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wat my life is about

hey ppl I love to watch oran high school host club my favourite chracter is Tamaki he is the boss of the host club I really want to be like him but ya kno life has to be difficute to choose of being a person on gaia and plus I love to watch anime cause anime rules my brother on gaia is called PrinceTamaki16 he is the best brother on gaia in the whole wide universe I always hang out with him he's like always online when I am online i just love him as a brother plus my x girl friend is called oxo_lil_star_oxo she hates me but I still love her don'nt know why she hates me she won't even be my friend o and I have a frind witch my sister was with but not anymore he is my friend expeirament he is geting along with me now and we are friends now I used to copy him but not anymore cause I got a spicy look it's 1000,0000,0000k times better then his he still likes polyesters they are so lame now heartbreaker jackets are reallycool any they are awsome I can get like 3,0000,000k in 5 years that is liek so long I suck at geting gold if you would liekto tell me or help me get gold just send me a pm or send me a profile commet ^^ I love pppl helping me get gold I hate pl who are mean here are the list
starting here,ppl who are mean,haterz,selfish,doosh bags,nerds,bullys,squaring ppl.bye have to go have a nice day > Dream Avatar > View Avatar
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GaiaOnline Pricing
Estimated Value:
3,170,468 Gold, 18,500 Tickets
Based on recent marketplace dataPrice List Code (with avatar):
User Image
Total Value: 3,170,468 Gold, 18,500 Tickets

Item List:
The Lusty Scoundrel
Golden Sparkles
Steel-plated Ninja Band
Angelic Manner
Angel Imp Plushie
GO Phones
GO Phones
Enchanted Strings
Gold Mountain Tie (black Diamond)
Silver Prince's Boots
Gold Mountain Uniform Pants
Gold Mountain Blue Vest And Shirt
Long-Stem Red Rose

Included in Price:
The Lusty Scoundrel
70,925 Gold Golden Sparkles
12,000 Gold Steel-plated Ninja Band
2,856,200 Gold Angelic Manner
59,882 Gold Angel Imp Plushie
10,264 Gold GO Phones
66,225 Gold GO Phones
66,225 Gold Enchanted Strings
23,918 Gold Gold Mountain Tie (black Diamond)
1,000 Tickets Silver Prince's Boots
1,800 Gold Gold Mountain Uniform Pants
2,500 Tickets Gold Mountain Blue Vest And Shirt
15,000 Tickets Long-Stem Red Rose
3,029 GoldNot Included in Price:

Equipped List

No items equipped.
-Ayo Katie
Experiment 46
Xx_I Rawr Spencer_xX

this is my brother in real life

my name is Travis branflakes

I am princetamaki16 sister

my name is Nick Huyuh

my name is laylah this is my best friends profile

hey this is my bro on gaia

hey this is my bro on gaia