The wolf is back

I am a woman made of the very cravings of insanity that made the universe anew. The woman unbound, shackles of conformity set aside even if for a few breif moments. The taboos of your clouded vision, the seering feeling in the back of your mind that you have done something wrong is foreign to me, as if seeing snow for the first time when you were surrounded by mounds of primal glass.

In the shadows you find fear I find my home, pride being my bedfellow and lust my immortal shadow. While you sleep in the comfort of your own beds, waking up is as certain as the sunrise. I am fueled by the constant knowledge that it is mearly done by chance.

The waters that gave birth to the lotus, gave birth to me aswell older than you know yet I have much still to learn. Killer of those who make the mistake of laying their white glove against the marble. Savior to those who are condemed to the life of which they had chose and have no one else to blame.... Things always change yet they stay all the same.

Desdemona the second

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The wolf is back to play
Married to Azreal
Theme:The Cardigans- Losing my Favorite game.

Sad Symphony

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Sing for the Dark Ones

Azreal The Forsaken