
xD I like my mulie of doom. Be nice to it please. I never know when one of my friends might be using one. >.<

Dementor of Blankets is:
Loves Orange Popsicle.
Hangs out with people.

Dementor of blankets likes:
Being with friends.
Being loud.
Helping out.
Wasting her life away on the compooter.
Playing WoW.

Dementor of Blankets dislikes:
Sitting still.
Being quiet.
Being annoying.
Being ignored.
Not being a dementor of the blankets.
Normal people.

Dementor of Blankets is:
Hyper and sleepy. x3

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Viewing 2 of 2 friends


Urei_chijin's Journal

My little Peice of the world where my thoughts won't get trampled on....



Ah! I'm NEKKID!!!
If someone walked up to you and suddenly said,
"Hi! Welcome to McDonalds!" What would you be thinking?