

DeathFromARose's avatar

Birthday: 09/25

About Me.

Only three things you need to know about me.

1) I am a Harry Potter fangirl.

2) I'm an AleHeather fan (Total drama world tour)

3) I don't love Twilight. I'm not a fan of the series any longer but I do like Midnight Sun. Edward's thoughts are just more intreasting.

Okay it's because he admits he's an obsessed vampire stalker.

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Dk Reivn Report | 07/20/2012 10:44 pm
Dk Reivn
Thank You!
Starla Firelight Report | 09/25/2010 7:18 pm
Starla Firelight
Where'd everybody else go?
Starla Firelight Report | 09/25/2010 2:58 pm
Starla Firelight
Thank you. So, how's your first half hour of being 16 been going?
Starla Firelight Report | 09/25/2010 1:28 pm
Starla Firelight
Nope, I specifically remember that it came up in a convo somewhere else.
Starla Firelight Report | 09/24/2010 7:57 pm
Starla Firelight
blaugh Happy Birthday! =^w^=
Starla Firelight Report | 08/22/2010 1:45 pm
Starla Firelight
Yes, and I noticed that all those words are capitalized.
Starla Firelight Report | 08/22/2010 7:15 am
Starla Firelight
Oh, okay. That makes more sense now.
Starla Firelight Report | 08/20/2010 7:25 pm
Starla Firelight
Yeah, I feel for her too.
No, 8th grade. You're thinking of Mrs. Baker.
Starla Firelight Report | 08/20/2010 11:06 am
Starla Firelight
Mrs. Beckham, the science teacher that had the baby.
PE, I heard. Spanish for me. EVERY DAY.
Starla Firelight Report | 08/20/2010 10:19 am
Starla Firelight
Same here, but at least I got to spend some time at SMS. And guess what? MRS. BECKHAM IS BACK!!! biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin