demon wings the darkness

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xp point Report | 03/02/2010 7:06 pm
xp point
you smell like nacho cheese, noob.
msfelonieone Report | 10/07/2009 4:54 am
hi there
xp point Report | 06/20/2009 10:10 am
xp point
Ummmm? O.O
xp point Report | 06/14/2009 10:58 am
xp point
Freabie Report | 06/13/2009 7:29 pm
buNNinating the country side?
Me Is Grammar Report | 06/13/2009 2:19 pm
Me Is Grammar
doverica isnt real(yet)
Me Is Grammar Report | 06/13/2009 3:38 am
Me Is Grammar
good luck on americas (dovericas)next top model
Me Is Grammar Report | 06/13/2009 3:37 am
Me Is Grammar
well zeus could have cheated on hera hundereds of time rather than thousands
Me Is Grammar Report | 06/13/2009 3:29 am
Me Is Grammar
he would have trevor for compony.jk
lol about the adam thing

i was thinking about Apocalypse and you cant have a daughter of hestia she is a madien(sp)
Me Is Grammar Report | 06/13/2009 3:17 am
Me Is Grammar
i have got that b4 i dont belive that kind of thing
but if you copy and paste this on 10 profiles(not me) restart you computer 3 times hit adam with a hammer then take adams computer that way you have 1 more computer and adam is down for now giving you time to take other things and set up his death aka a date with dylan


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dorks and dragons

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king butt

buninating the countryside

im bored as toejam so i typed in a bunch of random names. here are the results








dead guy


king butt

100%all natural skater chick

put the bike down.

skating is 4ever

no skating NOT ALLOWED

how'd this get here??

one day, a dragon who was flying back home was caught in a violent storm. The wind howled and the rain came down with such force that even the sturdiest oak trees were uprooted and blown down like straw. Despite his great size, the dragon was buffeted in all directions and in the end he lost his way in the dark. In vain he tried and tried again to rise above the storm, battling with all his strength against the elements, but at last, overcome with weariness, he fell exhausted to the ground.

While he lay unconscious in the mud, a peasant who lived in a humble shack nearby walked past.

On catching sight of the monster, who lay so still that he looked dead, the man, whose name was Lucas, felt sorry for him. He approached the inert body and saw that the dragon was still alive. With the help of his horse he moved the dragon to an outhouse which served as a barn. Then he made the dragon comfortable and cover him with a patched blanket, and ran into the house to ask his wife to prepare some hot food. She was apprehensive.

"You are mad if you want to give food and shelter to such a beast. You would do better to kill him and then the king will give us a reward for his skin."

"Quiet, woman," retorted Lucas. "The dragon is weak and ill, and it is not Christian to deny help to the ailing, of whatever race they belong to."

"Don't be stupid!" exclaimed his wife. "This creature is not a Christian, nor is he a man. He will eat you the minute he is better."

Taking no notice of his wife's warning, the peasant devoted himself to feeding and caring for the animal. As a result of his efforts, the dragon soon recovered and thanked the peasant for saving him.

"There is nothing to thank me for," replied the good man. "We are all God's creatures."

"Even so, many men in your position would have killed me and sold my skin, which is very valuable."

"Any man who takes advantage of the fallen must be very evil. Such behaviour does not befit a knight", replied the peasant.

On hearing her husband's words, the wife, who was listening at the door, began to laugh.

"Look at this fool, giving himself the airs of a knight when he is a pauper!" she exclaimed from her hiding place. "You won't speak like that when the tax collectors come and take away our horse because we haven't paid our taxes."

"It is honor not wealth that makes a man a knight," replied the worthy Lucas in a low voice.

However, the dragon heard the conversation, and, noting the peasant's poverty, offered him a reward for his trouble.

"I could not refuse anything in gold, because the tax collector is comming soon and I have nothing to pay him with. But that is not why I helped you, friend," said the man.

