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TatoeCat's avatar

Report | 04/08/2012 9:55 pm


He is adorable :3!
Wow, really?! After so long? Don't you miss your mum all the time if you haven't seen her for years?! emotion_jawdrop .
On the bright side, it's great that you have a phone now! Yay ~
/flails arms.
TatoeCat's avatar

Report | 04/06/2012 8:40 pm


Hm enjoying the last few days of spring break by watching anime and texting my insanely cute, anime obsessed, extremely girly guy friend emotion_awesome
the friend
Aaaaaand I went to a Jewish dinner thingy at my Jewish aunt's house emotion_dealwithit . I got twenty bucks.
TatoeCat's avatar

Report | 04/05/2012 3:48 pm


Thank you ^^ <3
'sup c: ?
TatoeCat's avatar

Report | 04/04/2012 11:11 pm


I accidentally deleted our message cat_crying . Anyways, hi! You have a spot on my profile starting tomorrow cat_whee
lightlovebunny's avatar

Report | 03/06/2012 3:12 am


cool avi
Danzaikura's avatar

Report | 01/13/2012 3:09 am


love you
X_Ryu Hayabusa_X's avatar

Report | 03/16/2011 12:13 am

X_Ryu Hayabusa_X

awesomesauce_xx's avatar

Report | 08/12/2010 9:46 pm


xD LOL, its okay. We used to have two cats..got a dog and oh, they both disappeared. One we randomly see and has somehow gotten fat but does not live with us..xD FAIL.
MY CAT IS ******** CRAZY. I don't know why..Its only my room..but when ever hes in it he decides to go crazy and destroy s**t. >.> I try to pick him up and he claws me.
AND I'M THE ONE WHO FEEDS HIM EVERYDAY. xD Lol, I feel insane in those moments I talk to pets..I have a had a few moments of me telling him "I FEED YOU. YOU SHOULD LOVE ME."

xD Haha, oh god. I want to see Vampires suck so bad. Last year I like hated all the movies that came out but recently there has been so many I want to see.
And there is no need to watch Shutter Island. EVER. Me and my friend watched it..Its one of those movies in which there is TOO many twists and you end up being like "Wtf?!"
LIKE, right after 3 major twists there is like more. xD They just keep coming. And the last twist doesn't even make sense.

LOL, reverse Oreo. xD Haha, my black on the inside friend is fat too. Holy s**t..Not to be degrading to fat people but she does the funniest dance I have ever seen. xD
I just like the words containing "********" in ********, ********, ******** and so on. xD Just have a nice ring to them.

I walk to school. xD Where I am in just rains..doesn't get too hot though. I don't really know what it would be in Fahrenheit..Lemme go do some conversions. xD OKAY. Around 82.4 Fahrenheit where I am.
I'm jealous you get to bus to school. xD I love busses. LOL, my brother is awesome. xD Hes my favourite. Hes gonna be a physiologist too. xD

awesomesauce_xx's avatar

Report | 08/10/2010 9:08 pm


xD LOL, a s**t storm.

I always get hungry at like 9:00 p.m...No idea why.

xD NUH-UH. I'd rather be with something soft and warm than cold and hard. HAHA, I love Charlie. Hes funny. xD AND ERIC. I liked Eric.
I wanna switch schools so bad. HOLY s**t. OKAY, the cat I own is so sketchy..It's black and like...So ******** quiet. It opens the door to my room so I look around and don't see it and then it like touches my foot.
I was gone for 5 days and the only thing that cat wanted from me when I got back was to feed him. Hes such a sketchy cat and has like random attack moments..xD And hes like soft and squishy but hates to be cuddled. >.>

WELL, you see..Me and my friend have gone to the opening of like all the movies. xD Our plan this time..Since we didn't go to the opening of Eclipse is like see that then Vampires Suck right after. WE WERE PRETTY PHYSICKED FOR THE $20 because we forgot food money.

xD LOL, omg. I know someone who is like white outside but black on the inside. I don't know what you'd call that? Shes like the funniest person I know. Angry people make me laugh basically.. xD And she hates asians. Its so funny because our school is like filled with them. Haha, attack.muffins suits you somehow. =P

Imma miss staying up late when school starts back up. Night is the best part of the day. How hot does it get in Alabama? xD My brother doesn't even print anything (only cursive) because he gets lowercase and uppercase mixed up. xD I laughed at him.
awesomesauce_xx's avatar

Report | 08/10/2010 1:56 am


Haha, you need someone like me to take over the profile. xD

Theres like no black people. Ffs. They're beast.

LOL, know whats sad? Okay..so back in like grade 6 I read all the Twilight books and stuff way before they became popular...and I must admit. I do like them.
But something I realized, I HATE Bella. And Edward...And everything except like Jacob and Charlie and Jacob's family and stuff. If I met Bella, I'd straight up punch her in the face.
Shes such a weak character with no back bone and is much too needy. THERE IS MEN CRAWLING INTO HER ROOM WHEN SHE SLEEPS. LIKE, you'd think an alarm would go off "THIS AIN'T RIGHT." in her head.
But no.

HAHAHA, OMG OMG. Me and my friend actually had set up a whole parody for Twilight and it was so funny. xD I wish we wrote everything down. One part was like Edward failing to climb a tree, and like...
Bella falls down and he thinks that shes dead so he looks at the camera and is like "Well..Can't let this go to waste." and starts to suck her blood...But then later theres like a scene of her and him on a bridge and her neck is like bandaged and they're staring off into the sunset, and shes like pissed off and then he trys to do the bump-it thing with his hand right? And hes like "We cool?" and she just glares and looks away again.

OKAY, maybe (most likely) won't sound funny to you but we went into extreme detail about this. xD I'm such a loser. KAY, so I'm not a Twilight freak even though this will make me sound like one...
The last one we stood in line for 2 hours to see the opening or something and this guy gave up $20 to save his spot. It was well worth it. We're going to go see the newest Twilight then like RIGHT away see the Vampires Suck movie.

xD My best friend is brown. And we're so racist towards each other..xD Its funny. Racist jokes are funny to me, not gonna lie.
OKAY. HERE IS MA SKYPE. LOL, and yes. You'll be like the 4th person I have on skype sadly enough. ******** what my skype was called.


That is my skype. ADD MEH.

LOL, and I proud of you for finding that earring. For me too misplacing things is a specialty.
Well, to be extremely correct Canada has 10 provinces and 3 territories.
Yeah, holy s**t. In grade 5 I failed my provinces test twice..>.> I don't think I could manage 51 states.

I wanna buy a skirt though. Thats my summer mission. xD

xD Haha, sorry for the length of this one!

awesomesauce_xx's avatar

Report | 08/09/2010 8:56 pm


xD Hes like a super a*****e, I dunno any of those.
Know what I love? Black people. Every black person I've met so far has been really amazing.

You've probably seen this trailer already...
But you seem like someone who would enjoy it more than once. xD

Awww! You have a high-school with actually little cliques and different ones sitting at different lunch tables?! LIKE IN MEAN GIRLS?
I'm jealous. xD And yes, I actually like that movie.
Lol, my friend goes to a private school..Even though she IS a prep...She gets mad when I call her one.
Not all preps are bad though. I found the good one. xD
And that sounds like a major success!

Ahh! Can I talk to you? I want to hear it. xD I'm not a creep. I promise!
********. Aussie accents...Omg..My brother brought his roommate over for this like..family/casual dinner at my house one day...and holy s**t.
I almost like went to that stupid nothing being able to talk thing. xD He had the accent, was tanned, and road a skateboard. I almost died right there.

LOL, if we used combined effort of annoyance we can accomplish anything.

