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Darkness Marluxia's avatar

Report | 03/01/2008 10:43 am

Darkness Marluxia

Lexaeus was indeed rather understanding however, Marluxia was certain that the idea of young Demyx borrowing his bathrobe wouldn't have gone over as smoothly as Demyx had thought. Had Marluxia known that Demyx had been borrowing toothbrushes as well, the poor rat would have wound up with another round bent over the bed this time: his fanny destined for the shade of darker rose! Fortunately for Demyx, the keen assassin was not yet aware of Demyx's tooth-brush deviance. At least the kid brushed his teeth though! Was he done cleaning his room? Now there was a question, and as the boy winced and shrank, Marluxia replied calmly. "You are done. I will finish the job while you recover." Let's just hope Demyx didn't have anything to hide in his room! Marluxia surely would have either bagged and burned it or brought it back to mock the poor kid with! Marluxia remained ever firm even as the kid protested against being cold but sure enough, he had been given the robe which Marluxia doubled over his arm and turned to leave. He had laundry to do and a messy room to polish to insanely neat proportions. "Touch anything," Marluxia cautioned in a menacing tone, "or leave that bed for anything other than a trip to the bathroom... and I will see to it that you regret it." Yes. Marluxia didn't particularly want his room messed up! The kid had done enough damage to his African violets! He'd nearly left when the boy had brought up another disturbing idea. He'd get Marluxia's bed dirty. Cringing, Marluxia allowed his mind comb through the many many things that could mean. "Do you need a bath," Marluxia questioned dryly, turning to gawk at the little Nocturne tucked so snugly into his bed.
Darkness Marluxia's avatar

Report | 03/01/2008 8:31 am

Darkness Marluxia

Demyx had reacted so swiftly to Marluxia's comfort it unnerved him mildly! The way the boy jerked back from his hand and sprang from the floor suggested Demyx wanted nothing more than to get away from him! Thankfully, Marluxia wasn't a melodramatic sort of man when it came to assuming the worst about people. As Demyx wobbled from the room, Marluxia glanced down toward the glove at his hand; now covered with sticky bits of recycled Demyx food. Tugging the thing from his hand he nonchalantly dropped it into the wash hamper, tugging the other off to join its partner seeing no sense in washing only one of the duo. He'd been quite ready to skulk after Demyx with the thought of scrubbing him in rose scented delight from head to foot when suddenly, the melodious nocturne re-appeared in a bathrobe three times too big for him-- if not larger than that even. Slowly lifting a brow, Marluixa mulled over whether it would have been wise to lecture the boy about 'borrowing' things... -or whether he should have simply been lenient on the boy given the fact that he'd practically barfed up a lung over cleaning his room. "My dear number nine," Marluxia purred, crossing the gap between himself and the flush faced blonde. When the owner of that robe finds it missing, there will be trouble." However, for the moment, there came no swats or spanks from Marluxia. Instead, Marluxia gently pressed a hand between the boy's shoulder blades and turned toward the exit of Nine's room. "Come," He commanded dryly without so much as allowing the boy to grab a spare robe-- if he even had any CLEAN! Down the hall they passed until the door that read: "XI" was reached. Twisting the knob, Marluixa pushed open the heavy door to unveil a very sterile room that was much like the rest of the castle: White. The only colorful things in the room were his myriad of flowers which he kept quite well... and the spines of his favorite books which he'd left filed neatly-- in alphabetical order no less. His bed, large and sprawling, was made quite neatly; the soft white comforter made up to hotel standards! No time was wasted before Marluxia steered the blonde little thing toward the bed, yanking back his own sheets: soft white satin sheets I add. "Rest," the assassin commanded whether Demyx wanted to or not! He didn't have many options. "And give me that robe. It does not belong to you." Rest in his underwear now, was it?! Oh my! Oh me! There were so many bad places this could have gone-- and yet, Marluxia seemed very uninterested in tackling the boy into his bed. Rather, he merely held his hand out for the robe and awaited cooperation.
evening stroll's avatar

Report | 02/29/2008 6:09 pm

evening stroll

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Namine pressed down Demyx' finger with her palm.
She shook her head. Her hand still remained on his.
"Roxas has a closer bond with Axel. Then he ever will with me." She stated. Lowering her arm.
Still attached to yours. "Axel has known Roxas longer than I. The two share an unbreakable bond."
She lowered her head. Releasing your hand. "As a friend, I must support they're friendship..But..for some reason. I believe there's something more.."

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Darkness Marluxia's avatar

Report | 02/29/2008 3:10 pm

Darkness Marluxia

The question Demyx came up with in response to Marluxia's more 'somebody' side could have greatly offended the pink haired nobody however, he simply allowed the matter to hit him and roll off the bounds of his leather-- like water. "Yes," Marluxia replied suddenly finding it quite odd that he confessed to loving anything as well. There was no point in denying something he'd said so naturally however, and as Demyx responded with a similar forte, Marluxia found a deeper fondness for the messy little rodent. He as well had things that he loved? Perhaps he would open a philosophical debate with one of the more mature members and find out whether or not they as well were finding new grand passions in their re-born lives. Would Demyx become one of Marluxia's grand passions? It wasn't even something he considered. Marluxia loved his hobbies, but as of the moment, he was not ready or willing to admit that he loved any person! His flowers were the only living things he need love... even if the way Demyx blushed about Marluxia helping him did send a small pang to the void in his chest. The boy's gratitude was something Marluxia took great pleasure in and yet, as the boy tried to politely refuse his help. Marluxia remained ever collected. "My dear boy," he began neglecting to note the boy's new and dunder-headed plan to scrape the waste bin with his bare hands! "If I did not help you with such a thing, you would attend every function smelling like the bottom of that waste-bin." Poor choice of words, Marluxia; for a mere moment after he'd finished depositing all of the messy clothes into the hamper, the boy had let out an upsetting gag. The noise itself forced Marluxia to turn his head in alarm; the many layers of rosy shade fluttering dramatically before he caught an eye-full of the poor kid emptying his breakfast into the can. was he sick already? "...Demyx!" Ah, and in his voice there was a little foreign something that shouldn't have been present in the tone of a nobody. It was a little whisper named concern. Furrowing his brows, he quickly crossed the room to Demyx's side dropping down to one knee. Vomiting into the reeking trash can was not going to help matters-- not at all. Without hesitation of soiling his own glove, Marluxia had swiftly clamped his hand over the poor boy's mouth whether he was done heaving or not! What then? He Yanked the waste bin away and swiftly shook open another waste sack, removing his hand only to hold the rather neutral smelling plastic beneath the boy's chin with one hand. Only when he saw the boy's filthy hand did Marluxia's mind begin to creep over the horror of what might have happened. Did Demyx taste the sludge at the bottom?! or had he been using his hands to-- oh... the thought almost made the graceful killer ill! "Demyx, you imbecile! What goes through your mind I shall never fully comprehend," the sharpened petal shrieked and even though he drew his hand back to strike the boy fiercely at the back of his head in disgust, he soon re-thought the matter. His palm, instead, eased forward and gently offered a few pats between the boy's shoulder blades to allow him to conclude his sputtering. "Before we do anything else," Marluxia softly cooed, "you'll need to clean yourself up first... Let me know when you're alright..." Who would have thought number eleven could have been so... patient? Dying tended to do strange things to a person: or becoming 'nothing' as it had once been called.
evening stroll's avatar

Report | 02/28/2008 2:34 pm

evening stroll

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"Yes..o-Of course."
One thing Namine probably never got. Is to trust.
She never really had anyone to trust. Except Roxas.
She 'trusted' him, but has yet to see him.
She puts all her hope and trust into that boy. But has completely forgotten about it.
And is sharing it with Axel.
"I don't know why but-" She trailed off. Lifting her head.

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"I feel I trust you more, then anyone else in here.."
Her frown disappearing. Replacing it with a nervous grin.
She knew no one in the castle didn't understand these emotions. Or the fact one can
worry about one person, as much as everyone else. One things for sure. Demyx made her laugh.