"I know, but now that I am strong enough to fly home, come to my cave and choose anything you wish. Lucas climbed fearlessly onto the dragon's back, but his wife begged him not to trust the dragon.

"When you are in the middle of the forest, he will eat you," she groaned, "and I will be left alone."

The dragon bore the peasant to his cave and there he entertained him for three days. When the time came for him to return home, the animal loaded a huge sack of gold and precious stones on his back as a gift, and carried Lucas back to his shack.

"Come and see me whenever you are hard up," he said on parting.

Lucas found his wife sad and dressed in mourning, for she believed he was dead. With the dragon's gifts the couple were able to buy a beautiful farm with many animals, but the wife started becoming extravagant, and one day she said to her husband:

"If we had a little more money, we would be able to buy good land and employ others to work on it, and then when we have a son he will be able to be a knight. Why don't you ask the dragon for a little more gold?" Lucas refused, but in the end he gave in and when to see the dragon. The creature thought it was a sound idea, and was delighted to be able to help his friend once more. But then hardly a year went by and the wife insisted:

"If we could buy a castle and some villages, we would become counts." Lucas, tired of his wife's nagging, went once more to see the dragon in his cave, and the latter granted his request. The couple received a dukedom. Not long afterwards, the wife wanted to go and live at court.

One day, the new duchess saw the queen arriving in her golden carriage, dessed in silks, with silver farthingales, and wearing fabulous jewels.

Her eyes glinting with ambition, she said:

"My good Lucas, it has occurred to me that when we have a son, if there is a war he will have to go the front as an officer, and he might die in combat. It would be much better if we became monarchs so that our son would be in less danger. Your friend the dragon will grant us this wish."

"Don't talk nonsense," he replied. His wife cried and entreated him until finally Lucas decided to visit the dragon who greeted him warmly.

"Friend," said the dragon after listening to his story, "your wife is too ambitious. She will never leave you in peace. She will never have enough and she will always want more, but I have the answer. Come into the cave."

And the dragon showed his guest into a cosy room where beautiful young women were singing and dancing.

"Now you are my prisoner. These girls will keep you company and will see that your every wish is carried out, for they are my slaves, but you will not be able to leave the cave other than in my company and you will not return to see your wife."

From then on the good man lived happily with the dragon and the maidens. As for Lucas's wife, she had to dress in mourning, convinced that her husband had finnally been devoured by the monster, just as she had predicted from the beginning.

© Copyright 2008, Kevin Owens

one day, a dragon who was flying back home was caught in a violent storm. The wind howled and the rain came down with such force that even the sturdiest oak trees were uprooted and blown down like straw. Despite his great size, the dragon was buffeted in all directions and in the end he lost his way in the dark. In vain he tried and tried again to rise above the storm, battling with all his strength against the elements, but at last, overcome with weariness, he fell exhausted to the ground.

While he lay unconscious in the mud, a peasant who lived in a humble shack nearby walked past.

On catching sight of the monster, who lay so still that he looked dead, the man, whose name was Lucas, felt sorry for him. He approached the inert body and saw that the dragon was still alive. With the help of his horse he moved the dragon to an outhouse which served as a barn. Then he made the dragon comfortable and cover him with a patched blanket, and ran into the house to ask his wife to prepare some hot food. She was apprehensive.

"You are mad if you want to give food and shelter to such a beast. You would do better to kill him and then the king will give us a reward for his skin."

"Quiet, woman," retorted Lucas. "The dragon is weak and ill, and it is not Christian to deny help to the ailing, of whatever race they belong to."

"Don't be stupid!" exclaimed his wife. "This creature is not a Christian, nor is he a man. He will eat you the minute he is better."

Taking no notice of his wife's warning, the peasant devoted himself to feeding and caring for the animal. As a result of his efforts, the dragon soon recovered and thanked the peasant for saving him.

"There is nothing to thank me for," replied the good man. "We are all God's creatures."

"Even so, many men in your position would have killed me and sold my skin, which is very valuable."

"Any man who takes advantage of the fallen must be very evil. Such behaviour does not befit a knight", replied the peasant.

On hearing her husband's words, the wife, who was listening at the door, began to laugh.

"Look at this fool, giving himself the airs of a knight when he is a pauper!" she exclaimed from her hiding place. "You won't speak like that when the tax collectors come and take away our horse because we haven't paid our taxes."

"It is honor not wealth that makes a man a knight," replied the worthy Lucas in a low voice.

However, the dragon heard the conversation, and, noting the peasant's poverty, offered him a reward for his trouble.

"I could not refuse anything in gold, because the tax collector is comming soon and I have nothing to pay him with. But that is not why I helped you, friend," said the man.

"I know, but now that I am strong enough to fly home, come to my cave and choose anything you wish. Lucas climbed fearlessly onto the dragon's back, but his wife begged him not to trust the dragon.

"When you are in the middle of the forest, he will eat you," she groaned, "and I will be left alone."

The dragon bore the peasant to his cave and there he entertained him for three days. When the time came for him to return home, the animal loaded a huge sack of gold and precious stones on his back as a gift, and carried Lucas back to his shack.

"Come and see me whenever you are hard up," he said on parting.

Lucas found his wife sad and dressed in mourning, for she believed he was dead. With the dragon's gifts the couple were able to buy a beautiful farm with many animals, but the wife started becoming extravagant, and one day she said to her husband:

"If we had a little more money, we would be able to buy good land and employ others to work on it, and then when we have a son he will be able to be a knight. Why don't you ask the dragon for a little more gold?" Lucas refused, but in the end he gave in and when to see the dragon. The creature thought it was a sound idea, and was delighted to be able to help his friend once more. But then hardly a year went by and the wife insisted:

"If we could buy a castle and some villages, we would become counts." Lucas, tired of his wife's nagging, went once more to see the dragon in his cave, and the latter granted his request. The couple received a dukedom. Not long afterwards, the wife wanted to go and live at court.

One day, the new duchess saw the queen arriving in her golden carriage, dessed in silks, with silver farthingales, and wearing fabulous jewels.

Her eyes glinting with ambition, she said:

"My good Lucas, it has occurred to me that when we have a son, if there is a war he will have to go the front as an officer, and he might die in combat. It would be much better if we became monarchs so that our son would be in less danger. Your friend the dragon will grant us this wish."

"Don't talk nonsense," he replied. His wife cried and entreated him until finally Lucas decided to visit the dragon who greeted him warmly.

"Friend," said the dragon after listening to his story, "your wife is too ambitious. She will never leave you in peace. She will never have enough and she will always want more, but I have the answer. Come into the cave."

And the dragon showed his guest into a cosy room where beautiful young women were singing and dancing.

"Now you are my prisoner. These girls will keep you company and will see that your every wish is carried out, for they are my slaves, but you will not be able to leave the cave other than in my company and you will not return to see your wife."

From then on the good man lived happily with the dragon and the maidens. As for Lucas's wife, she had to dress in mourning, convinced that her husband had finnally been devoured by the monster, just as she had predicted from the beginning.

© Copyright 2008, Kevin Owens

Black Dragons

Black dragons are vile, evil tempered, and obsessed with death. They live in fetid, swampy habitats. They find comfort in the sickening-sweet aroma of drowned, rotting carcasses. The black dragon's domain is the swamp and the jungle. They are abusive, quick to anger, and malevolent. Their hearts are as black as their slimy scales.

A black dragon can be identified by his grim, skeletal appearance. His eyes lie in deep sockets. His two great horns curve forward and down. The flesh of his face appears to have partially deteriorated, as if burnt by acid. Acidic slime drools from his menacing grin. He smells of rotting vegetation, foul water, and poisonous acid.

Living in sticky, wet habitats, black dragons dine mostly on fish, eels, and other water creatures. They will eat meat, but prefer to allow their victims float in ponds for days, or even weeks, before being eaten.

If you ever encounter a black dragon, be careful—he prefers surprise attacks instead of fair fighting. He is most active in the darkest hour of night, wherein the darkness he feels confident and powerful. He breathes a poisonous, sizzling acid.
Red Dragons
Red Dragon

Red dragons are greedy and covetous, and obsessed with increasing their treasure hoards. They live in warm habitats, such as volcanoes or tropical islands. The red dragon's domain is is the mountain and the island. They are vain, cunning, and terrible.

A red dragon can be identified by is long wings and two long horns. He has a long, red, forked tongue. Tiny flames often dance in his nostrils when he is angry. His eyes gleam with unrestrained greed when he has seen treasure. He smells of smoke and sulfur.

Red dragons are fiercely territorial. They prefer to eat meat, especially people. Red dragons have been known to force villages to sacrifice maidens to them. (This is a matter of taste. As you would have it, apparently maidens "just taste better.") The best part of a meal for a red dragon is drinking the blood.

Red dragons breathe a deadly fire.
Blue Dragons
Blue Dragon

Blue dragons are pensive, lawful, and vain. They live in hot, dry areas, such as sandy deserts or arid steppes.

A blue dragon can be identified by his frilled ears and a single horn upon his head. His eyes are smooth, glossy, and without pupils-when looking at them, you may feel as though you are looking into eternity. The dry scent of ozone and sand follows a blue dragon wherever he goes.

He loves to soar in the hot desert air. He is a dedicated carnivour who will eat snakes, lizards, and occasionally even desert plants, but truly prefers herd animals such as camels. Blue dragons are a real threat to caravans crossing the desert. He prefers to attack people in ambush. Surprise and distance is his greatest ally. They enjoy sitting and reflecting. He is blue-blooded (that is to say, cold, effete, or noble.) He is lawful and has some sense of morals.

He is good at tracking.

The blue dragon is large and vibrant.

Blue dragons breathe lightning, that is, a lightning bolt.
Green Dragons
Green Dragon

The green dragon is a belligerent creature and master of intrigue, politics, and backbiting. He is cruel. He prefers forests—the older and bigger the trees, the better. Instead of being overtly aggressive, he prefers to concoct elaborat schemes to gain power or wealth with as little effort as possible. He may make his lair behind a waterfall or near a lake, pond, or stream that provides a submerged entrance. The closer one gets to his lair, the darker the woods become. Evil hangs in the air, mingling with the forest scents to produce foul odors.

The green dragon's head is covered in hornlets. He has a long neck and legs, and resembles a brontosaurus.

The green dragon reaks of chlorine.

The green dragon is a liar and master of verbal evasion. Just talking to a green dragon can lead to ruin. When attacking, he will usually stalk his prey first, sometimes for days. The green dragon has a palette for elf flesh. He loves to play with his prey. He will subside on practically anything, including shrubs and small trees. He uses camoflauge to his advantage. He is obsessed with life and growth, and wants to live eternally. He is envious.

He is good at tracking.

The green dragon likes to instill terror in lesser opponents before torturing them to death.

Green dragons breathe poisonous gas, that is, a toxic chlorine gas.
White Dragons
White Dragon

White dragons are small and intelligent. They live in frigid, icy climates — usually arctic areas, but sometimes very high mountains. They travel alone, and have very good memories. They prefer the solitude of snowy plains and caves, far away from the warming rays of the sun.

A white dragon can be identified by his sharp, intelligent-looking eyes and intense expression. His scales resemble fur, or even feathers, in places. His wide feet and sharp claws help him to walk atop snowbanks. An aura of coldness seems to eminate from the white dragon.

Living in frosty climes, white dragons prefer their food to be suitably chilled. If their victims have not frozen to death already, white dragons will often pack them away in the snow until they are properly frozen.

If you ever encounter a white dragon, be on your guard— he is swift and alert. Your best bet is to scare or intimidate him, as white dragons are sometimes known to be cowardly. He breathes a chilling frost.

© Copyright 2008, Kevin Owens