dozing on a massive branch, a half-eaten citrus fruit still loosely contained within a broad grip. He wasn't high off of the ground, and he hadn't been resting long when the plaintive sound rippled into his aimless dreams. Curiously, his forefinger nudged the brim of his hat out of his eyes as he scanned his immediate surrounding to determine what had changed in them, for the worse, for someone. He spotted the great mermaid princess within moments.
He sat up a little, and with his left eyebrow arched high in disbelief, he called out to her; a bit concerned.

Oi! You over there, are ya injured!
Jumping down out of the tree, he approached the distressed young lady, glancing here and there for evidence of harm that she might have withstood. Crouching in front of her, he set a hand on top of on of the princess' while wearing a faint grin. She reminded him of a cry-happy brat from his history that he always fussed at. Even though his words were teasing, his tone was more encouraging than scolding.
You're quite the crybaby aren't ya?
There, now. Let's hear what's troublin' ya.

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[[Great starting post; thanks for workin' me into your game! It's a pleasure to meet you, too.]]

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Mugiwara no Luffy-x Report | 07/30/2013 6:37 pm
Mugiwara no Luffy-x
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Ͼαþŧạɪȵ ϻѳиӄәɣ Ð. Ƚʋʄʄϓ
ғʋȶʋʁȜ ϸῒЯȺʇξ ҞɨȠɞ!

Unwrapping his arm and standing up straight in order to easier speak at eye-level, the raven-haired captain grinned toward the monstrous girl, letting out another laugh at the tears welling up in Shirahoshi's eyes. "Nehehe.. yer' about ta' cry right now, aren't ya'? But since we're Nakama, I'll overlook it just this once!" He couldn't help but playfully tease the Princess, having gone through so much with her during their time under the ocean. With his head tilted lightly to one side, he pondered inwardly for a moment about his recent endeavors on Punk Hazard.
"Na, yeah, we've done a lot, it was a lot of fun, but it made it easy ta' see that even after we've all trained for so long, there's still a lot of strong bastards out there..I even got a new Nakama, ya' ever heard of Torao? .. ah, na, what is he called? The 'Surgeon of Death'? We made an Alliance! Oh, and how's the sea been, Yowahoshi? Why're ya' here all by yourself?" As he spoke, he jumped lightly onto the outstretched hand, sitting down crosslegged on the palm of the mermaid's hand, staring up toward her with large, honest and curious eyes, though that wicked grin never faded from his expression.
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Mugiwara no Luffy-x Report | 07/30/2013 5:56 pm
Mugiwara no Luffy-x
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Ͼαþŧạɪȵ ϻѳиӄәɣ Ð. Ƚʋʄʄϓ
ғʋȶʋʁȜ ϸῒЯȺʇξ ҞɨȠɞ!

Having been perched rather loosely on top of the figurehead of the Thousand Sunny, gazing up toward the clouds with a small a large, somewhat distant smile. It had been a while since the sky had been clear enough to enjoy the sun warming the clear water below them, though little did he know that in about .2 seconds, despite his new prowess in Kenbunshoku Haki, that he would almost become a little too familiar with the shining sea below them. With a small, but loud yell, the young captain quickly stretched an arm and wrapped it entirely around the lion/sun/sunflower that he had been sitting on, in order to secure himself without falling off right into the sea as the ship nearly capsized from the force of the Mermaid Princesses' excitement, his hand pressed against his precious hat to keep it from flying off.
"NANDEYO? WHO THE HECK ARE Y-.. eh..?" The young Mugiwara senchou had began to yell in rage toward what appeared to be a large sea king, before cutting himself off as he finally noticed the familiar cascading, salmon hair and those gigantic, sweet cerulean eyes. Sitting up straight, a grin broke across his features, teeth taking up most of his entire face. It had been a while, hadn't it? He hadn't expected to see the mermaid for a while, let alone without supervision, but it was exciting to see a friend, especially in the New World.
"Na, Yowahoshi, that is you, isn't it?! You look like you're doing alright.. ya' aren't crying again, are you?" A round of laughter escaped his throat as he used the free hand not still clinging desperately to the Thousand Sunny to wave at the young Princess.
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Gaara_Kazekage55 Report | 01/24/2012 4:41 am
hi long time no see.^^
Temari-chaan Report | 08/30/2011 3:16 pm
Uh,Happy Late birthday Matsuri?! heart
Temari-chaan Report | 08/08/2011 11:23 am
^_^It turns out to look really great after all.


Hello my wandering guest, please take a seat. Welcome to the boring little thing I call my spare time emotion_bigheart

Call me: Anything
Hobbies: Cosplay, Crafts, and Writing
Personality: Friendly
Status: Taken
Orientation: Demisexual, Panromantic
Age: 22
Intent: Explore and Involve myself
Mind: Out of this world


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