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Darkness Marluxia's avatar

Report | 02/28/2008 8:43 am

Darkness Marluxia

The whine of offense to the pink one's insult only earned the boy a heavier look of disapproval. Poor Demyx! Marluxia found no spare chairs to sit upon and rather than sit and watch the poor pup clean, he decided to lend a hand-- especially when the boy expressed interest in learning more about Marluxia. "There are a great deal of things I love.... Demyx," he murmured, allowing his eyes to fall to the task of gathering the boy's sheets. "There is also," he added rather suddenly as he tugged the corner of the fitted sheet up allowing the sheets to bunch toward the center of the bed. "-a great deal of things which I do not love." Cryptic however, he did not add the boy's name to the end of that particular statement. He'd made Demyx squirm enough for the moment. He didn't need the boy to believe he completely loathed him. He preferred to give his companions the illusion or at times the reality, that he was fond of their company. Demyx was an interesting issue for Marluxia. He very much enjoyed torturing the boy and yet... he wanted nothing more than to stroke the unruly sides of his dirty blonde hair; to brush the edge of his naive chin, and to watch him from afar. Demyx was an enigma to him: a breath of youth amid the sullen and surly. What was it that Marluxia liked that wasn't well known? He did spend a good deal of time reading; though not the riddles and puzzles that Zexion was known to read. Novels were a particular poison he enjoyed- particularly old works written in ancient versions of current languages. Once the kid's sheets had been gathered and folded, Demyx's confession about not needing to wash the bedding alarmed Marluxia. He could only hope the kid took a nice long bath every night for the sake of his sheets! "Demyx," he began, strolling toward the boy who had only just left the company of his fish. "It would be tragic," he continued allowing his hand to lift upward and softly grace the side of Demyx's cheek. Only when he realized he'd allowed his bare flesh to grace the boy's soft flesh did he realize... that he had been negligent! He'd abandoned his glove in the hallway. How bothersome. "-if you were to fall ill because of such a mess," the rose king finally concluded withdrawing his hand from the boy's cheek. Where oh where should the boy start? The place he chose was a fine enough place! The piles were a good way to get things sorted yet... they clearly needed a few trash sacks... and a laundry bin. Turning from the spectacle of young Demyx's work, Marluxia added near sweetly. "I will return with a hamper and sacks. Keep tidying up until I return." With that, the rose locked beauty exited, silently proceeding to first retrieve his glove and then the needed commodities. Where was he going to find a laundry hamper? Well... as much as it peeved him, he had gathered his own hamper which was thankfully only containing the last day's clothing and nothing more! The trash sacks were quickly looped over his arm and unceremoniously -- and looking a lot less dignified than he usually did, he returned bearing a simple white hamper with a little rose knob at the top that opened the lid.... and an arsenal of trash sacks. Flop! Down to the bed the sacks went with but one command. "Sack the garbage." What was Marluxia going to do? Wordlessly, he tugged the hamper open and continued toward the pile of dirty clothes. By the arm-full he drug the dirty clothes to the hamper. Oh no! It was out-- Marluxia had now likely seen every pair of the kid's underwear that had ever existed! At least he was helping Demyx instead of simply criticizing him! "You will be able to do the things you enjoy more easily when your quarters are clean... I imagine," he continued irrelevantly, "that your little friends will be happier as well..." Actually- the fish probably wouldn't have known much different.
evening stroll's avatar

Report | 02/27/2008 3:06 pm

evening stroll

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"T-Thank you." She said. As the pink sorta came back.
"I wouldn't say im upset..I was just looking at the possibilities on something.." She narrowed her eyes to the ground.
"But..It's like you said..You wouldn't leave m-Everyone in the castle. Unless you were forced to.?"

