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demon of the fox-dog

demon of the fox-dog's avatar

Last Login: 06/16/2015 8:15 am

Registered: 08/19/2006

Gender: Male


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Queen Martina Report | 12/14/2007 8:56 pm
Hello User Image I haven't talked to you in a while!

How are you?
girl-in-disaster Report | 10/17/2007 2:23 pm
hey i see you got your fox ears ha i remember when i was helping you out
X-Flameshadow-X Report | 08/25/2007 6:42 pm

so you were at your house but your wife was dead so u were at your house anyway. even though your wife was dead. and don't even say that does'nt make sense because i know it does'nt. it makes as much sense as the fact that your a friggen midget. and that is good enough for me. but your a picky little brat so i'll try to make more sense out of this. So your at your house and you fall out of your computer chair... then you find out your car exploded 37 years ago... what the hell did you fall out of? so anyway your at your house when all of a sudden somewhere in the world a midget exploded. so you swereved the car to the left and headed south for the winter.

then you find out winter already passed by like... 3 years ago. you were so pissed off that your head exploded. then you got hit by a plane which exploded sending you flying into a really sharp thing. which exploded. you hit the ground then you stood up then you melted and beat up a bowl of lucky charms because there so god damn magiclly delicious. so you were walkin home after a tiring day of dying so many times when suddenly you fell over and broke your arm--------------------------------------------------------- I MEAN ARM the pain of breaking your.... arm.... was so bad that you died and never woke up... when you woke up you were so pissed off because this story is being typed by a 13 year old in his basement on the floor at 2:55 in the morning while drinking a friggen Monster Energy! Now how much does that piss you off??? if it pisses you off then you'll have to deal with it because your car exploded 30 years ago. now does'nt it seem more reasonable to spaz out about somethin that happened 30 years ago then to spaz out about a so much more interesting topic today? ya i thought you'd say that. well actually you did'nt say anything... because your not here... which means you can't be saying anything about this to me yet because im typing it now and i did'nt even put it on the internet yet... so go choke on a hamburger you filthy stinkin hobo-sexual.... ya i said HOBO-sexual big whoop wanna fight about it? ya did'nt think so. I would so kick your japanese candy eating- garbage picking- soap opera watching- spongebob loving- country music listineng- non- monster drinkin FOOT!!! Now do you really wan't me to kick your japanese candy eating- garbage picking- soap opera watching- spongebob loving- country music listineng- non- monster drinkin FOOT!!??... Now in closing--------- ******** YOU!!!

YA I SAID ******** WANNA FIGH ABOUT IT YOU japanese candy eating- garbage picking- soap opera watching- spongebob loving- country musin listineng- non- monster drinker.... ya some how i did'nt think so...
Clam the Calamitous Report | 05/26/2007 2:15 pm
Boo guess who hasn't popped in in a while?
linkinpark lover4life Report | 11/27/2006 5:21 pm
Sleeping in the Clouds Report | 11/21/2006 8:16 pm
hey man whats up...dude im so addicted to jigsaw....gosh i love the stars....i wish i could live on catalina island....that way i could see so many livin on an island would be damn kick a**
1Yoruichi Shihouin 9 Report | 10/20/2006 2:17 pm
Nice Profile
girl-in-disaster Report | 09/09/2006 4:13 pm
hey long time no talk dont think i havent forgotten about u i just havent been on in a long time
Sleeping in the Clouds Report | 09/09/2006 3:45 pm
ello ello..whats goin on duuuuuuuuude....hows stinks....
BlackRoseMisato Report | 09/04/2006 5:41 pm
yup me too. im tryin to get more gold so i can buy things on my wish list >_<
i lyk ur new look!!
