Story (updated)

Rote was born into a wealthy Irish family, her father was a doctor, and her mother a stay-at-home housewife. Her mother had been diagnosed with depression, and most of the time, never paid any attention to young Rote, and when she did, she was never happy.
When Rote was 8 years old, she had gotten so fed up with her mother's mood, that she pushed her, while they were both at the top of the home's grand stair case. Her mother fell down the stairs, and to her death on the marble floor below.
Her father labeled his daughter as a social hazard, diagnosed her with Bipolar disorder, and locked her away in his asylum. There, she lived on heavy amounts of lithium for 8 years, not feeling any kind of emotion due to her father's pills.
When she was 16, she 'discovered' pain. Or rather, she re-discovered it, since she had not felt it in 8 years. It was then, as she stared at her bleeding hand where the knife had fallen and cut into, she realized what she had been missing. What her father took from her.
And that started her masochistic lifestyle.
A year later, the asylum 'mysteriously' burnt down, killing all it's patients and doctors inside, except for the young girl, Rote. Her father died as well, but not from the fire. His charred remains were found in his office, with a knife lodged in his skull. He had died long before the fire had started, and as investigators researched, they discovered the fire had been started there.

For the next 2 years, Rote lived on the streets, in various regions of Europe, drifting from boyfriend to girlfriend, drifting to anyone who would shelter her. These were the most reckless years of her life (so far) filled with drug abuse, sex, and underground fights.
When she turned 19, she left it all behind, and joined an underground group in Germany, where she learned how to fight, learning various kinds of martial arts, warfare, and weapons. The group gave her the code name "Der Rote Rabe" Which she adopted and still uses to this day.
When she was 22, the group was disbanded and destroyed by the police force, and she was sentenced to 5 years in prison.
But, she only served 1 year in prison.
During her prison day, she had acquired a knife (how she did it, is unknown) and during the night, with the help of her cellmate (or forced to help her) She cut multiple carvings into her back, all old celtic symbols that she had learned from her younger years. The wounds nearly killed her, and when the guards came to her cell, and carried her away, she escaped, just barely escaping with her life. The scars still mar her back to this day.

When she broke out of prison, she met Fuhrer Felix, and his adoptive son, Kasimir. She joined their militia, specializing in reconnaissance, hand-to-hand combat, and stealth missions.
A year later, she married Kasimir, just days before the SS was destroyed. She followed her husband into Voye's forces, realizing she had no other choice.
Most recent, after a fight with a woman named Lydia, and after she had Kasimir faced the truth about her husband's immortality, she swore to give him a child, so he would not be alone when she passed away. After Voye's very relaxing cruise, Rote came back to conflict. Her husband, Kasimir, remembered his past. He was Reficul, horseman of the apocalypse, spawn of satan. The Kasimir she knew was long gone.
With Reficul in charge, he began to attack the republic and plot the downfall of the world, as Rote's pregnancy increased, the babies growing quickly due to their demonic heritage. Finally, on the day of the eclipse, Reficul was killed by Agito, and hours later, Rote gave birth to twins, Croix, a boy, and Claire, a girl. She pours all her love and affection on them, but is deeply saddened by her husbands death. She is barely holding on to life, her only reason for staying is her children. And that isn't much. Rote has reverted back to her former, masochistic self.
Months after her husband's death, Rote was teetering on the edge of life and death, the only thing keeping her there were her children. Just when she decided she needed to move on, her husband appeared in the foyer of their room...Alive, and once again Kasimir. It is never explained to Rote how he survived, and she doesn't really care. However, when Kasimir/reficul had been stabbed, the demon inside of Kasimir was killed and driven out. SOme of the demonic powers stayed, putting Kasimir in a coma after the fight, one which he eventually recovered from.
After a talk with Voye, Rote is now at conflict. Part of her wants to wind down, to stop fighting, and just be Maeve once more, though part of her believe Maeve is long dead. She is determined to be a good mother to Claire and Croix, and decided to take a break from Republic missions. In the meanwhile, Felix left the republic.

A year after Felix left the republic, and the republic fell, Felix, Kasimir, and Peaches met again....And revived their old SS. However, the actions did not go unnoticed, and Voye retaliated, building the republic back up, ensuring Conflict. Rote is unsure of the war that is coming between the two forces, since many of Voye's soldiers were her comrades, and she herself had been getting attached to Voye.

Months after they rebuilt the SS, Felix had been captured by Voye, and allegedly 'killed'. Unknown to the SS, he was alive, having been experimented by the Voye, turned into more of a robot than he already was.
In the absence of Felix, the SS nominated Rote to lead them, and she accepted the spot (almost reluctantly). She now leads the SS, and is determined to figure out the truth of what happened to Felix.
Rote's voice actor is Trish from Devil may cry. Ill have more later.