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Darkness Marluxia's avatar

Report | 02/27/2008 10:49 am

Darkness Marluxia

Demyx was a comical boy; perhaps one of the most humorous members in Marluxia's eyes. Unfortunately for Demyx the humor came with a condescending look. Marluxia did find the boy pathetic-- and not in a flattering light however... he also found him... utterly adorable. Demyx had a child-like quality that no other had; not even Roxas. The swift zipping of his robes forced the deadly assassin to scoff inwardly, his pace hardly changing as the boy struggled to keep up as though bound by some kind of traditional kimono! Demyx did much resemble a penguin waddling behind him as though Marluxia was fixing to steal his fish and as the boy nearly tripped, the pink haired beauty finally spoke. "Demyx... if you can not walk, unzip your robes. Don't be a fool, I've little patience for it." Oh! But Marluxia had all the patience in the world for it; he simply enjoyed watching the boy cringe at the idea he suggested. As Demyx had twisted the knob and allowed the rose locked grace to pass before him, Marluxia was nothing short of appalled. The ghastly smell of rotting fruit was abundant and with the moldy smell, Marluxia allowed his hand to slowly creep up before his mouth as though to mask the smell. Amid the stale gale of the teen's room, Marluxia's pleasant floral scent stood out like a crimson clover in a patch of green! "Vile," he hissed glancing from pile to pile even as the little one dashed forward to the fish. "Before we return to my quarters, this room will be made spotless, number nine," growled eleven at long last reverting to the ranks. Strange to hear it that way. Numbers sounded so much harsher than names... Ah! But the fish tank was a marvel that Marluxia could appreciate and as he slowly lowered his hand from his face becoming accustomed to the aroma of the boy's room, he strolled to the fish tank. Standing along-side Demyx, Marluxia gazed down toward the algae. A healthy tank had algae-- and it was difficult to cultivate indoors. Unfortunately, once cultivated it was also difficult to keep in check! "The sea has an endless bounty of wonderful and rare flora to which I am quite fond of," Marluxia murmured swiftly dismissing himself from the tank. Strolling over to the bed, he was unceremonious in yanking the kid's blanket from the bed scattering any magazines that lay a top. One thing he had been careful not to do was upset the boy's Sitar. He knew exactly how precious it was to Demyx and had no intention of breaking the boy's ....eh... 'void'. Glowering down toward the sheets, Marluxia growled. "Dare I ponder in my mind of minds when the last time was you washed your bedding was, Demyx?" Now there's a thought. If his room was that messy, it spoke little hope for his bedding. Glowering over the fitted sheet, the graceful beauty half expected to see cookie crumbs, soda stains, and perhaps even stains of another nature all together. (haha! >_> Demyx? A bed wetter? Hn. He'd never live it down.) Folding the comforter over his arm, he dubbed clean or dirty that the thing was getting washed promptly! "Start cleaning," he prompted glancing about for any manner of chair which he might sit and dictate upon! What was worse than three days with Marluxia? --three days of cleaning with Marluxia!
evening stroll's avatar

Report | 02/27/2008 6:51 am

evening stroll

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"I consider you as a very close friend.." She corrected, directing herself to the ceiling.
"If I lost you-"
She trailed off. Never leaving the sight o the ceiling.

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Darkness Marluxia's avatar

Report | 02/26/2008 5:50 pm

Darkness Marluxia

As the boy admitted just how wrong he was, Marluxia allowed his eyes to fall closed for a moment; a pleased curve uplifting his fine lips. Where were they going to go now? Well, to get a few things for Demyx. For starters, Demyx needed pajamas... and probably something quiet to do while Marluxia did his own things. What of the sob the boy let though? It delighted Marluxia, and as Demyx sniveled, Marluxia allowed his gloved hand to softly stroke the boy's cheek but once. "Let's away then," he murmured as the blonde sat himself up swiftly hiding his undergarments from view. "I'm sure you wish to gather a few things from your quarters..." The sweep of onyx material sounded and with a small settling of his own attire, Marluxia stood. Was he going to accompany Demyx to his quarters? Yes-- let's just hope his room wouldn't give Marluxia something else to chide him about! Why was it he wanted to stalk the boy to his room? Perhaps curiosity... perhaps a small need to control the boy that much longer. Luckily once he saw the fish in his room, Marluxia would have allowed the boy to return to feed them loyally. Fish could be tricky creatures and the delicate anenomies of marine aquariums had always pleased marluxia... they were like deadly flowers in their own right... and Coral! He did also quite love coral. Marluxia had no tanks of his own though. Simply flowers-- many flowers. Leading off, the pink haired killer strolled toward number nine's quarters, awaiting only for Demyx to open the door.
Darkness Marluxia's avatar