And phheww, I thought you had it like the size of being able to stick your finger through it. xD
I'm not a fan of those.

xD GET SOME NEW EARRINGS. Lol, hes from Alberta. xD So there has to be an A.
Mine is nothing near to straight..I wish it was. It goes into like ringlets. -.-

SOMEHOW skirts just don't work on my legs..I dunno why, but I haven't found a nice skirt. Well, I found a high wasted one but then I didn't buy it. xD
But I have never found like, a simple jean skirt that looks good on me.
awesomesauce_xx's avatar

Report | 08/09/2010 2:16 pm


Ugh, I feel so emotionally inept right now. xD

Even if I hate someone of course I'd care for their life. Just instinct. Stupid, stupid, instinct.
xD Depending on the guy, being an a*****e just adds to their hotness.
I actually don't know many emo/scenes and such. My school has a baseball academy and like right behind my school there is a rec center and a skate park.
Like, the skate park is literally 1 minute walking away from the exit. So my school just has skaters, baseball kids, and (I counted! =P) 3 emos. And pot smokers.
xD Like every kid does pot. I dunno about other places, but its kinda considered normal where I am.
Ahhh, I gotta say skaters are my kinda guys though.

Awww! YOU'RE FROM ALABAMA? DO YOU HAVE AN ACCENT? I absolutely love accents. xD I could listen to someone with one just speak random words all day.
xD Force him to put it on through the internet...I could try helping! WHERE THERES A WILL, THERES A WAY. xD Lamest phrase ever, but I felt it suited the situation.

Oh geez, you gauged your ears? xD How big? I think that is just something I could not do to ma ears. It'd be so weird to take it out and theres like a big whole in them. xD
BUT, the tribal piercings you can put in are reaally cool. I need to get some of these...


Haha, don't think they'd suit my face though.
You should pick up some tribal ones for stretching, are they expensive?
LOL, lost one? What goes in your other ear then? xD

Haha, a D? I don't know any provinces that star with a D. Theres B.C. (where I'm from), but can't think of one with a D.
Hes 20? Older people are beast. I've never gotten along well with those younger than me...Dunno why. My brother are all 9+ older than me so I kinda grew up talking to people older than me. xD

I have tried cutting my owns bangs..Twice. ******** up so bad. SOOOO, I go to a salon. xD And I love my hair dresser shes amazing. My hair used to be cool...Now its not.
I have dark brown hair but it goes a lot lighter in the summer and I used to have blond underneath which I kinda miss..and it was cut so it was roughly layered with like it got thiner as it went out
and I had it down to like the middle of my back when straight. Now its just like at the top of my armpits when straight, and just below my shoulders when curly. Ah, the blond looked so cool curly too since it would intertwine with the brown in a curl.

She has her own clothing line?! WHAT HAS THE WORLD COME TO?
I used to have some Vans, they were pretty awesome.
I accept leggings if the person is wearing a long shirt...But I don't think they should ever replace pants which I see a lot.
X_Ryu Hayabusa_X's avatar

Report | 08/08/2010 10:12 pm

X_Ryu Hayabusa_X

WUOT? Not have a gaia?? Are you daft woman?? Of course I have a gaia! All must be knownst to my greatness!!! BWAHAHAHAHA. And is my avatar not epic?? I am all white and ominous!
awesomesauce_xx's avatar

Report | 08/08/2010 11:31 am


xD I'm pre sure he hates me...But probably liked to toy with me or something. EHH. Dun really care about him though so its okay. I just hope he isn't dead yet..
The kid was quite the emo one. Haha, all my life I've tended to attract people with issues. They're always the best though.
Its kind of funny looking back on how much yourself has changed. I don't prefer to think about that much though. xD

LOL, he can't remember your name? Haha, write it on his hand for him. ;P I'd say forehead, but then he'd only see it in a mirror.
How can someone hate being happy?! Happiness is like a gift. xD I'd assume if someone was super depressed they'd WANT to be happy. Silly, silly, friend of yours.
I'm not really ones for names either though...But I do remember the face of like every person I've like ever talked to...Even if they don't remember me.
And emos (some) tend to be pretty hot. ;]
And then there are others who need a hair cut.
I truly love piercings though...I only have ear ones so far. 2 on the lobes of each ear and one cartilage. Imma get my third bottoms ones so I can wear the whole set for those earrings that come in sets of 3. xD
Fail reason for wanting a third one, but reason enough.
I want a tongue piercing soo bad (I think they are flipping hot) but I don't want to chip my teeth. And eating would be a pain in the a** for like a week.
HAHA, omg. I love my hair dresser. Shes amazing and has like a peacock tattoo. She said after a tongue piercing "Eating ice-cream is never the same."

What part of Canada is he from? I've been trying to fit in the phrase "I do what I can." a lot more lately...but haven't gotten many perfect chances so I might throw it in at some point and it won't make sense.
He doesn't trust girls? Duh! Psshhh. I don't even trust girls. xD He doesn't have to worry about me...I'm about as trusting and trust gets.
I think my style is like...neutral. xD I don't fit into a specific type of style. Like, I do love some good converse but I ******** hate skinny jeans. Oh how they look horrid on me.

awesomesauce_xx's avatar

Report | 08/08/2010 12:46 am


They star it out?! How lame. I swear so much in real life.
Too much as a matter of fact. xD

LOL, oh god. I was the most annoying person ever. Well, I couldn't really understand why one of them hated me. The other was just more annoyed..
But the one that hated me told me a bunch of really personal things and tragedies.. I think I was too happy and optimistic for him back then. =P
But he like hated me so much. Eh. People are weird. I remember having a convo with him and he was like "That skirt is a little short.." and I was like "Awww! You're like a big brother." and he was like "I'd never want to be your brother."
So I don't really understand why he talked to me. xD Pretty sure he deleted me though but kept my brother friend.

Are you from America? Vegas. Vegas. Vegas. ******** boiling hot there. It was the weirdest thing for me to feel a warm breeze instead of a cool one. xD

Yeaaahhh! I LOVED DOMO KUN. I used him like all the time. They kept that ******** up llama though. xD
awesomesauce_xx's avatar

Report | 08/07/2010 1:43 am


Haha, first time something t'was too awesome to not copy.

xD I don't sell s*** on this because I'm scared the moment I do the price is going to like..sky rocket in the market.
I'm really curious...Can I swear on Gaia? I think I should be able to. =P

Oh gosh, me and my friend used to play this online game..and then these two people convinced us to get Gaia years ago.
Hahaha, both of them hate me now. xD
Kinda funny. I was such a loser. Its weird reading through my journal entries and seeing how I used to speak.
Yeah, I do puzzles when really bored. When I first started instead of doing different puzzles and I just got extremely good at one puzzle.
The one with the male sailor with the cap and white shirt. Heh.

Haha, yeah. I think we could all do a little better. Its 1:41 am at the moment and I am not in a sleeping mood. Bored bored bored.
I got back from Vegas today..Well, yesterday. Vegas is where my mom decided to go on a family trip. xD Fail.

KNOW WHATS A DISAPPOINTMENT? They got rid of that fu**ing Domo-Kun smiley face. I loved that thing.
awesomesauce_xx's avatar

Report | 08/06/2010 9:47 pm


Heh heh heh. xD
Stealing part of my intro are we? ;P

Yeah, long long time. xD
Started on Gaia again a little while ago...
Quit again once I realized I don't talk to anyone on this game anymore.
And that to meet awesome people I need to have a slutty avatar and be online outgoing. xD
Too much effort for meh.

I really don't remember anyone from Gaia except like..3 people and two of them because they hated me and the 3rd I know in real life.
Waaay to long ago for me to remember anything. 3 Years..PSSSHHH. Also been having memory issues lately. xD That one doesn't help either.

xD Haha, I think I got a little more bitter over the years.
You changed at all?
How have you been? :]

I'm sorry if this comment takes up your whole page...It may. Sorta the way I like to lay things out Gaia decides to have a spazz and make the spacing massive.
So we'll see how this goes.
Heaven Doll's avatar

Report | 12/02/2009 11:55 pm

Heaven Doll

Wtf? It's 12AM here haha.
I'm sleeeepy. D;
But I still gotta` do my shetty hw. D8<
Dawww. Okies. <3
Heaven Doll's avatar

Report | 12/02/2009 11:46 pm

Heaven Doll

Wtf? You call him?
He be calling me & shet but I don't pick up.
Cuz he hella` weird.
Keeps calling me baby & sexy & shizz.
Lucky you.<3
&&&. Unlucky you. D:
It's real lolz.
Heaven Doll's avatar

Report | 12/02/2009 11:08 pm

Heaven Doll

Oh yeah.
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