Report | 02/26/2008 7:18 am

Darkness Marluxia

Poor nobody; humiliated and without pity. As the boy began to weasil in his words, Marluxia did feel a small pang of satisfuaction even if he knew that Demyx would have said the same to any given person who had overpowered and spanked him. By that logic, anyone would have been the best judge that could sit on or tickle the kid into oblivion! "Does it really hurt that bad?" The question came with a small lift from the elegant assasin's brow: a rare display of expression other than rage, peeve, or injury. "Pathetic," he scoffed before landing but one more rough smack to the boy's rose flushed bottom; his palm cupping evenly at the base of the boy's arse where thigh met bottom. Said final smack had landed with enough force to likely push the poor kid's frame forward however, Marluxia wanted this interesting impression to linger over number nine. He wanted to watch him squirm with anticipation any other time he thought the graceful blade to be displeased with him... wanted to watch the tension build every time Marluxia spoke about Demyx as though wondering whether or not the pink haired beauty would spread the rumor that Dem-Dem's hide had been tanned by number thirteen. He would behave, oh yes! Resting his hand at long last over the boy's scorched bottom, the silky bare set of five gently offered something of feigned sympathy stroking lightly over the boy's upturned posterior. "Hnn... yes, I think you will be a good little boy, my dear," he purred before adding with the intent simply to murmur his name once more. "... Demyx..." It might have been refreshing to be called 'Demyx' rather than number nine yet, the way Marluxia called his name... it was quite controlling... and just a bit creepy. He could have set the brat in a corner yet, Marluxia longed to see the shimmering pearls at the boy's eyelids. He wanted to see the threat of tears! Slowly dragging the boy's fitted boxerbriefs back up over his rosey seat, Marluxia released his grip at the boy's ribs allowing Demyx to sit up at his own accord. For the moment, Marluxia quite enjoyed the extra weight pressed against him.
Kairi - Childhood Friend's avatar

Report | 02/25/2008 8:13 pm

Kairi - Childhood Friend

Zexion laughed modestly, ".. Oh.. I'm sure Axel does plenty of nice things for you..." Zexion responded. He had felt envious.
Why did the firey, short-tempered one get so lucky?
Perhaps it was Zexion's reserved nature that didn't aid him.
Everyone loved the short-tempered ones.. or the shy and timid, frightened ones. Never what was in between.
".. You come up with songs for everyone in the Organization? Or had I gotten lucky to have you think of me?" Zexion's lips formed a smirk.
Zexion admired Demyx's poetic language. Even with the literature he buried his nose in, could he never talk so expressively.
He was blunt and to the point.
"You are the most wonderful addition to the Organization, Demyx.. Even if the other's are annoyed of you, you are certainly enlightening.. Perhaps I was wrong about you."
His chuckle was cruel; subconsciously watching Demyx toy with his tassels.

Darkness Marluxia's avatar

Report | 02/25/2008 7:51 pm

Darkness Marluxia

Didn't he believe him? Well, that remained yet to be seen! Demyx, among all of them, was the only nobody capable of feigning tears. Perhaps that was what Marluxia was holding out for-- or perhaps he was simply enjoying himself too much to let the blonde brat go just yet. Whichever the scenario was, Marluxia's answer was short in reply to the boy's question of faith. "I do not." Curt andto the point, he drew his naked hand backward to swish forward, a milder though still biting swat ringing across the hallway until the second echoed it a half breath later. The first had landed on one of the boy's cheeks while the second had been directed toward the opposite. "But," Marluxia continued allowing his wrist to snap forward again and again even while he spoke. Was he counting anymore? No. "Perhaps I am not the best judge of sorrow since I understand little of it... perhaps we should ask the rest of the organization to come and be the judge?-- I am certain they would enjoy the spectacle..." Who wouldn't have enjoyed seeing poor nine's rosey bottom at present? Marluxia sure seemed to be enjoying himself. swat! "You want to enter my private quarters so desperately?" swat! --the words were laced with a small unleashing of anger. "You long so desperately to jepardise... my plants?" Ah! So there was a hidden passion for his plants... perhaps even peevement toward the boy who insisted they didn't have hearts. SMACK! "Fine then," the dark one concluded regaining his velvet tone of seduction. "You needn't leave my quarters. For three days... you shall be under my constant scrutiny... and if you inch one thread out of my comforts... I will see to it that you are bent over something far more unplesant than my welcome lap!" Now there was a threat to dread! "Is that clear-- Demyx?" For the sake of the kid's bum, let's hope it was crystal clear!
Kairi - Childhood Friend's avatar

Report | 02/25/2008 7:13 pm

Kairi - Childhood Friend

Zexion's gaze was soft and amazed.
He wished he had a talent such as Demyx had, something he was passionate for and loved dearly, or in his case, was fond of greatly.
All he had was his book and his ability to shift his body's image to that of another's for negative purposes.
As Demyx played, he watched him closely, his body language and the way he picked at the strings. Why was Demyx so.. so.. against fighting? And violence?
Usually, that trait would anger Zexion, but he thought of it differently.
He felt an odd pain in his chest once more and clutched at his robe that hung against his chest. What a burden that pain was. He never felt it with the other members, not with Xigbar, Lexaeus, and god forbid Marluxia.
But just with Demyx.
It had puzzled him seeing that he had no idea what it was that pained him.

When Demyx finished, he smiled and gently applauded the blonde. ".. You are very good.. You played that instrument as if you were born to play it.. Perhaps anything with strings you can play nicely.."
He chuckled softly, "Where did you pick up that talent.. Demyx..?"
Darkness Marluxia's avatar

Report | 02/25/2008 7:12 pm

Darkness Marluxia

Shame was such a beautiful color on people, and as Demyx began to beg and plead-- and inevitably lower his head in shame. Yes... shame was the loveliest expression for young Demyx to wear... the timid, puppy-eye'd face of a sniveling little puppet. Then again-- perhaps... just perhaps in the dark and 'nothingness' core that was Marluxia... perhaps he was fond of the energetic blonde. That was likely why he wasted his time torturing the boy in any way other than dismemberment. Demyx had too sweet of a face to dismantle. As his shimmering eyes grazed down against the boy's flushed bottom as his lashes dipped once more. "Pity," he near spat as he swiftly flipped his wrist forward to deliver a ringing smack against the boy's pinkened fanny. Smack! Surprisingly, Marluxia was keeping his force simply to the forte of a smarting sting. Bruising was not necessary on a pup such as Demyx. "that such an adorable boy must be so... ill behaved...." smack! smack! smack! smack! A series of evenly paced though rapid swats soon came, the delicate spanse of his leather gloved hand blessing the center of the poor runt's bottom over and over. What then? Well, once more there came a pause as the devilish eleven lifted his hand up before his lips as though supressing a yawn. "You've got... very delicate flesh... Demyx," he cooed allowing his teeth to seize the third tip of his glove. With that, he tugged the glove free of his lovely hand. Bare flesh on flesh... was always more humiliating. flop. The glove landed uselessly along-side Marluxia. "Hnn... I wonder if you are sorry just yet?" Who wouldn't have been?!
evening stroll's avatar

Report | 02/25/2008 6:40 pm

evening stroll

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"A friend once told me...To never give up hope." She mentioned, holding back a few tears.
"Demyx..Your a wonderful friend...I'm lucky to have you around.." She began. "But...I don't want you to waste your time doing such a thing.."
"Roxas will come...When he's ready." She said lifting her head. "I-I'm sure he will.."

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Kairi - Childhood Friend's avatar

Report | 02/25/2008 6:40 pm

Kairi - Childhood Friend

Zexion walked very quietly beside Demyx, the only audible sound made from the boy was the shifting of his dark uniform.
Zexion had returned to his silent state, judging by his facial expression, he was in a neutral mood unlike his usual angered state.
"Demyx.." He called quietly, holding the thick and heavy book in his arms that withheld silver designs upon its cover,
"... I heard you were going to write a song? With the instrument I had gifted you?" Zexion had allowed a comforting smile creep upon his lips.
He never made eye contact.
Recently Zexion has been looking down to his shoes or perhaps fixing the tattered spine of his book, focusing on something else so closely that it was surprising that he caught on with another's conversation.
"Have you forgotten...?" Zexion's dull eyes then looked to Demyx for the faintest moment.
Darkness Marluxia's avatar

Report | 02/25/2008 6:35 pm

Darkness Marluxia

The whimper the boy let stroked something within Marluxia sweetly, and as the child curved his legs up toward his rounded bottom, Marluxia offered him a swift and reprimanding smack to his freshly revealed boxerbriefs. "Are you trying to block the punishment you rightfully deserve?" Marluxia knew that wasn't what Demyx had intended to do and understood very well that the chill had likely been what had caused the boy to shy his knees upward as such yet-- blaming the little twerp for more than he was accountable for did add to the fun of 'cat and mouse.' Demyx made such an adorable little mouse too- or was he a gerbil given his tufted hair? Now, being focused on one's self wasn't exactly correct in Marluxia's book. Certainly, Marluxia viewed himself as being focused on himself however, the assasin viewed himself as quite superior. Demyx, on the other hand, was an underling who should have thought first of his superiors... "Incorrect," Marluxia murmured before landing two more stinging swats to the boy's scantly clad rump. "Your superior's interests should be kept in mind at all times however... you should also... play by the rules..." His tone had dipped to a deadly satin and with those words, he unleashed yet another half dozen of spanks; each landing at a different sit-spot to spread the inevitable flush of rose shade he would leave at the boy's posterior. "I am not convinced you have learned anything," Marluxia replied sadistically, allowing his index to shift upward, hooking beneath the elastic of Demyx's shorts. Wasn't that going a bit... too far? Marluxia didn't seem to care. In one solemn tug he drug his finger downward between the boy's cheeks... and with it came the undergarment. Now on proud display, the boy's bottom glared upturned. Humiliation was something Marluxia had mastered.
Darkness Marluxia's avatar

Report | 02/25/2008 5:55 pm

Darkness Marluxia

Learned... "Hn," Marluxia murmured in return to his profession of 'higher education,' quickly countering the boy's insistance with a thought of his own. "All naughty little boys say the same thing to avoid the inevitable." Pop! Smack! Swat! The count was up to nine thus far, and if Demyx had been humiliated thus far, he wouldn't have lived beyond what Marluxia had planned for the blonde cherrub. Pintching an index and thumb of the boy's onyx robe, the rose king slowly began to ease the back of the boy's robes upward inch by inch. Would there be boxing shorts? Underpants? Clothes? --nothing at all? That was a curious question but for now, Marluxia was more focused on belittling the boy with words. "For me to punish you... it benifits me greatly... it teaches you.... not to enter my room without permission... Doesn't it.... Demyx..." It was a simple question that demanded agreement: especially as the black robe had come to rest at the small of the boy's back.
Axel Eyes's avatar

Report | 02/25/2008 5:48 pm

Axel Eyes

Axel observed Demyx’s pained expression and took note to the drowsy look in the blonde’s blue eyes. He felt like a fool now, yelling at him before when he had done nothing. But why was he there in the first place? Axel knew very well his room wasn’t the most comfortable room to the others, especially sensitive Demyx. “Eh, why don’t you sit down… /on/ the bed? You look…” He voice trailed off as he thought for a word, “…flushed.” Before he could receive an answer, Axel placed both hands on the boy’s shoulders and forced him backwards and onto the bed. “If you aren’t needing anything from me, then what is you want?”
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